4 Top Foods To Include In Your Diet During PCOD

Foods are an essential part of our life. They can either better your health or lead you towards dangerous health disorders. Health Total understands the importance of a healthy diet and therefore works to give you a complete solution for various disorders. Here are top four foods advised by our health experts that are a must for those suffering from PCOD or Walk in for a free consult today for your diet plan!

Green leafy vegetables

Green, leafy vegetables have the most nutrients per calorie than any other food. They are rich in iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. Vitamin B, in particular, plays a vital role in managing PCOS symptoms. Here are some of the things that Vitamin B is responsible for; sugar and fat metabolism, thyroid function and hormone balance, among others.


Fruits are a rich source of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and should be included as part of a PCOS diet. So, try to eat fruit that has a lower GI and have a handful of seeds or nuts with your fruit as protein helps to regulate the sugar spike resulting from fruit. Fruit with a low GI value include cherries, plums, grapefruit, apples, pears, apples, dried apricots, grapes, coconut, coconut milk, kiwi fruit and orange juice.


Make sure that you take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. It should contain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, selenium, and manganese. Many women with PCOD also take a vitamin B complex, chromium, and Essential Fatty Acids. Supplements are a necessary tool in the battle against PCOS, meet our Doctors in order to begin your battle against this condition.

Managing insulin resistance

Eat whole grain foods instead of processed and refined foods. Whole fruit instead of fruit juice will help you maintain insulin and blood sugar levels. Eat foods that are high in fiber as they will also cause a slower, more controlled rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Combine protein and carbohydrates as protein helps to regulate the blood sugar spike caused by the carbs. Eat small, healthy meals more frequently to manage cravings and hunger pangs and never miss breakfast!

Although these simple tips can help you stay healthy during PCOD, for a more specialised and customised plan with Integrated Approach to resolve PCOD, weight and other health issues, get in touch with us on 18002660607. Here’s what one of our clients has to say about our PCOD Plan.

“I always thought a PCOS diet would keep me starving and ask me to go for a rigorous gym session. But, I was surprised when the health experts at Health Total gave me a proper food plan that was planned exactly according to my body and taste preference. I was happy that I could eat meals at regular intervals with very little restriction. In spite of going through various treatment, I failed to see any difference in my PCOD issue but I am happy that I have Health Total with me.” – Rini Bhattacharya from Pune

You too can give yourself the freedom to fly away from PCOD. Walk in for a free consult today!

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