Amazing Benefits of Fasting Once A Week For Weight Loss

Fasting is the act of voluntarily abstaining from food and drinks for a predetermined period. While this can have adverse effects on your health, fasting once in a while has a positive impact on your health.

It reduces your calorie intake, which is why intermittent fasting on a regular basis will aid weight loss. This can also increase your metabolism temporarily. But don’t do this too many days in a row or your body will crash into conservation mode.

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If you are new to it, we recommend to include two or more glasses of fresh vegetable juice. This is one of the best tips, especially if you are a beginner, as it will help to ease your hunger pangs. Also, make sure your food is low in fat or low in carbohydrates. Include more of fruits, nuts and sprouted grains in your diet plan.

Follow the famous 5:2 diet plan, where you eat your regular meals for five days and then fast on two days. According to this plan, on the fasting days, you must keep your calorie intake at 400–500 calories (for women) or 500–600 calories (for men). For the remaining five days, follow your regular diet, but avoid overeating. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

The goal is to not eat after the dinner time meal until the following dinner time meal. Remember, the key to weight loss is sustained changes in diet and exercise patterns. If fasting is one arrow in a quiver of lifestyle changes, then it is a beneficial thing. By itself, probably not.

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