Thyroid gland produces hormones that control all the activities in your body. It regulates the protein synthesis, energy rate and your body’s response to other hormones. There are several signs that point towards thyroid disorder but don’t be careless and ignore them. If ignored, your thyroid might get severe and might pose a threat to your...
Tag: thyroid
Connection between hyperthyroidism and weight loss
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland gets overactive and produces extra thyroid hormone. It occurs when the thyroid gland produces excess T3, T4 or both. Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of your neck and releases hormones that regulate: Body temperature Control your metabolism Heart rate Body weight...
Connection between hypothyroidism and weight gain
There is a complex relation between thyroid and body weight. Usually, when there is less production of thyroid hormones it leads to hypothyroid. Hypothyroid is associated with weight gain, poor memory and so forth. Maintaining a balanced weight can be difficult especially when you are struggling with hypothyroidism. Due to low T3, the metabolism of...
Heal your thyroid with Homeopathy and Nutrition
Thyroid produces several hormones that are responsible for the weight gain and loss in our body, and a lot of other health issues. Therefore, a treatment for thyroid must focus on treating the symptoms of thyroid at the base level and curing it completely to give you relief for a lifetime. The foremost treatment of...
Thyroid, a health concern for all
Thyroid has become a common health concern for people across the globe. It affects your health and can make a huge difference to your lifestyle. It makes you feel bloated, your skin looks dull and your diet goes for a toss. If you are wondering about the signs that will tell you about thyroid, then...