Thyroid gland produces hormones that control all the activities in your body. It regulates the protein synthesis, energy rate and your body’s response to other hormones. There are several signs that point towards thyroid disorder but don’t be careless and ignore them. If ignored, your thyroid might get severe and might pose a threat to your...
Tag: homeopathy
Connection between hyperthyroidism and weight loss
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland gets overactive and produces extra thyroid hormone. It occurs when the thyroid gland produces excess T3, T4 or both. Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of your neck and releases hormones that regulate: Body temperature Control your metabolism Heart rate Body weight...
Connection between hypothyroidism and weight gain
There is a complex relation between thyroid and body weight. Usually, when there is less production of thyroid hormones it leads to hypothyroid. Hypothyroid is associated with weight gain, poor memory and so forth. Maintaining a balanced weight can be difficult especially when you are struggling with hypothyroidism. Due to low T3, the metabolism of...
Heal your thyroid with Homeopathy and Nutrition
Thyroid produces several hormones that are responsible for the weight gain and loss in our body, and a lot of other health issues. Therefore, a treatment for thyroid must focus on treating the symptoms of thyroid at the base level and curing it completely to give you relief for a lifetime. The foremost treatment of...
Thyroid, a health concern for all
Thyroid has become a common health concern for people across the globe. It affects your health and can make a huge difference to your lifestyle. It makes you feel bloated, your skin looks dull and your diet goes for a toss. If you are wondering about the signs that will tell you about thyroid, then...
What winter does to your skin?
Winter is all about spreading warmth, however, this season could be really tough on your skin. Though it’s a wonderland outside during winters, but your skin reveals something else. This season brings along a lot of dryness, itchiness and can make you look dull. The harsh weather, chilly winds and ultra-violet rays strip the glow...
How to protect your skin during winter?
Comes winter and your skin gets all dry, flaky sans any glow. This can make you look very dull, itchy and unattractive. However, with proper skincare routine, you can retain the glow of your skin and look gorgeous all the time. To help you out, our health experts bring you a few ways to keep...
Get the glow back of your skin with homeopathy and nutrition
We often envy those with glowing skin, don’t we? At times, we even wonder what goes behind that radiant skin that lends those gorgeous girls their beauty. While some are born with it, few could thank their lineage or it’s just the lifestyle they lead that could be responsible for their healthy skin. The desire...
Winter could trigger your respiratory issues
Winter is just around the corner, so don’t let this beautiful season trigger your health issues. With the temperature dropping each day, it gets important to be aware of the preventive measure. Our experts feel these are some of the tips that could help to prevent you from suffering severe respiratory issues during winter: The...
Homeopathy can help you breathe!
Respiratory issues are one of the most common health disorder that have been a concern for one and all across the globe. The number of cases has been increasing with more and more people falling prey to this serious health concern. Respiratory disorder includes allergies, bronchitis, rhinitis and asthma. These issues tend to get aggravated...
Treat hair problems with homeopathy and nutrition
Your hair is a reflection of your health that covers your health status over the last 6-18 months. With causes of hair loss ranging from genetic issues, hormonal imbalance, stress, chemical exposure, vitamin deficiency to unplanned weight loss, each and every minute detail of the person’s health history is taken into consideration before his or...
Treat PCOD with Homeopathy and Nutrition
A homeopathic approach to PCOD is always prescribed to women on the basis of their symptoms which includes determining their behaviour, mood and also their mental and physical status. The treatment also keeps in mind the entire medical history of the person, because it is a known fact that in many cases women are very...
Homeopathy, a healthy answer to PCOD
Homeopathic treatment for PCOD (polycystic ovarian disorder) is extremely safe since it is natural and does not cause any undesirable side-effects. Also, before getting the person on medication for PCOD, both the physical and mental spheres of the person are thoroughly determined, to understand what would be the best approach and treatment, based on an...
Treat Infertility with Homeopathy and Nutrition
The homeopathic approach towards infertility deals with physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualises a person. They work at the root level of a health problem without causing any side-effect and giving you a solution for the lifetime. This treatment first determines the core issue of a disorder, works on them minutely and eradicates it...
Infertility, a rising issue among women
Infertility is a medical condition in living beings especially females that refers to their inability to conceive and produce a baby. Though scientists once worried about the problem of population explosion, but the increasing number of infertility cases has seen a rapid growth in recent times. Cases of infertility are mostly common in women, however,...
Fighting mind and body with Infertility
Infertility has been on a rapid increase and both men and women undergoing this issue experience a lot of body and mental difficulties. This health problem brings along a lot of problems, not just health wise but emotionally also. This issue being prevalent in women makes them really weak as a person also since they...
Causes of Infertility
The inability to get pregnant or conceive a baby is often regarded as infertility. The main symptom of infertility is not being able to get pregnant. Other symptoms might include irregular or no menstrual periods, PCOD and hormonal issues. The issue can affect both men and women, but it is women who get diagnosed...
The key relation between your hair and health
Your hair can determine how healthy you are! Yes, the innumerable hours that you spend in a salon does make your hair look gorgeous, however, the very next day your hair has a different story to say. You might wash your hair on a regular basis, get them trimmed regularly, use the best products for...
Is your hair fall normal?
Is your hair more visible on the floor than on your scalp? Does your shower drain often gets clogged with clumps of hair? Watch out! Though it is normal to lose 80-100 strands of hair each day, but there are cases where people lose almost double the amount of hair each day. A major portion...
How homeopathy works to reduce hair fall?
Hair fall refers to loss of hair usually more than normal or average. This problem is found in both men and women, and factors like age, genetics, illness or medications could be responsible for this issue. Also, excess use of chemicals and harsh treatments on hair could be a reason for hair fall too. Traditional...