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Joint Pain Recipes

Joint pain is always associated with weight, and we all know how an increase in our weight can make a difference to our joint pain. These recipes are excellent for people who are suffering from joint pain since it only helps to cure the issue, but at the same time also aids in weight loss.

Vitamin C-rich Orange Juice

Vitamin C-rich Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants. It improves heart health, boosts immunity, detoxifies the body and reduces inflammation. Here’s how to make it –

Cucumber Boats Salad

Cucumber Boats Salad

Cucumber Boats Salad is a refreshing dish that comes with a lot of health benefits. It improves your skin and has shown great results where weight loss is concerned.

Sprout Fruity Salad

Sprout Fruity Salad

Sprout Fruity Salad is infused with innumerable health benefits. With the goodness of fruits and veggies, this salad is perfect for those suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.