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Ingredient: Lemon

Fat-burning Cucumber-Ginger water

Fat-burning Cucumber-Ginger water

Print Recipe Fat-burning Cucumber-Ginger water Ginger is one of the best fat-burning herbs, with cucumber, lemon and mint, you will be a walking spa! Prep Time 10 minutes Servings person Ingredients 1 litre Water1 Cucumber wedged or sliced1 Lemon wedged or sliced2 inches Ginger sliced10 Mint Leaves Prep Time 10 minutes Servings person Ingredients 1...

Green Tea and Apple Smoothie

Green Tea and Apple Smoothie

Drinking one glass of this green drink is like having breakfast. Delicious and guilty-free, Green tea and Apple smoothie contains high amount of soluble fibre that comes from apple skin.

Lemon Dressing

Lemon Dressing

Lemon Dressing is a tangy and healthy preparation that can bring a unique taste to your food. It goes best with salad, so you are surely going to lose some weight!