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Diabetes Management Plan at Health Total

Health Total has been practicing advanced nutritional therapy along with Ayurveda for more than a quarter of a century to help you lose weight and manage other healthy conditions, including diabetes. Losing just 7% of your body weight can help you control diabetes.

At Health Total, we have a 4-step scientific Diabetes Management Plan that works. Our results have been consistently constant over the last 2 decades. Health Total’s team of nutritionists and doctors do a comprehensive case history and provide a personalised diet plan.

Our experts have found that chronic health problems related to diabetes are rooted in biochemical imbalances that can be managed with good nutrition and natural therapy. We use ‘food as medicine’, so the combination of food therapy and Ayurveda helps most individuals to improve their overall health.

Health Total approach for Diabetes Management Plan helps in controlling fasting blood sugar and postprandial glucose. Learn how to manage diabetes better with Health Total approach. Here’s what our Diabetes Management Plan includes:

  • Food plan
  • Herbal plan
  • Exercise

Food plan

Fibre-rich foods, especially only plant foods (vegetables, fruits, legumes, husk and unrefined grains) that contain dietary fibre and soluble fibre are effective in managing diabetes. These include foods like psyllium husk, beans, lentils, flaxseeds, citrus fruits and vegetables that are low in glycemic index (GI).

Nuts: Health Total food plan includes almonds, walnuts and avocado that control sugar level. They keep you full for a long time, thus curbing hunger pangs. We replace foods that are high in saturated fats with nuts since they are a good source of fibre, low in GI and rich in protein.

Soybeans: The food plan also includes soy protein present in tofu, soya granules, soy milk, soy yoghurt, soy nuggets, soy nuts and other foods made from soybeans.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Eating Omega 3-rich foods helps in managing diabetes effectively. Health Total Diabetes Management Plan includes fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna and sardines. Supplement sources include fish oil capsules, rice bran oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil.

Functional foods like neem, karela, methi and cinnamon help in controlling the blood sugar levels.

Herbal plan

Herbs such as gudmar, mamejava and jamunbeej are added in the diabetes management plan as they improve blood sugar level. Supplements like B-complex, B12 and Folates, and antioxidants help in rejuvenating and preventing degeneration of tissues in diabetic persons. These supplements also boost energy levels.

Exercise plan

We recommend a mild exercise plan, which includes 30 to 40 minutes of active exercise at least 5 times a week. It can give you amazing results in terms of weight loss and helps to manage diabetes effectively.

If you’re looking for a personalised diet plan to manage and control diabetes, sign up for a FREE consultation. You can also call on our toll-free number  1800 266 0607 and book an appointment with our experts!