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5 Beverages You Should Grab If You Have PCOS

5 Beverages You Should Grab If You Have PCOS

Staying hydrated is something that you must have heard and read in several health and wellness articles. But hydration is especially crucial if you’re dealing with PCOS. Approximately 1 in 10 women are suffering from this hormonal condition today. PCOS means you have cysts in your ovaries, which leads to infertility and other health problems....

by September 16, 2019September 16, 2019
Herbs to Manage PCOS / PCOD symptoms

Herbs to Manage PCOS / PCOD symptoms

PCOS / PCOD is one of the most common endocrine conditions among Indian women of reproductive age. Some of the main symptoms of PCOS include: Irregular periods Ovarian cysts Acne Thinning of hair Weight gain Mood Swings Excessive facial hair growth Infertility Living with PCOS/PCOD is very difficult. The symptoms are very difficult to manage...

by September 13, 2019September 13, 2019
Nutrition for a Good Night’s Sleep

Nutrition for a Good Night’s Sleep

Researchers say those who are gaining weight sleep more, and those who are shedding kilos tend to get less sleep. It has also been seen that people who lose weight rapidly often experience sleeplessness. The most common causes of insomnia are mental tension, over excitement, suppressed feeling of resentment, overeating at night, excessive intake of...

by September 6, 2019September 6, 2019
Diet for Hypothyroidism: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Diet for Hypothyroidism: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body is not capable of making enough thyroid hormones. This hormone helps control growth, repair, and metabolism. People who suffer from hypothyroidism may experience hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold and muscle weakness. Interestingly, hypothyroidism affects more women than men. *It is...

by September 5, 2019September 5, 2019
Nutrition for Lowering Cholesterol in Men

Nutrition for Lowering Cholesterol in Men

Mangal Das Sharma is a 42-year-old successful executive in a BlueChip Company. Ambitious and hardworking, having come up the hard way, he wants more out of life. His day begins at 7 am with two cups of tea, a quick shower followed by a light breakfast of poha, upma or a cheese toast, and he...

by September 4, 2019September 4, 2019
Gluten-free Meal Replacement for Healthy You!

Gluten-free Meal Replacement for Healthy You!

Chapati made from wheat flour, also known as roti or phulka, is an unleavened flatbread that is an integral part of our staple diet. To not eat chapati can be quite hard, as we have been eating them since we were little and for all practical purposes, it is all we know of. We completely...

by September 4, 2019September 4, 2019
Planning to take up a gluten-free diet? Find out its benefits

Planning to take up a gluten-free diet? Find out its benefits

You do not need to be tested for gluten intolerance to go gluten-free. You can reap the benefits of a gluten-free diet irrespective. In fact, you should try it. Cutting down gluten from your diet may seem like a difficult task initially. But over a period of time, you’ll feel lighter, less bloated and will...

by September 3, 2019September 4, 2019
Sugar Addiction? Easy Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth!

Sugar Addiction? Easy Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth!

Many people are addicted to sugar, even if they do not realise it. Sugar addiction has become a big health concern today. We are consuming more processed foods day by day. Drinking sugary juices in tetra packs, soft drinks, milkshakes, and different kinds of coffees, sweetened ice coolers is very common. Then, we eat different...

by September 3, 2019September 3, 2019
Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings

Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings

Do you wonder sometimes why you are craving for certain foods when you’ve just had your lunch or dinner? Food cravings can be intense, and sometimes it is difficult to get your mind of what you are craving to eat. During these cravings, mostly you end up eating foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, which...

by August 31, 2019August 31, 2019
The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails

The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails

Ever wondered why some women can get away with scrubbing floor and sawing on nails with a metal file while others need to strengthen their nails by putting base coats and numerous visits to the nail bar? It would be hard to find a nutritionist today who denies that nutrition affects nails. So, the right...

by August 31, 2019August 31, 2019
What Causes Greying of Hair

What Causes Greying of Hair

If you are genetically prone to early balding or greying of hair, blame your ancestors. But largely, hair health depends on your blood circulation and nutrition. Hair colour is the result of pigmentation attributed to the presence of certain specific chemicals known as eumelanin and pheomelanin (broadly referred to as melanin). The stem cells at...

by August 30, 2019August 30, 2019
What To Eat For Stomach Upset?

What To Eat For Stomach Upset?

Most of us experience an upset stomach occasionally. The discomfort is usually temporary and not serious. A mildly upset stomach is generally caused by eating too much, too soon. Most people are relieved of it after a few hours. But, if the trouble starts after consuming food and is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, the...

by August 28, 2019August 28, 2019
How to Stay Fit After 40

How to Stay Fit After 40

We all know that aging is inevitable – but how gracefully you age is up to you. Scientific research shows that we can turn back the clock through a targeted regimen of age-busting exercise and nutrition. By exercising for just 30 minutes a day and eating for maximum health and vitality, we can not only...

by August 17, 2019August 17, 2019
Soya Beans – The Elixir of Youth

Soya Beans – The Elixir of Youth

‘A cup of soya milk a day can keep aging at bay’ – this might just be the new maxim of the millennium! The innocuous-looking soya beans has been found to contain enough properties and power that can delay aging, repel cancer, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, prevent the onset of osteoporosis, to name a...

by August 14, 2019August 14, 2019
How Stress Affects Your Heart

How Stress Affects Your Heart

Stress is a normal part of our life today. Differences, disagreements, and anger – we experience all of these at some point in our life. But if severe and left unmanaged, stress can lead to a range of psychological and physical problems. Smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and a sedentary lifestyle can eventually...

