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Year: 2019

The Role of Inflammation in Heart Disease

The Role of Inflammation in Heart Disease

Inflammation appears to be the root cause of all lifestyle disease including heart disease. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to protect itself against an illness or infection. When you have an infection or injury, your body sends its soldiers (WBC’s) to get rid of harmful intruders and repairs damaged cells. However, long term exposure...

5 must have supplements for winter

5 must have supplements for winter

With temperatures dropping this time around the year, we are listing 5 must have supplements this winter. These supplements will help keep dry itchy skin away, improve digestion, boost immunity and increase your overally energy.  1. Omega 3 Since our bodies are unable to produce omega 3, it is essential for us to obtain them...

Can lack of sleep lead to heart disease

Can lack of sleep lead to heart disease

If struggling to sleep is a routine; your body’s natural repair mechanism needs attention. Like many others, if you chose to live in denial, you’re putting your health at a great risk! You might be surprised to learn that sleep is the latest factor to be associated with coronary heart disease. Sleep is essential for...

Homemade face pack for brides using cumin seeds

Homemade face pack for brides using cumin seeds

Are your looking for that perfect bridal glow? Try this homemade face pack for brides using cumin seeds. Its easy to make and has no side effects. Cumin seeds are deceptively small, as they are big on anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. When used in a facial pack, they tend to soothe the skin and...

How to deal with a headache

How to deal with a headache

Headaches seem such a common ailment that many of us do not even find the need to take them seriously. Stress, tension, arguments, work or exams pressure-anything and everything seems reason enough to trigger a headache. In many individuals, food allergies, low sugar levels, intake of very cold liquids, sudden cessation from caffeine or nicotine...

The Diabetes Diet

The Diabetes Diet

Living with diabetes doesn’t mean eating less or depriving yourself, it simply means eating healthy and with caution. Diabetes is on the rise every year and there is no cure for it, but we can manage it well. The first step towards management of diabetes is to consume more of low glycemic index (GI) foods....

Garlic for Health

Garlic for Health

Garlic has been hailed down the ages as a herb. It has been used as a medicine, as a beauty aid and even as a talisman against evil. This little bulb contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, Vitamin C and a small amount of vitamin B complex. Its strong odour is considered serious social handicap. Nevertheless, it...

4 Home Remedies for Brides with Oily Skin

4 Home Remedies for Brides with Oily Skin

When the sebaceous glands in the skin produce excess sebum, it results in the accumulation of oil, thus making the skin oily. Oily skin can lead to other skin issues such as acne, skin irritation and blackheads. Try these easy home remedies to get rid of your oily skin permanently. Egg white + lime juice Lime juice...

Bridal skincare tips – For Dry Skin

Bridal skincare tips – For Dry Skin

Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin it is important to take care of it. Among all the different skin types, dry skin is probably the most difficult one to deal with. People with dry skin are more prone to developing wrinkles at an early age, and may also suffer from thyroid disorders and...

Bridal Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Bridal Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

How to get a glowing skin? How to have a flawless skin? These are some frequently-asked questions to skin specialists and dermatologists. But how many times have you received a satisfying answer? How many times have their medicine or treatment helped you regain a clear and glowing skin? We all dream of a glowing skin....

Spices to get the Bridal Skin Glow

Spices to get the Bridal Skin Glow

We all have to pay the price of living rushed and interesting lives. Your body gets diseased and your skin gets wrinkled if you don’t take care of it. Beautiful skin is an inside job. Have you ever seen an unhealthy person with a radiant glow? Your skin may appreciate some creams, gels and lotions....

23 Superfoods for Brides

23 Superfoods for Brides

What’s the best get-flawless-skin regime? No, it’s not a spa therapy or anti-acne treatment. It’s what you eat that matters! Glowing skin is a result of healthy eating, so watch what you eat. Putting your best face on may be as simple as choosing to include specific foods with powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties...

Quick Guide for Brides to Lose Weight & Get a Glowing Skin!

Quick Guide for Brides to Lose Weight & Get a Glowing Skin!

You deserve to look and feel your most gorgeous self on your wedding day. All eyes are going to be on you and you want to shine! So, getting ready to fit into that wedding outfit and shine with that magical glow is going to be your number one priority during the pre-wedding days. Following...

Food that is harmful for your bones

Food that is harmful for your bones

Calcium is a fussy mineral and does not get absorbed easily. It needs the ‘right environment’ to get absorbed. Only about 20 to 30% of the ingested calcium is absorbed. In women after menopause the absorption even falls down to as low as 7% of the total ingested calcium. Most of the unabsorbed calcium gets...

