The Health Total Approach
Here’s what our acidity management plan/good digestion plan includes:
- Food plan
- Herbal plan
- Mild exercise
Health Total approach includes suggesting a customised food plan with increased consumption of dietary fiber, soy foods, and omega-3 fatty acids.
What’s in a Health Total food plan ?
Fiber: Our food plan includes high fiber foods, especially only plant foods (vegetables, fruits, legumes, husk, unrefined grains) that contain dietary fiber. The soluble fiber found in foods such as oat bran, barley, psyllium seeds, flax seed meal, apples, citrus fruits, lentils, and beans are particularly effective in managing acidity.
Nuts: Our food plan include nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and avocado that can manage acidity. We replace foods that are high in saturated fats with nuts, since they are a good source of fiber.
Soybeans: We include soybeans or soy protein for other proteins. Soy protein is present in tofu, soya granules, soy milk, soy yogurt, soya nuggets, soy nuts, and many other food products made from soybeans.
Phytosterols: Phytosterols (plant sterol and stanol esters) are compounds found in small amounts in foods such as whole grains as well as in many vegetables, fruits, and vegetable oils. We include all vegetable juices and green tea since they help in detoxifying our body.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps manage acidity effectively. Thus, we include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, and sardines in our diet plan. Other dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flax seed and walnuts. Supplement sources include fish oil capsules, rice bran oil, flaxseed, and flaxseed oil.
Herbal therapy:
The Health Total approach mainly commences with the detoxification of the liver, kidneys, colons, and blood purification with herbs and supplements. This helps in producing healthier body tissues and balancing the doshas.
We use different Ayurvedic herbs, some of which include Guduchi (Indian Tinospora), Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus Indicus), and Manjistha (Indian Madder). Each of these helps with bile secretion and purifies blood and muscle tissue, thus, purifying the building blocks for healthy fat tissue. Guduchi strengthens all of the dhatu agnis including meda dhatu agni, which is responsible for fat metabolism. Guduchi supports intellectual stamina to enhance the quality of fat for the entire body. Guggul increases fat metabolism. Shilajit (Mineral Pitch) enhances metabolism and prevents nutrients from being lost in the metabolic process. Manjistha helps bring balance to the interaction between the liver (governed by Ranjaka Pitta) and blood plasma, thus, creating purer blood by screening out toxins.
Other ingredients also have a profound effect in supporting healthy body constitution. Turmeric supports the liver, purifies the blood, increases bile, and enhances the interaction of plasma and blood. Trikatu, which is a combination of powdered ginger, long pepper, and black pepper, enhances absorption and thus, makes the other herbs in the formula easier to assimilate. Triphala, which includes Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan), Amalaki (Amla), and Bibhitaki (Belleric Myrobalan) helps scrub the colon and remove toxins from the body through the bowel.
Exercise plan
We suggest a mild exercise plan, which includes 30-40 minutes of cardiovascular (active) exercise (5 times a week). This will help you regularise the flow of free fatty acids for burning. Moderate physical activity including mild exercise such as 30-40 minutes’ walk makes a big difference while being on our acidity management/good digestion plan. It can give you amazing results in terms of losing weight while helping you manage your digestion effectively.