Your hair is a reflection of your health that covers your health status over the last 6-18 months. With causes of hair loss ranging from genetic issues, hormonal imbalance, stress, chemical exposure, vitamin deficiency to unplanned weight loss, each and every minute detail of the person’s health history is taken into consideration before his or...
Tag: hair-treatment:hair treatment
The key relation between your hair and health
Your hair can determine how healthy you are! Yes, the innumerable hours that you spend in a salon does make your hair look gorgeous, however, the very next day your hair has a different story to say. You might wash your hair on a regular basis, get them trimmed regularly, use the best products for...
People who get affected with Trichotillomania
Trichotillosis is a body-focused repetitive behaviour that can result into hair loss from any part of the body. This is more common among in females as compared to men. This particular disorder creates a strong desire in an individual to pull out their hair irrespective of their body parts. it is a chronic disease that...
Symptoms of Trichotillomania
Trichotillomania is a disorder which creates a sudden urge to pull out your hair from various parts of body which includes scalp and eyebrows. It leads to a kind of anxiety followed by a sense of satisfaction once you pull out the hair. This disorder could arise due to various reasons. These reasons could vary...
Causes of Trichotillomania
Trichotillosis is a body-focused repetitive behaviour that can result into hair loss from any part of the body. This is found more commonly in females as compared to men. This particular disorder creates a strong desire in an individual to pull out their hair irrespective of their body parts. it is a chronic disease that...
What is Trichotillomania?
Trichotillomania also known as trichotillosis refers to an impulsive-control disorder where an individual feels an uncontrollably strong urge to pull their hair either from their scalp, eyebrows or other body parts. It can be witnessed among infants but the peak age at which it generally starts is from the age of 9-13 years. It is...
Causes of dandruff
Dandruff can occur due to many causes. Here are some of the most common causes: Dry skin:Dry skin is one of the biggest and most common causes of dandruff formation. Seborrheic dermatitis: This could be another major cause for dandruff formation. Not cleaning:Scrubbing your often enough or not cleaning it all Shampooing your hair much...
People who can get affected with Alopecia
Alopecia is an auto immune hair disorder, which causes unpredictable patchy hair loss, and can be triggered at any given time, by a number of factors. Our approach helps strengthen your immunity system, and effectively treat this disorder by preventing further loss of hair and improving your natural hair growth. People who can get affected...
Symptoms of Alopecia
Alopecia cannot be regarded as a serious medical disorder. However, it does make a difference to a person’s confidence and personality. Most of the times, it is also referred as spot baldness, and usually begins when clumps of hair fall out resulting into totally smooth, bald patch. A person can get affected with Alopecia due...
Causes of Alopecia
Alopecia also known as spot baldness usually begins when a bunch of hair strands start falling out thereby resulting into smooth, hairless patch. Alopecia cannot be cured but it can be treated. It is a highly unpredictable disease where the hair follicles become small and does not grow hair above the skin surface. It usually...
What is Alopecia?
Alopecia refers to a type of hair loss where your hair follicles are attacked by the body’s immune system. Also known as spot baldness, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that frequently begins with one or more circular patches on the scalp. It is an unpredictable illness where the hair follicles become small and does...
People affected with Female-pattern baldness
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females that is characterized by a reduction in hair growth over the frontal scalps and crown. Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. It is commonly seen in women who are ageing. The...
Symptoms of female-pattern baldness
It is important to understand that female-pattern baldness is not a medical disorder. However, it might affect the self-esteem of the person and cause hesitation since the hair loss would be a permanent issue. There is no specific prevention for female-pattern baldness, but it is important to consult your primary medical advisor or dermatologist. Female...
Causes of female-pattern baldness
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females that is characterized by a reduction in hair growth over the frontal scalps and crown. Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. Female hair loss is one of the most common disorders...
What is Female-pattern baldness?
Female pattern baldness refers to the thinning of hair due to reduction in the volume of hair or immense hair shedding. It generally occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia, or during post menopause when the level of hormones keeps fluctuating. When a person suffers from female-pattern baldness, the hair follicles shrink down over a period...
People affected by male pattern baldness
There are a number of factors, other than gender, which can lead to, as well as increase one’s risk of suffering from male pattern baldness. They are as follows: When you’re in your teens You could be more vulnerable to male pattern baldness while you are still in your teens. However, it is more common...
Symptoms of male pattern baldness
There are always a few warning signs that appear, before any the onset of any disorder or disease The same goes for male pattern baldness as well. So look out for these warning symptoms, they could help you recognise and treat the disorder as early as possible. It’s your hairline The typical pattern of male...
Causes of male pattern baldness
The factors which can lead to male pattern baldness are as follows: Genetics Genes can be one of the major causes of male pattern baldness. Moreover, studies have shown that male pattern baldness is linked to male sex hormones referred to as androgens. These androgens perform various functions, which include regulating hair growth. Weakening of...
What is male pattern baldness?
Also referred to as male pattern hair loss (MPHL) or androgenic alopecia, one of the most common causes of hair loss, MPHL impacts up to 70% men and around 40% women at some point of time in their life. Men experience progressive hair loss at their temples and vertex, whereas women typically tend to see...