The blood circulating in the blood vessels exerts a force on the wall of the vessel. If your arteries are narrow and...
High Blood Pressure Articles
Manage Stress To Control High Blood Pressure
While some people may require medication to keep their blood pressure under control most of them can control it with proper diet...
5 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure
Struggling with high blood pressure? Not anymore. Here are 5 best ways to control your high blood pressure and enjoy a healthy life....
3 Top Supplements That Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure could be life threatening. There are various factors that could help you lower your blood pressure. These include eating a healthy...
9 Foods That Help You Keep BP At Bay
Along with managing stress and losing weight, one has to follow a nutritious diet. There are a number of foods that help keep...
5 Types of People More Prone To High Blood Pressure Due To Stress
From among all the other factors, stress seems to be a prime culprit in precipitating high blood pressure. Although stress is universal, individual...
Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally
First of all stop whipping your body with stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. Along with managing stress and losing weight,...
Stress & High BP
Stress could rank right at the top of all the major factors that cause or precipitate high blood pressure (HBP). Stress might be a...
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