Has the countdown to your wedding began? These times can be stressful with last minute preps for your bridal outfit, make up & hair trials, sangeet practice, food tastings and what not…. During this hectic period, it is easy to let your bridal diet slip away from you! It is important for you to follow a bridal diet plan.
Eating the wrong foods can cause skin break-outs like pimples, rashes and cause other issues like indigestion, acidity and bloat. You may even put on weight instead of losing it.
However, Crash – dieting to lose weight is a big NO NO! Staying empty stomach for long hours is also a big NO NO! So how do you eat right and what do you eat? Worry not, we have celebrity nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee give you tips on your bridal diet as well what to eat 1-day prior to your wedding day!
Celebrity Nutritionists Anjali Mukerjee, shares diet tips for brides-to-be
- Eat smaller meals, more frequently, as this is very effective for weight loss.
- Include plenty (At least 5-8 servings) of fruits and vegetables in your diet
- Drink at least 2 glasses of vegetable juice made from vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, dudhi, mint, coriander etc. These help to detoxify your body and also eliminate body odour.
- Avoid foods like garlic, onions, methi as they have certain aromatic substances that affect the odour of our armpits, breath, urine and stools.
- Include at least 40-45gms of protein in your diet such as fish, egg white and dairy products.
- Ensure that your bridal diet plan provides you with sufficient calcium. So eat tofu, curd and paneer to up your calcium intake. This will help you stay calm.
- Avoid refined foods made from maida like roomali roti, naan, noodles etc. as they make the body retain water, thus making you feel bloated.
- Increase your water intake to at least 3 litres a day.
- If you have acne, follow a low-fat diet.
- Work out or exercise in some form.
- Get 8-hours sleep and practice deep breathing exercises.
- Drink coconut water as least twice a week as it is good for your skin, digestive system and also works wonders for your hair.
- 2 glasses of water
- 1 cup of green tea
- 50 ml of Haldi Juice
Simply blend 5 inches of fresh haldi with 50 ml of water in a mixer. Blend it for about a minute till it becomes a fine paste. Strain into a glass, add a juice of 1 full lemon and salt to taste.
- 1 egg + 2 egg whites
- 1 slice of whole wheat bread
- Grilled fish or Tofu or Paneer or Chicken
- Raw salad
- 1 glass Juice of Carrots, tomatoes and beetroot
Simply push 2 Carrots, 2 tomatoes and 1 beetroot through the juicer. Collect the juice in a glass container and drink fresh juice within 20 minutes of extraction.
- 1 cup tea
- Mixed dry fruits (almonds, walnuts, munakka)
- 1 Jowar Roti
- 2 to 3 cups of vegetables
- 1 bowl of raw salad
Follow these valuable tips and bridal diet plan by Anjali Mukerjee and in no time you will not only see yourself flaunting a hot bod but also a glowing skin, glossy hair and oddles of energy to dance your heart out at your sangeet. Floor your husband –to – be with your goddess-like looks!
Here comes the bride!
For a customised Bridal Diet Plan, book an appointment for a FREE consultation
To buy healthy juices, teas and supplements for glowing skin and weight loss, visit e-shop.
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