High blood pressure refers to a common condition where the long-term force of blood against our artery walls is high enough to...
Health Tips Blog
How Stress Affects Your Blood Pressure
Amongst the many factors that lead to high blood pressure like smoking, alcohol intake, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance etc, stress seems to be a major player in precipitating...
Stress & Blood Pressure
Suffering is disease and contentment is good health. This only points out the profound connection between our body and mind. A person...
Mineral Magic for High Blood Pressure
While some people may require medication to keep their blood pressure under control, most of them can control it with diet, weight loss, correct...
Ways to Keep High Blood Pressure Away
High Blood Pressure can be termed as the bane of modernization because in the primitive cultures blood pressure was practically unknown. Modernization...
How to Ensure Normal Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure can be termed as the bane of modernization because in the primitive cultures blood pressure was practically unknown. This disease, harassing...
Acidity and Your Body
The acid alkaline balance in the body can be defined as the fine line between good health and the verge of illness....
Get Relief from Acidity
Seeking medications to get rid of acidity? Try these easy, home remedies for acidity instead, and get instant relief the natural way....
Eat Right – Don’t Diet – Lose Weight
Being healthy and losing weight can sound so simple like, ‘Eat less, be more active’. But as anyone who has ever tried...
EAT to Lose Weight!
Let’s face it, most of us struggle with our weight. And we all know that in order to achieve it, we need to cut...