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Month: October 2019

The Diabetes Diet

The Diabetes Diet

Living with diabetes doesn’t mean eating less or depriving yourself, it simply means eating healthy and with caution. Diabetes is on the rise every year and there is no cure for it, but we can manage it well. The first step towards management of diabetes is to consume more of low glycemic index (GI) foods....

Garlic for Health

Garlic for Health

Garlic has been hailed down the ages as a herb. It has been used as a medicine, as a beauty aid and even as a talisman against evil. This little bulb contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, Vitamin C and a small amount of vitamin B complex. Its strong odour is considered serious social handicap. Nevertheless, it...

4 Home Remedies for Brides with Oily Skin

4 Home Remedies for Brides with Oily Skin

When the sebaceous glands in the skin produce excess sebum, it results in the accumulation of oil, thus making the skin oily. Oily skin can lead to other skin issues such as acne, skin irritation and blackheads. Try these easy home remedies to get rid of your oily skin permanently. Egg white + lime juice Lime juice...

Bridal skincare tips – For Dry Skin

Bridal skincare tips – For Dry Skin

Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin it is important to take care of it. Among all the different skin types, dry skin is probably the most difficult one to deal with. People with dry skin are more prone to developing wrinkles at an early age, and may also suffer from thyroid disorders and...

Bridal Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Bridal Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

How to get a glowing skin? How to have a flawless skin? These are some frequently-asked questions to skin specialists and dermatologists. But how many times have you received a satisfying answer? How many times have their medicine or treatment helped you regain a clear and glowing skin? We all dream of a glowing skin....

Spices to get the Bridal Skin Glow

Spices to get the Bridal Skin Glow

We all have to pay the price of living rushed and interesting lives. Your body gets diseased and your skin gets wrinkled if you don’t take care of it. Beautiful skin is an inside job. Have you ever seen an unhealthy person with a radiant glow? Your skin may appreciate some creams, gels and lotions....

23 Superfoods for Brides

23 Superfoods for Brides

What’s the best get-flawless-skin regime? No, it’s not a spa therapy or anti-acne treatment. It’s what you eat that matters! Glowing skin is a result of healthy eating, so watch what you eat. Putting your best face on may be as simple as choosing to include specific foods with powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties...

Quick Guide for Brides to Lose Weight & Get a Glowing Skin!

Quick Guide for Brides to Lose Weight & Get a Glowing Skin!

You deserve to look and feel your most gorgeous self on your wedding day. All eyes are going to be on you and you want to shine! So, getting ready to fit into that wedding outfit and shine with that magical glow is going to be your number one priority during the pre-wedding days. Following...

Food that is harmful for your bones

Food that is harmful for your bones

Calcium is a fussy mineral and does not get absorbed easily. It needs the ‘right environment’ to get absorbed. Only about 20 to 30% of the ingested calcium is absorbed. In women after menopause the absorption even falls down to as low as 7% of the total ingested calcium. Most of the unabsorbed calcium gets...