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Obesity & Its Harmful Effects on Health, Overweight Problems

Excess weight is one of the biggest nightmares for one and all in the modern world. Extra weight manifests itself largely in and around your waist and hip area. Worried about your bulging belly? You’re not alone. Excess weight is the first indication of high visceral fat percentage. Visceral fat releases harmful chemicals into our body, which makes you highly vulnerable to dangerous health issues such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Fatty liver
  • Arthritis

Just because someone is obese it does not mean they will have all the above listed problems. However, if you have a family history of any of the above mentioned conditions, you are definately at a risk of getting one of those.

Individuals having belly fat are considered to be at a higher risk of having diseases than those having fat around hips or other body parts.

Here’s an insight on the above listed health conditions that are linked to being overweight:

Heart Disease

Extra weight increases your chances of having high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol. Both of those conditions increase possibilities of having heart disease.
However, it can be managed easily by reducing some of weight, even five to 10 percent reduction in weight can improve your conditions.

High Blood Pressure

Being obese causes increased blood pressure because increased weight requires more blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to your body. Being overweight and/or obese can cause high blood pressure in a variety of ways. Also, whenever there is increased weight it takes more pressure to move the blood around the body.

Read More: Causes of High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

In the bodies of obese individuals triglycerides and LDL or bad Cholesterol tends to be high. On the other hand, the good cholesterol or HDL is too low. This is in turn increases your chances of heart diseases.


Most people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Individuals who are overweight or have obesity have added pressure on their body’s ability to utilize insulin to properly control blood sugar levels, and are therefore more likely to develop diabetes.

Related: Obesity And Type 2 Diabtets

Fatty Liver

As opposed to our earlier knowledge, drinking alcohol is not the only reason for Fatty Liver. In fact, it has become a growing menace with people suffering from metabolic syndrome (pre diabetic) and obesity. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is generally observed in obese people, it is caused by a build-up of fat within liver cells.


Obesity tends to affect the body in various ways, both in how it functions and how it feels. Over a period of time, the strain that extra weight places on the body can result in problems like joint pain and arthritis.

While some people may require medication to keep their health issues under control, most of them can control it with weight loss diet, correct intake of vitamin supplements and proper stress management.

If you are overweight, begin a gradual weight loss program. As you begin to shed off pounds you will lower chances to getting long term disease. If you are stressed out, set some of your time aside for yoga and meditation. Along with this you need to follow a nutritious diet and supplement it with vitamins & minerals.