Every woman has at least one little black dress in her closet which she keeps only for a special night. With Christmas and New Year’s around the corner, it’s time to remove that dress from your wardrobe and get ready for all the attention at the party! If you’ve put on a few kilos post...
Health Total Partners with Navi Mumbai Let’s Run
Health Total is proud to announce its association as wellness partner for Navi Mumbai Let’s Run – Season 2 on December 2, 2018. We have an exclusive 10% discount for Health Total clients / customers and members of this page. To avail the exclusive discount, use the code HEALTH TOTAL. To participate in Navi Mumbai...
Anjali Mukerjee Speaks with Shekhar Suman in Carry on Shekhar
Ms. Anjali Mukerjee speaks with celebrity host Shekhar Suman on Carry on Shekhar about the shallow goal of modern Indians towards getting thin. She stresses upon the fact that one has to move away from shortcuts to achieve health results. She further suggests that instead of medicines and crash diets for weight loss, one should...
Types of Arthritis & How to Manage Them
Arthritis is a rheumatic disease that plagues most people beyond the age of 50. It can be difficult to live with, as the pain is so unbearable that it practically immobilises the person. There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Literally speaking, arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that causes pain, stiffness and...
Diet for Arthritis: Foods to Eat to Ease Pain, Improve Symptoms
There was always a cure for arthritis in folk medicine. But it took some time to be accepted by the medical community. New medical discoveries reveal foods’ ability to “cool down” the inflammation in the joints (arthritis). Diet for arthritis can soften the symptoms, but wrong food intake can aggravate the suffering. Arthritis is characterised...
7 Natural & Effective Home Remedies for Asthma
Asthma is caused by a variety of factors. It may be due to an allergy caused by weather conditions or allergy to foods, drugs, perfumes and other irritants. Home remedies for asthma are known for their effectiveness, so most people choose home remedies over any other conventional medicine for managing this condition. Allergies to dust...
7 Types of Asthma & Their Symptoms
Did you ever bother to know how you breathe or when you breathe? Usually, we don’t even notice that we are breathing. The air that passes through the nose gets cleansed by the tiny hair in the nostrils, moves into the windpipe and gets distributed to the lungs. During an asthma attack, the tissues surrounding...
10 Super Foods for Asthma
Most physicians look at asthma as a specific condition that affects the lungs and they treat it with medicines that help the patients to breathe easily. In alternative medicine, we look at asthma as an inflammatory condition that affects the lungs and involves the immune system as well as the nervous system. Invariably, asthmatics suffer...
8 Powerful & Comforting Home Remedies for Sinus Pain
It happens to all of us at some point or the other. And it can be truly debilitating. The swelling, congestion, pain, headache and the overall misery of a sinus attack can be terribly frustrating. But as a first step one should be able to differentiate between the symptoms of common cold and sinusitis. Acute...
7 Common Food Allergies & How to Manage Them!
Many people around the world are allergic to certain foods. The most common food allergies include shellfish, peanuts, wheat, cow’s milk and food preservations. Food allergies cannot be cured, so avoiding the allergen that is responsible for the allergy is the only way to manage it. What causes food allergies? The body’s immune system produces...
7 Common Types of Allergies
If you think allergies are only seasonal, think again. There are different types of allergies and many of us suffer from some type – though all might not be aware of it. Types of Allergies – Here’s a look at some of the common types of allergies – Food allergies Food allergies are common among...
9 Effective Home Remedies for Skin Allergies for Quick Relief
You can look and feel your best and enjoy a beautiful skin everyday – provided you know how to deal with it. Beautiful skin on the outside, as you know – begins with good health from inside. Home remedies for skin allergies are safe, effective and widely recommended. Your skin is your body’s largest organ....
What are Haemorrhoids & How to Manage it?
Haemorrhoids, also called piles, are dilated rectal veins that have clotted and become inflamed. Veins in the rectal or anal area become swollen and painful and at certain instances may also bleed. It may occur inside the entrance of the anus (internal haemorrhoids) or outside the entrance of the anus (external haemorrhoids). A blood clot...
Homeopathy for Hair Fall
There are about 1,00,000 hair follicles on an average human scalp. Spring increases the growth of hair, while autumn sees a fall in the total number. Over a period of time, the total number of hair reduces for every adult. Homeopathy for hair fall works because it treats the root cause of the condition. Homeopathy...
11 Natural Home Remedies to Manage Migraine Pain
Tight deadlines, late night parties, returning home late from work, eating at irregular hours and getting few hours of sleep takes a toll on your mental and physical health. So, don’t be surprised if you experience headaches frequently. It is the worst sound effect you can experience. The intense throbbing or a dull aching pain...
Migraine Diet: 22 Foods to Eat & Avoid
Migraine is severe and reoccurring headache that can last for either few hours or a few days. It usually affects one side of the head and people in the age group of 15 to 55. Some people who get migraine attacks also suffer from stress and allergies. Some of the main causes of migraine include...
