Fish in Green Masala

Fish in Green Masala

Fish in Green Masala recipe is simple, easy to prepare and extremely nourishing at the same time. It contains the best mix of disease-fighting and anti-ageing nutrients. What’s more, it is heart-friendly since fish contains Omega-3 fatty acid, and the greens, of course, are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin C, and soluble fibre.
Servings 2 persons
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  1. Clean fish, make slits on its body and keep it aside
  2. Make chutney by grinding the rest of the ingredients
  3. Marinate fish well in the chutney & add 1 tbsp mustard oil. Leave it to rest for 2 hours
  4. Place fish in aluminium foil & bake in oven or in pan without any water on a slow flame
  5. The fish will cook in its own juices keeping all the nutrients available in the recipe intact

Recipe Notes

Note: Vegetarians can use large slices of tofu instead of fish marinated in the same masala in order to get its health benefit.

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