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Whoever would have thought that a humble cup of green tea can provide protection to the body against heart disease, cancer & many other ailments?   Green tea protects the heart: Surprising, as it may seem, drinking tea (especially green tea) protects your arteries by reducing blood- clotting factors. The ‘catechins’ in tea help by...

How much Caffeine!

How much Caffeine!

Coffee – a drink obtained by infusion of the ground beans of coffee plant is one of the most freely marketed addictive substances in the world and a daily beverage for many of us. Because of its ever increasing popularity, there’s probably more research done on coffee than on any other subject and yet there...



What is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s is sometimes described as “diabetes of the brain”. It is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer is a physical disease that affects the brain. It is a progressive disease, where gradually, over a period, more and more parts of the brain are damaged. One of the most common symptoms of...

5 Beverages You Should Grab If You Have PCOS

5 Beverages You Should Grab If You Have PCOS

Staying hydrated is something that you must have heard and read in several health and wellness articles. But hydration is especially crucial if you’re dealing with PCOS. Approximately 1 in 10 women are suffering from this hormonal condition today. PCOS means you have cysts in your ovaries, which leads to infertility and other health problems....

by September 16, 2019September 16, 2019

Case Study: An Integrated Approach in the Management of Diabetes related Retinopathy & Neuropathy, Haemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts with Menorrhagia, Osteoarthritis related Knee Pain & Obesity

Journal: Journal of Indian Dietetic Association Author: Anjali Mukerjee Abstract: The present case study refers to a 40-year-old woman with a BMI of 31.6 kg/m2. She was a prediabetic with fluctuating blood sugar levels, that resulted in diabetes related to retinopathy and neuropathy. She suffered from haemorrhagic ovarian cysts with heavy menstrual cycles. Other comorbidities...

Tips to Not Degrade to Type 3 Diabetes

Tips to Not Degrade to Type 3 Diabetes

Insulin resistance in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s disease is now termed as type 3 diabetes within the alternative healthcare groups, but the term is not widely accepted by the medical community. Some experts refer to this type of diabetes as brain diabetes. It is basically a progression from type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s disease...

Successful conception in a patient with PCOS using the integrated approach: A case report

Journal: The Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Author: Anjali Mukerjee Abstract: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects women of reproductive age resulting in hormonal, reproductive and metabolic abnormalities with an associated constellation of symptoms including disturbed menstrual cycle, hyperandrogenism, acne, weight gain, hair loss, diabetic predisposition, depression, mood swings and...

Herbs to Manage PCOS / PCOD symptoms

Herbs to Manage PCOS / PCOD symptoms

PCOS / PCOD is one of the most common endocrine conditions among Indian women of reproductive age. Some of the main symptoms of PCOS include: Irregular periods Ovarian cysts Acne Thinning of hair Weight gain Mood Swings Excessive facial hair growth Infertility Living with PCOS/PCOD is very difficult. The symptoms are very difficult to manage...

by September 13, 2019September 13, 2019
Greying of Hair

Greying of Hair

If you are genetically prone to early balding or graying of hair, you can blame it to your ancestors but largely – hair health depends upon your blood circulation and nutrition. Hair colour is the result of pigmentation attributed to the presence of  chemicals known as eumelanin and pheomelanin (broadly referred to as melanin). The...

Nutrition for a Good Night’s Sleep

Nutrition for a Good Night’s Sleep

Researchers say those who are gaining weight sleep more, and those who are shedding kilos tend to get less sleep. It has also been seen that people who lose weight rapidly often experience sleeplessness. The most common causes of insomnia are mental tension, over excitement, suppressed feeling of resentment, overeating at night, excessive intake of...

by September 6, 2019September 6, 2019
Diet for Hypothyroidism: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Diet for Hypothyroidism: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body is not capable of making enough thyroid hormones. This hormone helps control growth, repair, and metabolism. People who suffer from hypothyroidism may experience hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold and muscle weakness. Interestingly, hypothyroidism affects more women than men. *It is...

by September 5, 2019September 5, 2019
Nutrition for Lowering Cholesterol in Men

Nutrition for Lowering Cholesterol in Men

Mangal Das Sharma is a 42-year-old successful executive in a BlueChip Company. Ambitious and hardworking, having come up the hard way, he wants more out of life. His day begins at 7 am with two cups of tea, a quick shower followed by a light breakfast of poha, upma or a cheese toast, and he...

by September 4, 2019September 4, 2019
Gluten-free Meal Replacement for Healthy You!

