Home / Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally & Keep it Down!

  • Feeling more thirsty than usual?
  • Having a fast or irregular heartbeat?
  • Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint?
  • Have you checked your blood pressure lately?

Desk jobs, no time to exercise, difficulty in breathing due to high level of stress, eating salty snacks or large meals, drinking and smoking all contribute to high blood pressure. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is so common that almost everybody is affected by it at some point. But chances are higher if you are overweight or obese. The key to managing this health condition lies in following a right high blood pressure diet plan.

Many people accidentally discover that they have high blood pressure because it has no signs or symptoms. So, a regular test is the best way to keep a check on your blood pressure level. A reading of 120/80 is considered as normal blood pressure range, whereas a reading of 140/90 is considered as pre-hypertensive and above 140/90 is hypertensive.

While some people may require medication to keep their blood pressure under control, most can lower it through changes in diet and lifestyle. Losing weight, consuming specific vitamins and minerals and proper stress management helps to combat hypertension. Any drug that you take has direct bearing on your state of health. So why not reduce your need for drugs by making wise food and lifestyle changes?

Sign up for a FREE consultation to know what the reasons for high BP are and how to control it naturally. Just take the first step towards a healthier, happier life and Health Total experts will help you achieve your health goal!

Why Health Total?

At Health Total, we believe in managing your health problems holistically. Our doctors and nutritionists first identify the root cause of the problem and then follow an integrated approach that combines the benefits of a right high blood pressure diet, Ayurveda, homeopathy and simple exercise plan to help you control and manage high blood pressure.

Our 4-step scientific process works in conjunction with the body’s natural state and helps reduce and manage the disease symptoms.
Health Total Acidity Management

It’s Easy!

Health Total’s plans are simple and easy-to-follow with only certain lifestyle modification. The main benefits of the programmes are:

  • Customised high blood pressure diet plan combined with Ayurveda and homeopathy
  • Tasty, nourishing meal plans using what you already have in the kitchen
  • Clinically-proven weight loss results
  • Support and motivation at every step
  • Added beauty & skin benefits

Health Total Blood Pressure Management Plan

fruits are a key food group in a high blood pressure diet plan

The Health Total Blood Pressure Management Plan is customised to meet your unique health requirements. The plan comprises nutritious food, simple lifestyle changes combined with the healing power of Ayurveda and homeopathy. Now, isn’t that an easy way to manage the symptoms of high BP?

Food Plan

This includes following a healthy high blood pressure diet plan, which is low in saturated fats and sodium, and high in dietary fibre and functional foods. Apart from this, at Health Total we focus on foods rich in potassium, as they help to normalise high BP.

Potassium normalises high blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and helping the body to get rid of the excess water and salt. Eating minimum 5 servings of potassium-rich foods will ensure a sufficient supply of the mineral to your body. However, high potassium intake is not recommended for hypertensives having kidney functioning issues. Apart from potassium, the Health Total high blood pressure diet includes foods rich in other minerals i.e. calcium and magnesium as they help in better management of the condition.

Herbal formulation

According to Ayurveda, hypertension involves all the doshas, the heart and the blood vessels. At Health Total, we focus on correcting the balance of vata dosha and pitta vitiation. Various herbs are prescribed to control high BP. A few herbs that help in managing doshas are Sarpagandha, Abana and Tagar.


We recommend moderate exercising for at least 30-45 minutes every day to lower high blood pressure by 4 to 9 mm of mercury (mm Hg). But, if you stop exercising, your blood pressure might shoot up again. The best exercises include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and dancing.

One-day High Blood Pressure Diet Plan

Here’s a one-day generic diet plan for high blood pressure. Consult your doctor or dietitian before trying it

Upon Rising

  •  1 glass lukewarm water with almonds


  • 1 cup of low-fat milk + muesli + banana OR 1 multigrain bread sandwich + 1 cup low-fat milk


  • Fresh vegetable juice


  • Jowar/nachni roti with vegetable + salad + dal/low-fat curd


  • 1 fruit (melons, citrus & berries)


  • Same as Lunch

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure – What to Eat & Avoid

diet chart for high blood pressure

To know more about healthy recipes for managing high BP, click here!

What is High BP?

The blood circulating in the blood vessels exerts a force on the wall of the vessel. If your arteries are narrow and rigid, there will be more pressure exerted on them by the pumping action of the heart. When the pressure is too high, it negatively impacts your health. High blood pressure can have symptoms such as headache, giddiness and nose bleeds.

Who is at a risk?

  • Overweight or obese people
  • Those above 45 years
  • People having a family history of hypertension
  • Those who smoke, drink, or consume excess amount of caffeine
  • Inactive people
  • People who don’t eat vegetables and fruits (potassium-rich foods)
  • Those who eat too much salt, fried foods and sweet

What Causes High BP?

Stress is one of the major factors that causes high blood pressure and it is directly related to how out-of-control we feel. People who lead a stressful lifestyle, or who are prone to aggression, and workaholics are highly susceptible to high BP. Pregnant women, women who take birth control pills and people who regularly consume fatty foods are also at a risk.

Read more about causes of high blood pressure

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

The most effective lifestyle change for anyone suffering from hypertension is weight loss. Even if you lose small amounts of weight, it can have dramatic effects on lowering your blood pressure. Most experts prefer using weight loss along with conventional medicine to treat high blood pressure.

However, eating healthy should be your number one choice of treatment for hypertension. To keep heart attack and stroke at bay, controlling high blood pressure and maintaining it at 120/80 is important. High BP can be lowered and managed with natural therapies such as Ayurveda and homeopathy, along with a healthy diet and slight modifications in your lifestyle.

So, make health your priority. Call toll-free 1800 266 0607 to Book an Appointment with Health Total experts for a personalised high blood pressure diet plan.