Children and women are more commonly affected than adult men. Urticaria is not contagious, and the risk of passing this disease to someone is almost nil.
Tag: urticaria
Symptoms of Urticaria
Symptoms of Urticaria are as follows: Blanching since the area turns white when pressed hard Raised red itchy bumps Changes the shape and size of the affected area
Causes of Urticaria
The causes of Urticaria could be due to various reasons, mainly: Due to allergic reactions from drugs or medicines Due to various foods that you might be allergic to Due to extreme cold, damp or hot temperature Due to too much exposure to sun or water
What is Urticaria?
Urticaria also known as hives consists of raised red or white patches on skin. It is usually itchy, painful and causes a burning sensation. It also leads to swelling of various body parts like hands and feet, and affects nearly 20% of people in their lifetime.