Veggie Wrap

How to prepare Veggie Wrap

Veggie Wrap is loved by both kids and older people. It gives you a break from the regular food items and also keeps you full for a longer time.
Servings 1 person
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes



  1. Knead the dough using Bran(and wheat atta) or millet flour and adequate amount of water and keep it aside.
  2. Now finely chop all the vegetables. In pan heat oil and saute all the vegetable except lettuce.
  3. Once vegetables are cooked add salt and pepper powder, lemon juice and mix.
  4. Make roti out of the dough and roast it evenly.
  5. Spread green chutney on roti, put chopped lettuce and sauted veggies to top, wrap it like a frankie and serve hot.
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