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The Athlete You Were Born to Be — Your Genes Know!

Struggling with your training and performance? All those diet fixes and changes not giving you the desired results? Maybe endurance is not really your thing, but strength is, or vice versa! It’s time you ‘look within.’ Your genes are telling you that ‘one size does not fit all!’ Take the Health Total Nutrigenomics Sports Panel gene test to find out what sport suits you best.

The sport type, diet and training regimen that worked for someone else may not work for you! Because each one of us is ‘wired up’ differently and your unique genetic blueprint determines what is right and wrong for you.

Your genes can affect

  • Training performance
  • Cardio-metabolic health
  • Injury risk
  • Pain tolerance
  • Recovery
  • Nutritional requirements

Nutrigenomics Sports Panel Gene Test

Decode the hidden message in your genes with a Health Total Nutrigenomics Sports Panel gene test and find out how you can:

  • Choose the best-suited sport for you
  • Eat smarter
  • Train harder
  • Recover faster