Do you wonder sometimes why you are craving for certain foods when you’ve just had your lunch or dinner? Food cravings can be intense, and sometimes it is difficult to get your mind of what you are craving to eat. During these cravings, mostly you end up eating foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, which...
Month: August 2019
The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails
Ever wondered why some women can get away with scrubbing floor and sawing on nails with a metal file while others need to strengthen their nails by putting base coats and numerous visits to the nail bar? It would be hard to find a nutritionist today who denies that nutrition affects nails. So, the right...
What Causes Greying of Hair
If you are genetically prone to early balding or greying of hair, blame your ancestors. But largely, hair health depends on your blood circulation and nutrition. Hair colour is the result of pigmentation attributed to the presence of certain specific chemicals known as eumelanin and pheomelanin (broadly referred to as melanin). The stem cells at...
What To Eat For Stomach Upset?
Most of us experience an upset stomach occasionally. The discomfort is usually temporary and not serious. A mildly upset stomach is generally caused by eating too much, too soon. Most people are relieved of it after a few hours. But, if the trouble starts after consuming food and is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, the...
No More Monsoon Maladies
All of us fall sick on certain occasions. However, the severity and duration of the illness are different for different individuals. Our bodies are constantly attacked by toxins present in our environment. Everyday our immune system has to deal with polluted air, processed food, and contaminated water. It provides soldiers to your body to be able...
What to eat if you have kidney stone
If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, it’s unlikely that you will ever forget the experience. Kidney stones can be extremely painful and happen to be one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. The role of the kidney is to filter the blood by removing excess mineral salts and other soluble (dissolvable)...
How to Stay Fit After 40
We all know that aging is inevitable – but how gracefully you age is up to you. Scientific research shows that we can turn back the clock through a targeted regimen of age-busting exercise and nutrition. By exercising for just 30 minutes a day and eating for maximum health and vitality, we can not only...
Soya Beans – The Elixir of Youth
‘A cup of soya milk a day can keep aging at bay’ – this might just be the new maxim of the millennium! The innocuous-looking soya beans has been found to contain enough properties and power that can delay aging, repel cancer, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, prevent the onset of osteoporosis, to name a...
Importance of Fibre
I would like everyone to know about the value of fibre. “Fibre” is that part of the food which is not digested. It passes through the large intestine unchanged. It provides no nutrients or any material for growth and repair and yet has untold health benefits. High-fibre Indian diet has virtually no calories. It entangles...
How Stress Affects Your Heart
Stress is a normal part of our life today. Differences, disagreements, and anger – we experience all of these at some point in our life. But if severe and left unmanaged, stress can lead to a range of psychological and physical problems. Smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and a sedentary lifestyle can eventually...
5 Interesting Factors That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply
There are various factors that can affect the breast milk supply in new mothers. While some are within her control, some are not. However, there is no need to worry. Keeping a watch on the baby’s behaviour and what you eat can increase the supply of your breast milk. Factors that affect breast milk supply...
Anjali Mukerjee bestowed with Wellness Achiever Award at CLO
The NeuroLeap Super Brains @CLO Summit on “Wellness for Achievers” presented by Dr. Mickey Mehta felicitated achievers who are super brains in their own way and are health & wellness practitioners helping others achieve their life goals. One of the achievers at the event was Health Total founder-director, Ms. Anjali Mukerjee. She was recognised as...
Foods to Limit While Breastfeeding
Breast milk is the best milk for a new-born baby but what about the mother’s diet? Having recently gone through the process of delivering a baby, the mother’s body needs nutritious food to regain her strength and produce enough milk for her new-born baby. There are no foods that a new mother must completely avoid...
How to Fight Bad Breath
If you have stood next to someone who has bad breath, you would know it requires immediate attention. Halitosis or bad breath is used to describe noticeably unpleasant smell exhaled while breathing. Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue and the mouth’s warm, moist conditions serve as an...
Binge eating? No More!
For most of us, the impulse to reach out for something to eat when we are upset is as natural as breathing. All of us experience uncalled for stress that upsets our eating patterns and washes away our efforts to lose weight. An angry phone call, any festival or an argument can trigger the well-under-control...