7 Things A Woman Who Suffers From PCOD Should Know

PCOS has become a common issue among women and the cases have just been increasing regularly. Most of the times, women suffering from PCOD tend to take their health and the issue very lightly. They fail to take into consideration how PCOD can affect them. To help you get a better understanding, our health experts have pointed out 7 things you should know if you are suffering from PCOD.

Diet Can Make a Difference

What you eat can directly affect your PCOD condition or even make you more prone to it in future. It all starts with your diet and what you feed your stomach.

A Perfect Balance

It is very important for you to maintain a balance in everything. Be it a balance between your diet and exercise or your proteins and carbohydrates.

Do Not Starve

PCOD does make it difficult for you to lose weight but that doesn’t mean you should starve or opt for crash dieting. It is very important for every woman suffering from PCOD to eat in moderation and at an interval of every 2 hours.

Regular Test

If you are affected, then it’s really important for you to go for regular check-ups. Tests will help you with further analysis of your health disorder so that you can plan ahead accordingly.

Cut Down on Sugar

People suffering from this health issue should have less sugar or restrict themselves from indulging in sweets often. This is because your insulin level shoots up and if you do not take care of your insulin levels, this condition might lead to the occurrence of diabetes.

The Question of Pregnancy

It is nearly impossible to get pregnant in PCOS. Women experience more miscarriages than those who do not suffer from this health disorder.

Good Skin Regime

Since this disorder brings in a lot of skin issues, it is important for you to follow a good skin routine. Problems like extra facial hair, thinning of hair on the scalp, as well as oily skin and acne are the most frequent skin problems that one will face.

Though these tips are sure to help you, a natural treatment to give you a lifelong relief and would be the right way to go. If you are keen on getting yourself treated for your PCOD join us now!

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