Print Recipe Fat-burning Cucumber-Ginger water Ginger is one of the best fat-burning herbs, with cucumber, lemon and mint, you will be a walking spa! Prep Time 10 minutes Servings person Ingredients 1 litre Water1 Cucumber wedged or sliced1 Lemon wedged or sliced2 inches Ginger sliced10 Mint Leaves Prep Time 10 minutes Servings person Ingredients 1...
Ingredient: Lemon
Grapefruit Mint Infused Waters for Weight Loss
This infused water recipe will help you slim down & reduce bloat. Try it today!
Green Tea and Apple Smoothie
Drinking one glass of this green drink is like having breakfast. Delicious and guilty-free, Green tea and Apple smoothie contains high amount of soluble fibre that comes from apple skin.
Lemon Dressing
Lemon Dressing is a tangy and healthy preparation that can bring a unique taste to your food. It goes best with salad, so you are surely going to lose some weight!