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Month: February 2019

Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Whether you are a student or have a desk job or dance the night away, it is the calcium-rich foods that give your body its basic shape and structure. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. The rest is found in the blood where it performs important tasks...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Academic success, today, is considered as the sure shot ticket to a good job, settled life and a secured future. With all the emphasis on academic excellence, children are definitely feeling the pressure for doing well in their exams. So, the heat is on for both students as well as their parents, who need to...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

In the olden days when writing was still not discovered, a person’s ability to retain what he or she heard made that person invaluable. Surnames like Tripathi come from that ability to retain at one go. Or at three goes as in the case of a Tri-pathi. This article is about the exam diet for...

by February 12, 2019February 12, 2019


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is on the rise. More and more young girls are being diagnosed with multiple small cysts in the ovaries – a common cause of infertility. It has not been clearly understood as to what causes PCOS. But when there is no ovulation for many cycles, multiple cysts develop on the ovaries....