Stevia is a natural sweetener and is available in many forms. The native Americans have been using stevia leaf for centuries, but it recently became popular as a conventional sweetening agent the world over. With the rise in diabetic patients in the country, Indians must look up to the benefits of stevia. Another reason why...
Amazing Benefits of Jeera Water for Weight Loss
Jeera or cumin seeds is one of the most extensively used condiments or spice in Indian recipes. Because of its strong aroma, just a small amount of jeera is used while preparing food. Apart from its taste-enhancement feature, jeera also has great medicinal properties. Find out the benefits of jeera water for weight loss. Benefits of...
How to Manage PCOS & Control Naturally
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is on the rise. More and more young girls are being diagnosed with multiple small cysts in the ovaries – a common cause of infertility. It has not been clearly understood as to what causes PCOS. But when there is no ovulation for many cycles, multiple cysts develop on the ovaries....
Naturally… Weight Loss in 2 Weeks!
A big fat occasion is just two weeks away and you want to dazzle in your favourite dress, but those extra inches around your belly putting your mood off? Not sure how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks? Don’t worry! Simply incorporate these easy-to-follow ways in your daily routine and you will be able...
Best Time To Exercise or Work Out
Rachna was a health conscious person, well aware of the benefits of exercising. She regularly went to the gym to work out but wondered why she returned home feeling tired and irritated instead of exploding with energy. When she explained her schedule to me, I realized what the problem was. Every morning, as the alarm...
Lose Weight with Good Carbs!
Shunning carbohydrates from your diet and replacing them with high-protein diets to lose weight? Well, you are not alone! Most dieters think that all carbohydrates are bad and should be avoided when on a low-carb diet plan for weight loss. But the truth is that like fats, not all carbohydrates are the same. Sign up...
PCOS Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight with PCOS
Weight gain is a common among women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). So, if you are wondering how to lose weight with PCOS and looking for an effective PCOS diet plan, this article is just for you! How to Lose Weight with PCOS Fast Apart from abnormal weight gain, a woman with PCOS can...
7 Black Tea Benefits for Weight Loss
Tea may play a greater role in weight loss than you know! Research claims that black tea may aid weight loss as it speeds up metabolism and aids the natural process of detoxification. Drinking black tea may promote weight loss and speed up your metabolism, a new study claims. Published in the European Journal of...
4 Healthy Diet Tips to Beat Weight Gain this Festive Season!
Diwali is just around the corner! And we all know what that means, food, sweets and weight gain! But don’t worry, there are some smart ways to get around it! While you load up on yummy food and mithai this Diwali, don’t lose out on your health. Here are some great healthy diet tips to...
How to Burn Away Diwali Calories in Under 30 Minutes!
Diwali is soon approaching, and we all know what that means! Yummy food, sweet mithais and delicious chakna! Samosa, chakli, bakarwadi and shankarpali are some of the common snacks which are quite popular during Diwali. But did you know that these innocent looking and delicious-tasting snacks pack quite the calorie punch! Yes, loading up on...
8 Awesome Low-Calorie Mithais for Diwali!
We all love this time of the year. Diwali is all about lights, fireworks and of course, plenty of food and sweets! However, the downside of this fun is that we tend to overindulge and end up gaining weight or aggravating health disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol and acidity. But fear not! If you’ve...
Is It Hard To Lose Weight?
If you are overweight, you must have been told over and over again how easy it is to lose weight – just pop a pill, follow a diet plan, or buy a treadmill, and all your excess weight will disappear. But if you’re struggling to lose weight despite doing everything possible, you must have figured...
Best Foods for Fat Loss
Establishing a foundation of “good nutrition” must be your focus when your goal is fat loss. By good nutrition, we mean consuming more of fresh vegetables, protein, essential fatty acids, and drinking lots of water. In short, you have to overhaul bad habits and replace them with healthier options to shrink your waistline. Water is...
Balanced Diet Chart For Weight Loss
Is your bulky body affecting your appearance? If yes, then you need to pay more attention towards your diet plan. A majority of us love to indulge in food full of fats and calories. But how many of us have ever given a thought to its side effects? Well, it is high time you start...
Jaggery Benefits for Weight Loss: A Healthy Substitute For Sugar
Jaggery is a brown colour, sweet-tasting substance, which is made from sugarcane. It contains sucrose, a natural sweetening compound, which makes it an excellent substitute for sugar. It helps in easy digestion of food due to the presence of high nutrient content. So, eating jaggery benefits you overall, especially when it comes to weight loss!...
Diabetic Food List: What to Eat & Avoid
If you’re already following a healthy and nutritious diet plan, congratulations! You’re on your way to leading a fitter and longer life. But if you have any health problems, such as diabetes, you must watch out for what you eat because diet plays an important role in managing your sugar levels. In this article, we...
9 Foods That Help You Keep BP At Bay
Along with managing stress and losing weight, one has to follow a nutritious diet. There are a number of foods that help keep your blood pressure in check and there are some that raise it. Let’s take a look! Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Studies show that switching to a vegetarian diet has a magical effect on blood...
5 Simple Home Remedies For Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fatty waxy substance which is present naturally in our body. It is secreted by the liver and performs important functions such as producing hormones, vitamin D, bile, etc. Cholesterol is present in two types, namely HDL (high-density lipoproteins) or good cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoproteins) or bad cholesterol. While both these types are required...
Tips For Maintaining Healthy Weight With PCOD
PCOD is often associated with weight gain. The inability of your body to undergo regular menstruation and major hormonal imbalance leads to excess weight. Those suffering from PCOD have to watch out before putting anything inside their mouth. A lifestyle routine and healthy food can help you with the same. There is no specific diet that can...