Nutrigenomics testing involves studying genes from saliva or blood sample of an individual. The testing is done to understand variations in genes that contribute to strengths and weaknesses of an individual. This data is analysed by experts from the field of Nutrigenomics and exercise genomics. They would provide detailed gene based diet and exercise recommendations in a detailed report. The detailed Nutrigenomics report can then be used by a consulting doctor or dietitian to further provide fine-tuned diet, exercise and lifestyle recommendations to the individual to manage present diseases and avert the risk of other lifestyle diseases.
Cheek cells from saliva sample are used for testing. Blood can also be used for testing. One must note that both saliva and blood samples would yield similar results. At Health Total, we use cheek cells from your saliva as a sample for gene testing.
Not at all. A method of collecting one’s own saliva is used for the sample collection. The sample is collected in a container provided by the testing lab. This releases enough cells for us to extract DNA and analyse it.
The testing is done to understand variations in genes that contribute to strengths and weaknesses of an individual. This data is analysed by experts from the field of Nutrigenomics and exercise genomics. They would provide detailed gene-based diet and exercise recommendations in a detailed report. Moreover, the testing provides an understanding of the risk or tendency of a person towards certain lifestyle diseases.
Only once in a lifetime! The DNA does not change. However, gene-based information can be used at different stages of life for managing health through the right diet, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations.
No. Every individual’s DNA is different (not even in identical twins) and the results of every individual’s test is also different. Thus, every member of your family needs to be tested separately.
Yes. Physical well-being has no bearing on the outcome of your test results.
No. Only the relevant genes selected for your particular test panel are analysed. There are different set of tests that analyse only relevant genes. For instance, a cardiac panel analyses only genes that are related to cardiac health. Similarly, gluten intolerance test would analyse only those genes that are involved in gluten related health issues.
Rest assured that your data is considered highly sensitive and will never be shared with anyone other than your personal counsellor and yourself. Health Total will never sell any genetic information to a third party. We consider security and confidentiality of our client’s genetic information as the top priority.
Routine blood test only helps us understand the present health condition of an individual at the time of doing the test. However, the gene tests help us understand the tendency of an individual towards certain diseases or health conditions, which cannot be understood through routine blood tests. Moreover, one needs to note that routine blood tests help us understand the progress of a health management program, be it conventional or the one based on Nutrigenomics.
The results provide individual recommendations that include a gene-based personalised nutritional plan, dietary goals for relevant vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and foods and requirements for nutritional supplementation, where necessary. Further, the test tells you about the fine distribution of macro and micro-nutrients to be maintained. The results also indicate certain foods or lifestyles that need to be avoided or included for better health management.
Anyone under the age bracket 7-70 years can take the test. The test is aimed at patients who might have a predisposition to lifestyle diseases due to the presence of one or more genetic risk factors. This could be owing to heredity or the individual already suffering from symptoms of diseases. For a person, who doesn’t have any of the above factors, the tests can be aptly considered as one of the most advanced way of preventive health management.
Test panels are not close-ended. In fact, that is the beauty of this exciting new field. As more research is done in this field and more information is gathered, newer genes will be added to this panel to get an even more comprehensive results from genetic analysis.