7 Natural Skincare Tips for Men

Gone are the days when men paid very little attention to their skin. Today is all about looking good and feeling good. While the internet is flooded with information on skin treatment and beauty tips for women, how often do you read about skincare tips for men? Well, not as much!

However, times are changing, and like women, men too are now looking after their skin. This does not only mean cleansing and moisturising to keep the skin healthy and clean. More and more men are opting for natural ways and home remedies to get a clearer and younger-looking skin.

Healthy skin radiates from within and that is what at Health Total we aim for. Day-to-day ingredients from your kitchen can provide the perfect solutions to a healthy glowing skin. Correct nutrition not only improves internal health and maintains your weight, but it also improves the texture of your skin and makes it glow!

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What’s your skin type?

  • Dry — If you have a dry skin, use a moisturizing cleanser and rich moisturizer. If you don’t have acne, any oil-based lotions are good.
  • Oily — Those with this type of skin must avoid oil-based products. Instead, use an oil-free or mattifying moisturizer in the morning and just a lightweight serum at night. Most raw vegetables and skin of fruits, rose water, apple cider vinegar, citrus juice, cucumber and mint have astringent qualities. They cleanse the pores, regulate skin pH, reduce inflammation and help fight skin infections. Chamomile tea acts as a wonderful astringent or toner for the skin. Similarly, cucumber cleans and lightens acne marks.
  • Normal/Combination — The trick to treating this variable skin is creating balance. Aim for a medium-weight product that maintains moisture but doesn’t add oil to already shiny areas.
  • Sensitive — For those with a sensitive skin, it is important to identify what they are allergic to. Some common allergic ingredients are eggs, dairy foods, alcohol, fragrances, dyes and preservatives. So, moisturize twice daily with products specifically designed for sensitive skin.

Know more about tips to prevent premature wrinkles

Natural skincare tips for men 

Did you know that you can find all the ingredients for skincare inside your kitchen cabinet itself? Using natural ways to take care of the skin has many advantages. For instance, natural skincare remedies are effective, not very expensive and they have long-lasting results! Here are some natural skincare tips for men that can prove to be very helpful.

1) Cleanse to remove excess oil

Cleansing and detoxification are essential not just for women, but men too. They too are exposed to pollution, car exhaust, cigarette smoke and other pollutants on a daily basis. Also, men have oilier and thicker skin as compared to women. So, they need to use a good cleanser. If the skin is not cleaned every day, the excess oil can cause clogged pores, acne and breakouts. Cleansing is also must to avoid blackheads and whiteheads. So, wash your face twice daily with a natural soap.

Read more about ways to detoxify your body with food 

2) Exfoliate to kill dead skin cells

Just like cleansing, exfoliating is also an important part of skincare. In fact, it tops the list of skincare for men. Exfoliation helps to remove the dirt and dead skin cells through natural scrubbing. It also reveals the new skin cells from beneath. Men should ideally opt for deep exfoliation at least once in three days. Exfoliation nourishes the skin and makes you feel younger.

3) Moisturize to protect skin from sun damage

Moisturizer soothes the skin by replenishing the necessary oils from it. Men’s skin becomes harsh after shaving, so choose a moisturizer of SPF 30, as it helps to protect the skin from sun damage and harmful UVA and UVB rays. These sunrays can lead to pre-mature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and cause skin cancer. So, how to choose a moisturizer? This depends on your skin type. Aloe vera gel is a natural extract that helps the skin to stay hydrated and free from excess oil secretion. Sensitive skin reddens easily when you apply any product.

4) Homemade facial masks offer best glowing skin

The skin on the face tends to get affected the most due to constant exposure to sun’s harmful rays. Home remedies for facial masks is one of the most sought-after skincare tip for men. There are a few ingredients available in your kitchen itself that offer instant glow to your skin. These include honey, turmeric, lemon, milk, multani mitti and oils like coconut, almond, jojoba, olive and peppermint. These home remedies nourish the skin and keep it naturally soft and smooth. In fact, turmeric is anti-bacterial and helps in healing skin infections, wounds and cuts. If you have pigmentation, turmeric works best. Similarly, raw milk helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and give a glow on your face.

5) SPF balms protect lips

Men need to pay attention to your lips too because like women, they don’t have the advantage of applying make-up to hide chapped lips. Also, if men don’t protect their lips, it can start looking dull, and fine lines and wrinkles are visible. So, apply lip balms containing SPF to protect your lips.

6) Say goodbye to crow’s feet

The area around the eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of the face. So, it automatically becomes prone to crow’s feet, eye bags and dark circles. If men keep the skin around their eyes hydrated and moisturized, it will help to reduce puffiness and minimise the appearance of crow’s feet. A natural eye cream in the morning and before bedtime will protect the skin around the eyes.

7) You need to clean & trim your beard too!

Today keeping a beard is a style statement. But at the same time, you need to keep it clean too. Wash it with water or shampoo it at least 3 times a week. This will remove the natural oils from the beard and keep it healthy and moisturised. You can also apply beard oil after washing it.

Call on our toll-free number 18002660607 and book an appointment with our health experts to get more personalised skincare tips!

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