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Ingredient: Salt

Crispy High-fibre Green Peas Chillas

Crispy High-fibre Green Peas Chillas

Green Peas chillas is a healthy option for breakfast or mini meal. The combination of yellow moong dal and green peas helps to increase your fibre and protein intake. These chillas are very delicious and can be eaten with mint-coriander chutney or yogurt or with any side dish.

High Protein Soya Bhel

High Protein Soya Bhel

Protein-rich soya nuts are liked by the young and old alike. It fits into a lot of dishes like upmas and bhel. Here’s an interesting high-protein soya bhel recipe, which is a great alternative to unhealthy snacks!

Veggie Wrap

Veggie Wrap

Veggie Wrap is loved by both kids and older people. It gives you a break from the regular food items and also keeps you full for a longer time.

Lemon Dressing

Lemon Dressing

Lemon Dressing is a tangy and healthy preparation that can bring a unique taste to your food. It goes best with salad, so you are surely going to lose some weight!

Low-Fat Hummus Dip

Low-Fat Hummus Dip

A Middle-Eastern delicacy, Low-Fat Hummus Dip is a perfect option for those who love their dips dearly. This recipe gives you the exact taste that you expect from your dip, at the same time, guaranteeing good health.

Green Raita

Green Raita

This amazing Green Raita is just too perfect for summer. It keeps you cool, healthy and tastes yummy too. So try this recipe yourself and discover its amazing benefits!

Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene, a potent anti-oxidant, making it beneficial for heart health as well as your skin. Potassium present in tomatoes along with garlic makes is again good for the heart. Bay leaf helps in digestion. This soup boosts immunity and is recommended for people with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.