Apart from stress levels, exercise and other aspects of lifestyle, your diet can profoundly influence this delicate acid-alkali balance. What to Eat,...
Acidity Related Articles
Don’t Let Your Heart Burn
If your stomach is on fire and this spreads up to your throat, you can put it down to what you have...
pH Factor – The Key To Good Health
The balance of acid and alkaline states in the body is an essential factor in the maintenance of good health. The pH...
Acidity And Related Health Disorders
Acidity refers to a condition in your stomach where the contents of gastric acid increase rapidly. It mainly happens due to excess...
5 Simple Tips To Reduce Flatulence
Flatulence or farting can be an embarrassment for all. It tends to affect our personal, social and work life. The reasons could...
Acidic Foods To Avoid To Control Acidity
Acidity has become quite a common problem faced by many of us. It is further aggravated by certain foods. Almost everyone seems to...
Top 5 Signs That Indicate Acidity
Certain signs of acidity can be extremely tedious to bear. When the gastric glands of the stomach produce extra acid than the...
4 Things To Know About Testing Your pH Levels
Your blood pH level plays a vital role in your overall health. In case your blood pH level is acidic, your cells cannot function...
Home Remedies for Heartburn
Heartburn is very common and unpleasant inconvenience faced by most of us. It is triggered when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. It can make you...
5 Reasons To Eat Munaqqa To Control Constipation
Constipation is a common problem these days. This is mainly because of improper diet and lack of fiber in food. In case...
4 Ways Spinach Helps Manage Your Acidity
Apart from being loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, this leafy green also provides you with dietary fiber which aids digestion and treats acidity. So...
13 Amazing Home Remedies for Acidity
Did you know that any imbalance in the digestive acids inside the stomach can lead to acidity or heartburn? Poor food choices, smoking, consuming excessive alcohol...