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Common Solutions to Reduce Cholesterol

We do not usually worry about heart diseases until we hit 40. But today, adults as young as 20 also need to get their cholesterol measured because high levels of LDL or bad cholesterol at a young age are more likely to cause heart diseases in later years of life.

By eating healthy foods, which have a cholesterol-lowering effect, we can reduce the risk of developing heart ailments and improve our overall health, without resorting to conventional medicines. Though we cannot change our genes – a contributing factor to high cholesterol, we can change our diets.

Your diet plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining health goals. One can prevent high cholesterol by eating foods that boost good ‘HDL’ cholesterol levels and regularly exercising.

solutions to reduce cholesterolSign up for a FREE consultation and get a personalised diet plan to manage cholesterol the Health Total way! The diet plan – a combination of food and Ayurveda – is easy-to-follow and detoxifies your organs to make them function more efficiently. Plus, there are other reasons why you must choose Health Total –

  • No starving, no crash dieting
  • Easy-to-follow tailor-made diet plans
  • No gym workouts, no sweat, no gadgets
  • Clinically proven weight loss results
  • Improved disease outcomes
  • Added skin & beauty benefits

At Health Total, we believe good nutrition plays an important role in managing any health condition. So, we use ‘food as medicine’ to manage an individual’s health. This goes a long way in helping you lead a healthy life. Health Total has a 4-step scientific approach to lower LDL cholesterol levels — and your heart disease risk. You will start the programme by following a heart-healthy diet.

Here are some tips to reduce high cholesterol:

Exercise: Exercise can help you to keep your cholesterol in the normal range. Aerobic exercises such as walking and cycling will improve circulation and lower risk of coronary heart disease. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes for 6 times a week.

Lose extra weight: If you are overweight, try to lose at least 10 % of your body weight. You will see significant changes in your cholesterol levels. Also, weight loss will help to lower high triglyceride levels.

Add fibre to your diet: Studies have shown that fibre reduces cholesterol. So, add more fibre to your daily diet by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and raw vegetable salad daily. Oats contain soluble fibre, which helps reduce LDL cholesterol. So, start your day with a bowl of oatmeal porridge (made in water).

Avoid saturated fats and trans fats: Eat less of foods that contain a high amount of saturated fats like animal fats, butter, dairy products and ice creams and foods with high amount of trans fats like baked foods, fried foods, cakes, pastries and farsan. A whole egg contains cholesterol, so eat egg whites instead.

Choose your oils wisely: For lowering LDL, both the quality and quantity of oils used is important. Use rice bran oil or olive oil if you have high cholesterol. Also, just because you are using a healthy oil, you cannot use more of it. Use not more than 3-4 teaspoons of oil per person per day.

olive oil for high cholesterolIn addition, include sources of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet as they improve HDL levels. Excellent sources of Omega-3 are walnuts and flaxseeds, salmon, mackerel and sardines. Eat fish 3-4 times in a week, but make sure it is not fried. You can grill, bake or steam it.

Other solutions

Besides diet, the other solutions available to lower LDL levels include Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Allopathy treatments. While Ayurvedic treatments include herbal extracts with BHASMA’S (containing heavy metals), allopathic treatments include the use of statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid and cholestyramine. Other treatments that help lower cholesterol quickly include nutrition counselling coupled with lifestyle modification and use of phytosterols as conventional therapy.

Benefits of implementing these solutions:

  • Quick and faster results
  • Cheaper
  • No involvement of strict restrictions


  • Heavy metals may cause chronic organ damage and failure
  • Statins-liver dysfunction is one possible side effect
  • Other possible side effects include the potential for muscle damage, which results in temporary muscle pain and weakness, kidney damage, and behavioural changes such as irritability and aggression.
  • Results are mostly short-term in nature
  • The common solutions do not involve complete lifestyle modification and sustained benefits
  • Overload of toxins is one of the major disadvantages

Remember that what you eat can play an important role in lowering cholesterol. So, eat wisely and stay healthy! Call on our toll-free number 18002660607 and book an appointment with our health experts today!