Obesity is often associated with an increased risk of more than 20 chronic illness and health conditions that can have a devastating...
Weight Loss Articles
Eat Right – Don’t Diet – Lose Weight
Being healthy and losing weight can sound so simple like, ‘Eat less, be more active’. But as anyone who has ever tried...
EAT to Lose Weight!
Let’s face it, most of us struggle with our weight. And we all know that in order to achieve it, we need to cut...
Lose Weight and Keep it Off for Life
One of the most significant aspect of weight loss is keeping an optimistic attitude throughout your journey. In order to shed kilos...
Barley- A Natural Way To Lose Weight
Barley is well known across the world for it’s immense health and weight loss benefits. So if you want to get rid...
13 Proven Amazing Benefits of Garlic for Health & Skin
Garlic is the most common ingredient used in Indian preparations not just because of its pungent taste and smell but also because...
4 Quick Weight Loss Foods To Include In Your Breakfast
No matter how desperately you want to lose weight, it is advisable to never skip your breakfast. Always remember to start a...
3 Best Drinks To Quickly Reduce Your Waistline
Being on the heavier side not only makes one socially conscious but also prone to certain diseases. Having fat more concentrated on...
Go Slim Without The Gym!
A combination of diet and exercise is the chosen way of weight loss recommended by most health experts. This, most of the time means...
Lose Weight The Right Way To Be Healthier And Happier
There is hardly anyone who does not want to lose those extra kilos and get back to their desired goals. In order...
Ayurveda & Nutrition Is The Answer To Weight Problems
Ayurveda, is an ancient system of medicine developed in India. Through its deep-rooted form of treatment, it helps prevent diseases, promotes health,...
5000-Year-Old Remedies For Weight Management
Ayurveda is a very old form of treatment. Its origin can be traced back to more than 5000 years. This natural form...