Wow smoothie is a great alternative for those in a hurry, but looking for a quick and filling breakfast option. This drink helps to lose weight as it blended with an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Ingredient: Artificial sweetener
Healthy Green Smoothie
Green smoothie offers unique health benefits due to the leafy vegetables that are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Drink one glass of this smoothie when you’re hungry in evening to satisfy your hunger!
Green Tea and Apple Smoothie
Drinking one glass of this green drink is like having breakfast. Delicious and guilty-free, Green tea and Apple smoothie contains high amount of soluble fibre that comes from apple skin.
Apple Cucumber Smoothie
Rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Apple Cucumber smoothie helps digestion and aids weight loss. Cucumbers protect your cells and keep you hydrated.
Energiser Smoothie
Low on energy? Try this easy-to-make energy drink. It’s healthy, nutritious and perfect for breakfast!
Chocolate and Milk Smoothie
If you love chocolates, you’ll love this drink too! It’s so delicious that it can be a perfect excuse to relish sweet stuff at breakfast or snack time. Chocolate and Milk smoothie is loaded with proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals.
Berry Dew Smoothie
This is a refreshing smoothie that makes a great snack or breakfast option. So, kick-start your mornings with Berry Dew Smoothie. It’s amazingly refreshing summer drink, which is also rich in antioxidants that nourish the skin!