by August 9, 2019August 9, 2019
5 Interesting Factors That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply

5 Interesting Factors That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply

There are various factors that can affect the breast milk supply in new mothers. While some are within her control, some are not. However, there is no need to worry. Keeping a watch on the baby’s behaviour and what you eat can increase the supply of your breast milk. Factors that affect breast milk supply...

by August 8, 2019August 9, 2019
Anjali Mukerjee bestowed with Wellness Achiever Award at CLO

Anjali Mukerjee bestowed with Wellness Achiever Award at CLO

The NeuroLeap Super Brains @CLO Summit on “Wellness for Achievers” presented by Dr. Mickey Mehta felicitated achievers who are super brains in their own way and are health & wellness practitioners helping others achieve their life goals. One of the achievers at the event was Health Total founder-director, Ms. Anjali Mukerjee. She was recognised as...

by August 8, 2019August 8, 2019
Foods to Limit While Breastfeeding

Foods to Limit While Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best milk for a new-born baby but what about the mother’s diet? Having recently gone through the process of delivering a baby, the mother’s body needs nutritious food to regain her strength and produce enough milk for her new-born baby. There are no foods that a new mother must completely avoid...

by August 7, 2019August 7, 2019
How to Fight Bad Breath

How to Fight Bad Breath

If you have stood next to someone who has bad breath, you would know it requires immediate attention. Halitosis or bad breath is used to describe noticeably unpleasant smell exhaled while breathing. Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue and the mouth’s warm, moist conditions serve as an...

by August 6, 2019August 6, 2019
The Problem with Fast Food

The Problem with Fast Food

When Hippocrates wrote ‘Let food be thy medicine’, he certainly wasn’t referring to fast foods.  With the burgeoning of fast-food joints in the metros, our health is in jeopardy.  Food has become a lovable enemy, which is what makes controlling it even more difficult. The Main Problem with Fast Food To put it simply, it...

by July 29, 2019July 29, 2019
Dark Chocolates: Health Benefits & How Much to Eat

Dark Chocolates: Health Benefits & How Much to Eat

Since centuries, chocolates have been admired and enjoyed by one and all because of its unique taste. Chocolates have regularly been eaten for pleasure, especially dark chocolates. However, studies show that the high amounts of antioxidants in the cocoa seeds, flavonoids and other kinds of polyphenols, may have a few beneficial effects on one’s health....

by July 5, 2019July 5, 2019
Why Do Women Gain Weight More Easily Than Men?

Why Do Women Gain Weight More Easily Than Men?

When it comes to losing weight, women stand at a disadvantage as compared to men. It has been observed that women accumulate fat quicker than men and lose it far more slowly. This only confirms what many women long suspected. “My husband eats so much, yet does not gain an inch!” said one of our...

by July 3, 2019July 3, 2019
Healthy Recipes for Monsoons

Healthy Recipes for Monsoons

The appetite-robbing days of summer are gone, and the monsoon weather tempts you to gorge on bhajiyas, chaats, samosas, vada pav, sweets, and ever-larger helpings at mealtimes. After all, you must make up for lost time! But temper that hearty appetite with a dose of caution – monsoon is the time when diseases, particularly related...

by July 1, 2019July 1, 2019
Monsoon Health Queries

Monsoon Health Queries

As the season changes, we get flooded with monsoon health queries on how to take care of health. With monsoon around the corner, here’s a list of monsoon health queries that we recently received from our followers. Q1. Is there a list of nutrition-related do’s and don’ts that we must follow during the monsoons at...

by June 20, 2019June 25, 2019
Diet For Monsoon for Office Goers

Diet For Monsoon for Office Goers

In today’s lifestyle, one finds it very difficult to take out time to cook a wholesome meal. This is especially true in the case of office goers. But monsoon is the time when our digestion gets weakened & immunity is at its lowest, making one vulnerable to monsoon ailments. In this article, we have listed...

by June 19, 2019June 19, 2019
Connection Between Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Connection Between Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an affluent disease which precipitates due to an urban lifestyle, little or no exercise, eating refined foods, poor stress management and excessive drinking. Your diet and type 2 diabetes go hand-in-hand. What you eat plays a major role in managing the condition. When you eat a lot of desserts, white bread,...

by June 4, 2019June 11, 2019
Lose Weight to Lower High Blood Pressure

Lose Weight to Lower High Blood Pressure

The most effective lifestyle changes for anyone suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure is weight loss. Even if you lose a small amount of weight, it can have dramatic effects on lowering your blood pressure. Eating your way out of high blood pressure should be your number one choice of managing high blood pressure....

by May 27, 2019May 28, 2019
Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Whether you are a student or have a desk job or dance the night away, it is the calcium-rich foods that give your body its basic shape and structure. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. The rest is found in the blood where it performs important tasks...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Academic success, today, is considered as the sure shot ticket to a good job, settled life and a secured future. With all the emphasis on academic excellence, children are definitely feeling the pressure for doing well in their exams. So, the heat is on for both students as well as their parents, who need to...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

In the olden days when writing was still not discovered, a person’s ability to retain what he or she heard made that person invaluable. Surnames like Tripathi come from that ability to retain at one go. Or at three goes as in the case of a Tri-pathi. This article is about the exam diet for...

by February 12, 2019February 12, 2019