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Ingredient: Curd

Protein-rich Sprouts Moong Salad

Protein-rich Sprouts Moong Salad

Low in calories but rich in protein, sprouts can help you control blood sugar levels, may improve digestion and even manage heart disease. Sprouts are also a great source of antioxidants. A bowl of sprouts salad will keep you full the whole day. Here’s how to make crunchy and tasty moong sprouts salad.

Dahi Kadhi Recipe

Dahi Kadhi Recipe

Dahi Kadhi is one of the most common dishes on Indian plates. It is easy to digest and infused with flavours!

Cabbage Muthia

Cabbage Muthia

Muthiyas are yummy but there are different ways to make it taste even more delicious. Add some cabbage to your muthiyas and make your them both healthy, as well as tasty!

Mint and Coriander Chutney

Mint and Coriander Chutney

Mint and Coriander Chutney can bring a twist to any boring meal. It is super yummy and healthy, so you can over-indulge into it without any guilt!

Green Raita

Green Raita

This amazing Green Raita is just too perfect for summer. It keeps you cool, healthy and tastes yummy too. So try this recipe yourself and discover its amazing benefits!

Cool Soup

Cool Soup

Perfect for summers, this Cool Soup recipe is a must try for fitness enthusiasts. Besides this, it aids digestion, cures acidity and lowers cholesterol levels.

Nutritious Idli

Nutritious Idli

Say goodbye to those little soft pieces of idli and welcome health with this Nutritious Idli recipe! It is easy-to-cook, tastes yummy and is loaded with health benefits!