No More Monsoon Maladies

All of us fall sick on certain occasions. However, the severity and duration of the illness are different for different individuals. Our bodies are constantly attacked by toxins present in our environment. Everyday our immune system has to deal with polluted air, processed food, and contaminated water. It provides soldiers to your body to be able to deal with the attack of pollutants in your environment. A frail immune system escalates the chances of falling sick.

Your symptoms of frequent exposure to infections, low energy, are typical of low immunity. Factors like stress, improper nutrition, chronic disease, poor liver function, underactive thyroid, and toxins impact our immunity.  Despite the constant attack by toxins, there are many natural ways to boost the immune system and stay away from monsoon maladies.

Monsoon Maladies: A few recommendations


Turmeric or Haldi is an excellent preventive remedy for monsoon maladies. Take ½ tsp of turmeric powder mixed with ½ tsp of honey twice a day to prevent a cold. It also helps relieve bloat and indigestion which seems to increase during the rainy season. It boosts the immune system and prepares it to fight disease. You may also drink fresh turmeric juice. Simply blend the fresh turmeric with a little water, strain it and drink 30 ml of this freshly prepared turmeric juice once a day to boost immunity.


Ginger is valuable for immunity boosting according to Ayurveda. Include raw ginger in your regular diet. If you suffer from hyperacidity, use it cautiously. Ginger tea is used as a remedy against flu, colds, sore throat, nasal congestion, and sinus pain. Being heat-producing and anti-clotting, it should be consumed in small quantities.


Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and viral diseases.  If you have a cold, cough and congestion- Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with an equal quantity of ginger juice and consume it frequently.

Cumin seeds

They are rich in anti-oxidants like eugenol, limonene and hence boost immunity. Cumin seeds are rich in iron, Vitamins A and C, which boost the immune system. Black cumin seeds are also used as a natural medicine in treating asthma.

Clove oil

It has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, and thereby clears the nasal passage. This expectorant is useful in various respiratory disorders including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis. Chewing a clove bud eases sore throats.


In an acute attack of a common cold or migraine headache, put Ajwain powder in a thin cloth and smell it frequently. Also, drinking hot water after chewing Ajwain reduces phlegm and cough. When suffering from cold drink water boiled with 3gms of Ajwain and 3gms of Cinnamon bark thrice a day for a few days. This helps reduce the discomfort of cold to a great extent

Kalonji (Black onion seeds)

These are very effective in treating diseases caused by a weakened immune system. Kalonji seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids i.e. Linoleic acid. Linolenic acid is important constituents for the production of immune cells and for the growth and maintenance of the nervous system. You can add onion seeds to vegetables, dals, and chutneys.

In addition to these foods, make certain lifestyle changes to further improve the health of the immune system:

Get sufficient sleep and rest. Sleep deprivation for a long time weakens the immune system. This is one of the main reasons for inviting disease condition. Avoid Stress.  Stress not only affects people emotionally but also impacts physically by weakening the immune system. A well-balanced diet protects the body by providing the necessary vitamins and minerals which keeps a person healthy. Exercise boosts the immune system and promotes overall health. Maintain a proper gap between two meals. The previous meal should get digested fully before you eat the next one.

Timely gap will allow the body to absorb nutrients in a proper way and this will boost up your energy level and your immunity. Reduce refined sugar, white flour in your diet. They tend to lower down your immunity levels. Include vegetable juice made from carrot (2), fresh amla (1), fresh Haldi (3 inches) ginger(1 inch), beetroot (1/2)and pinch of rock salt. This is a very simple and good remedy to boost immunity.

With a strategy that combines a healthy diet, supplements and lifestyle management, you will be able to make it through this monsoons without much trouble.

(As published in Hindustan Times dated August 26, 2019

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