Winter is that time of the year when your diet and exercise regime requires extra attention. Due to drop in temperature, you tend to eat more and spend less time on physical activity. This means that though your calorie intake is high, you are burning fewer calories, leading to weight gain.
However, winter weight problems can be dealt with a bit of physical effort and diet management. Here are some superfoods and lifestyle changes that can help you to lose weight during winter.
1. Potatoes
One medium size potato has only 150 calories! Potatoes are rich in fibre, potassium and vitamin C. To include plain potatoes in your winter diet plan for weight loss, chop 2-3 potatoes, add chopped onions, sauté in olive oil and add spices as per taste. This makes for a filling lunch and helps you lose weight during winter.
2. Cauliflower
This vegetable is packed with fibre and is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These components make it an ideal food for improving digestion, increasing metabolism and supporting weight loss.
3. Brussels sprouts
They are rich in vitamins and nutrients such as vitamins C, A and K, and B6, folate, potassium, and manganese. The vitamin C content found in Brussels sprouts is much more than oranges. What’s more, they are very low in calories – just 10 calories!
4. Kale
5. Guava
Called a super fruit due to its numerous health benefits, guava helps you to lose weight by regulating your metabolism. It is loaded with nutrients and is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for weight loss and skin. Since guava contains 80% water, it is also good for hydration.
6. Honey
It improves digestion and is a good substitute for sugar. Honey can help you lose weight if consumed with warm water and lemon juice. The combination of honey and cinnamon also aids weight loss.
7. Onions
Click here for a diet for weight loss
8. Coconut milk
If you want to shed those extra kilos this winter, add coconut milk to your winter diet plan. But don’t get canned coconut milk as it is very high in calories – at least 445 calories per cup – along with 48 grams of fat. Instead choose coconut milk packed in cartons as it is much low in calories and fat.
9. Chia seeds
They are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Since chia seeds form a gel when mixed with water, they digest slowly, which is great for those looking to control portions and cravings.
10. Papaya
This fruit is low in calories (43 calories) and rich in nutrients like vitamins C, A, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and fibre. Papaya is also a rich source of beta carotene that flushes out toxins from the body and boosts metabolism rate.
11. Chicken breast
Choose lean meats like skinless chicken breasts if you want to lose weight. They are rich in protein and low in fat. Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in protein boosts satiety and reduces cravings. Both these factors are crucial to lose weight.
12. Oatmeal
One hot bowl of oatmeal on a winter morning for breakfast will keep you full till lunch. Not only is oatmeal tasty and easy-to-make, it is also rich in many nutrients and phytochemicals. Studies have shown that people who eat oatmeal or oats for breakfast, eat 1/3rd fewer calories during lunchtime.
13. Beans and legumes
They are packed with all the essential nutrients such as protein, fibre and antioxidants, which boost satiety. Legumes like kidney and black beans, are high in protein and fibre, making them a powerful weight loss superfood.
Weight Loss Tips
Here are some smart tips from our experts on how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks –
14. Learn to say ‘no’
It is important to learn to say ‘no’ to yourself. It is often seen that more than men, women tend to indulge in desserts post dinner. This increases their daily calorie intake and leads to weight gain. So, to lose weight during winter be strict with yourself!
15. Exercise daily
If you lose motivation to exercise outdoors during winter, bring your workouts indoors!
16. Intake of Vitamin D
Sunshine, one of the best sources of vitamin D, helps you to lose weight. How? It can prevent dips in serotonin, a mood-boosting brain chemical, which is also partially responsible for making you feel full. Interestingly, bright light, or even a heavy dose of artificial light in the morning, can cut down your appetite, food cravings and reduce weight.
17. Maintain a balanced diet
Eat a diet that includes 50% raw and 50% cooked vegetables along with whole grains and pulses.
18. Eat more of fibre
Increase fibre intake by consuming flaxseeds (alsi seeds), raw almonds and raw vegetable juices. Consume 1-2 tablespoons of isabgol if you find it difficult to organise fibre through your diet.
Read more about benefits of fibre for healthy weight loss
19. Add some bitter foods
According to Ayurveda, foods that are bitter in taste such as lettuce leaves, spinach, methi, karela and cucumber, help in removing toxins, improving digestion and toning up the tissues. These foods also help to normalise excessive hunger, thus helping you to lose weight during winter.
20. Drink plenty of water
In winters, you usually tend to drink less water as you feel less thirsty. But the more water you drink, the faster you can lose weight. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, curbs hunger and boosts energy levels.
21. Include high-water content foods
Eat more of soups, fruits and vegetables, and hot cereals. The high-water content in these foods adds weight and volume without increasing your calorie intake.
Remember that maintaining ideal weight is a lifetime commitment and not a one-month affair. You must firmly believe that the pleasure of being healthy is far greater, than the pleasure of eating unwisely. Once this kind of self – hypnosis seeps in, half the battle of the bulge is won.
If you’re thinking about losing weight this winter, make a diet and exercise plan and stick to it! If you need help with your plan, call our toll-free 1800 266 0607 to book an appointment with our health experts.