Tea may play a greater role in weight loss than you know! Research claims that black tea may aid weight loss as it speeds up metabolism and aids the natural process of detoxification.
Drinking black tea may promote weight loss and speed up your metabolism, a new study claims. Published in the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that this tea stimulates the production of good bacteria in the gut. They also claimed that drinking tea can also improve metabolism in the liver.
Black Tea Benefits for Weight Loss
A group of plant-based antioxidants called flavonoids, or polyphenols, are responsible for many of the health and weight loss benefits associated with tea. Here the 7 black tea benefits for weight loss and health!
Boosts Metabolism
If its weight loss you are looking for, black tea is the perfect weight loss drink for you! Drinking this tea 1-2 times daily can help speed up weight loss by boosting your body metabolism naturally.
Burns Belly Fat
Black tea is loaded with healthy antioxidants which boost metabolism, detoxify your body and speeds up the fat-burning process. So drink at least 1-2 cups daily to help burn away belly and body fat naturally.
Lowers Cholesterol
High levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) can lead to the build-up of plaque in the arteries and increases one’s risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. Black tea helps lower LDL levels and boosts HDL (good cholesterol) levels naturally and thus lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Detoxifies the Body
Most of us load up on detox juices and shakes. However, the best way to detoxify your body is through natural food and drinks. Black tea is a powerful detoxifying drink. It helps flush out toxins from the body and aids natural and quick weight loss.
Controls Sugar Levels
High insulin or blood sugar levels are often the cause behind unwanted weight gain. Black tea helps flush out unhealthy toxins and excess sugar from the body and thus helps keep a check on blood sugar levels. It is also a great and safe drink for diabetics when consumed without sugar.
Treats Constipation
Black tea helps improve digestion naturally and is often used as an effective and simple home remedy for constipation. It is also known to be an effective treatment for diarrhoea due to its soothing effect on the stomach.
Stress has become a part and parcel of our daily lives. No matter where we come from, stress is something which cannot be avoided. But luckily for us, nature has provided us with an amazing stress-busting drink! Black tea is known to have a calming and soothing effect on the brain. So the next time you are feeling stressed out, make yourself a hot cup of tea and shun away the stress!
Black tea is indeed a superfood when it comes to weight loss! So replace your daily cup of normal tea or coffee with a black tea to start enjoying black tea weight loss and health benefits. However, ensure you limit your daily intake to 1-2 cups per day and not more. While this tea can surely help you lose weight, an excess consumption can cause ulcer formations.
Also, ensure you drink your black tea without milk or sugar. If you wish to sweeten your tea, opt for natural sweeteners like honey or Jaggery, instead of refined white sugar.
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