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Ingredient: Turmeric

Patra Ni Macchi (Fish wrapped in Banana Leaf)

Patra Ni Macchi (Fish wrapped in Banana Leaf)

Patra Ni Macchi is a Parsi-style steamed fish preparation, smeared in coriander chutney and wrapped in banana leaf. It is usually served at weddings, but you can always treat your guests at home.

PS: If you like the taste of coconut, you can use it instead of coriander!

Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene, a potent anti-oxidant, making it beneficial for heart health as well as your skin. Potassium present in tomatoes along with garlic makes is again good for the heart. Bay leaf helps in digestion. This soup boosts immunity and is recommended for people with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.