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Your Genes Can Help You Stay Active, Fight Off Diseases

  • Is fatigue, aches and depression affecting quality of life?
  • Is it protein that’s causing obesity or is it carbohydrates?
  • Which type of oil consumption will help reduce heart risk?
  • Are milk and milk products causing digestive issues?
  • Can lifestyle disorders be reduced or managed in your senior family members?

Our elders make our future possible and we owe them more opportunities to be happy and get the most out of life! Improving their quality of life is easier when you know exactly what their body needs and what measures can help.

However, one nutritional solution does not work for all. Each body is different, and these unique needs are hidden in the DNA and genes. By catering to those unique requirements, you can prevent or manage the bad effects of food and chronic lifestyle diseases. You can trigger positive genes, improve your quality of life and pave the way for longevity in older adults.

Health Total Nutrigenomics offers advanced gene testing technology to identify these hidden messages in the DNA and genes. Utilising this genetic information more specific recommendations and personalised nutritional therapy can be given.

Gene Test for Elderly

Here’s how the Nutrigenomics gene test for elderly can help them—

  • Find out how their body responds to food, lifestyle and environmental factors
  • Find out if they have lactose or gluten intolerance
  • Manage or prevent lifestyle diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia and other geriatric issues
  • Balance the right amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates with customised nutrition
  • Detect deficiencies and get correct vitamin and supplement recommendations
  • Ensure better bone health
  • Boost immunity and energy

The gene test for elderly is done with just a simple 2-minute saliva sample collection. After the test, our nutritional experts will provide in-depth counselling and a nutrition plan so that only the best-suited diet is given to help improve disease outcomes.