5 Foods to Manage Psoriasis
Those thickened patches of red, dry and scaly skin can be embarrassing. But, you can take charge of the symptoms of psoriasis by incorporating proper nutrition. Dietary changes go a long way in improving overall health and helping manage the symptoms of psoriasis. However, excessive intake of proteins, fats and alcohol can convert a light...
11 Simple Tips to Prevent Hair Loss
Apart from home remedies for hair loss, certain lifestyle changes go a long way in keeping hair fall away. Here are some tips to prevent hair loss. A balanced diet Eating right not only helps maintain a healthy body weight, but also is crucial for hair health. So, pay extra attention to what you eat....
Types of Hair Loss
Your scalp, on an average, has approximately 1,00,000 hairs. If you’re losing around 50 to 100 strands every day, it’s natural. But, if you’re seeing an increase in hair fall, it’s time to find out what’s causing it. There are around 40 different types of hair loss. In this article, we look at the common...
11 Amazing Home Remedies for Psoriasis
Have you ever noticed white flakes around your shoulders? Or has someone commented on your dry scaly skin? It could be dandruff if it’s only a light accumulation of white flakes. But, you could also be suffering from a medical condition called psoriasis. Psoriasis home treatment is effective as it manages the skin condition for...
9 Best Natural Home Remedies for Hair fall
Is hair fall shedding your confidence? Are you unable to afford expensive hair treatments to control hair fall? Worry not! In this article, we have listed some amazing home remedies for hair fall. Hair loss is a problem that most people suffer from. It is often caused due to aging, environmental factors, genetics, infections in...
7 Effective Home Remedies for Piles
Piles are swellings that develop inside and around the anal. It is not considered as a serious health problem because usually piles disappear on its own or home remedies for piles work wonders. But, in some cases a surgery is required to remove it. Pregnant women and obese people are more vulnerable to piles; it...
How to Gain Weight Fast & Weight Gain Diet Chart
If you think bulking up on junk food or white foods such as pastries, cookies, ice cream and French fries will help you gain weight quickly, think again. These calorie-dense foods will surely help you put on weight, but they are low in nutrients, good fats and contain sugar, which can harm your body. So,...
Anjali Mukerjee Receives Power Woman 2018 Award
Anjali Mukerjee, founder-director of Health Total and India’s leading nutritionist, was honoured with the Power Woman 2018 award on March 7, 2018, for her contribution in the field of health and wellness. Phoenix Marketcity at Kurla in Mumbai hosted the glitzy event ahead of International Women’s Day, to celebrate the spirit of strong and independent women....
27 Tips to Take Care of Your Skin This Winter
If you thought winters will not be as harsh as summers for your skin, think again. Drop in temperatures and low humidity levels result in dry air, which robs the skin of its natural moisture, resulting in brittle and dry skin. As the season changes, your skin undergoes various transitions for which you need to...
13 Healthy Foods for Your Winter Worries
The season brings with it festive cheer and holidays. Along with all the fun, it also comes with a host of health issues such as dry, dull and flaky skin, respiratory problems and joint pain. You can fight off these winter worries by incorporating healthy foods in your daily diet. Health Total has a step-by-step...
19 Foods that Cause Heartburn
Have you ever woken up late in the night feeling uneasiness in your chest? Or have you felt a sour taste in your mouth after a late dinner? Or have you eaten a heavy dinner and felt the stomach bloated next morning? If you’re agreeing to all these questions, then probably you’re suffering from heartburn...
13 Tips to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs
There are two types of cholesterol – good (or HDL) and bad (or LDL.) You should look to boost HDL levels, while lower LDL levels through diet and lifestyle modifications. LDL and HDL undertake the unique task of carrying vitamins and other substances through the blood. When you do not provide your body with sufficient...
Do Eggs Increase Cholesterol Levels?
How many eggs should I eat in a day? Are eggs healthy? These are some of the most frequently asked questions. The fact is that eggs are rich in nutrients and highly beneficial to health. They are packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are a source of healthy fats, including Omega-3 fatty acids. There...
23 Superfoods for Glowing Skin
What’s the best get-flawless-skin regime? No, it’s not a spa therapy or anti-acne treatment. It’s what you eat that matters! Glowing skin is a result of healthy eating, so watch what you eat. Putting your best face on may be as simple as choosing to include specific foods with powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties...
7 Natural Skincare Tips for Men
Gone are the days when men paid very little attention to their skin. Today is all about looking good and feeling good. While the internet is flooded with information on skin treatment and beauty tips for women, how often do you read about skincare tips for men? Well, not as much! However, times are changing,...
Impact Of Fasting, Good Cholesterol & Diet On Your Body
Fasting is a powerful weight-loss tool, as well as an effective way to discipline one’s body. However, while regular fasting is known to be an effective method to lose weight and improve good cholesterol levels, it comes with its fair share of health risks. They include the following: Dehydration Dizziness Hypoglycaemia Low blood pressure Increased...