Gluten-free Meal Replacement for Healthy You!

Chapati made from wheat flour, also known as roti or phulka, is an unleavened flatbread that is an integral part of our staple diet. To not eat chapati can be quite hard, as we have been eating them since we were little and for all practical purposes, it is all we know of. We completely...

by September 4, 2019September 4, 2019
Planning to take up a gluten-free diet? Find out its benefits

Planning to take up a gluten-free diet? Find out its benefits

You do not need to be tested for gluten intolerance to go gluten-free. You can reap the benefits of a gluten-free diet irrespective. In fact, you should try it. Cutting down gluten from your diet may seem like a difficult task initially. But over a period of time, you’ll feel lighter, less bloated and will...

by September 3, 2019September 4, 2019
Sugar Addiction? Easy Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth!

Sugar Addiction? Easy Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth!

Many people are addicted to sugar, even if they do not realise it. Sugar addiction has become a big health concern today. We are consuming more processed foods day by day. Drinking sugary juices in tetra packs, soft drinks, milkshakes, and different kinds of coffees, sweetened ice coolers is very common. Then, we eat different...

by September 3, 2019September 3, 2019
Are Omega-3 Eggs A Better Option?

Are Omega-3 Eggs A Better Option?

Eggs are consumed by a lot of people as a breakfast option and are considered to be one of the most nutritious foods. There are different types of eggs available in the market. The regular white eggs, such as the pastured eggs (where the hens are allowed to roam freely eating their natural food), and...

Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings

Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings

Do you wonder sometimes why you are craving for certain foods when you’ve just had your lunch or dinner? Food cravings can be intense, and sometimes it is difficult to get your mind of what you are craving to eat. During these cravings, mostly you end up eating foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, which...

by August 31, 2019August 31, 2019
The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails

The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails

Ever wondered why some women can get away with scrubbing floor and sawing on nails with a metal file while others need to strengthen their nails by putting base coats and numerous visits to the nail bar? It would be hard to find a nutritionist today who denies that nutrition affects nails. So, the right...

by August 31, 2019August 31, 2019
What Causes Greying of Hair

What Causes Greying of Hair

If you are genetically prone to early balding or greying of hair, blame your ancestors. But largely, hair health depends on your blood circulation and nutrition. Hair colour is the result of pigmentation attributed to the presence of certain specific chemicals known as eumelanin and pheomelanin (broadly referred to as melanin). The stem cells at...

by August 30, 2019August 30, 2019
What To Eat For Stomach Upset?

What To Eat For Stomach Upset?

Most of us experience an upset stomach occasionally. The discomfort is usually temporary and not serious. A mildly upset stomach is generally caused by eating too much, too soon. Most people are relieved of it after a few hours. But, if the trouble starts after consuming food and is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, the...

by August 28, 2019August 28, 2019
No More Monsoon Maladies

No More Monsoon Maladies

All of us fall sick on certain occasions. However, the severity and duration of the illness are different for different individuals. Our bodies are constantly attacked by toxins present in our environment. Everyday our immune system has to deal with polluted air, processed food, and contaminated water. It provides soldiers to your body to be able...

What to eat if you have kidney stone

What to eat if you have kidney stone

If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, it’s unlikely that you will ever forget the experience. Kidney stones can be extremely painful and happen to be one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. The role of the kidney is to filter the blood by removing excess mineral salts and other soluble (dissolvable)...

How to Stay Fit After 40

How to Stay Fit After 40

We all know that aging is inevitable – but how gracefully you age is up to you. Scientific research shows that we can turn back the clock through a targeted regimen of age-busting exercise and nutrition. By exercising for just 30 minutes a day and eating for maximum health and vitality, we can not only...

by August 17, 2019August 17, 2019
Soya Beans – The Elixir of Youth

Soya Beans – The Elixir of Youth

‘A cup of soya milk a day can keep aging at bay’ – this might just be the new maxim of the millennium! The innocuous-looking soya beans has been found to contain enough properties and power that can delay aging, repel cancer, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, prevent the onset of osteoporosis, to name a...

by August 14, 2019August 14, 2019
Importance of Fibre

Importance of Fibre

I would like everyone to know about the value of fibre. “Fibre” is that part of the food which is not digested. It passes through the large intestine unchanged. It provides no nutrients or any material for growth and repair and yet has untold health benefits. High-fibre Indian diet has virtually no calories. It entangles...

How Stress Affects Your Heart

How Stress Affects Your Heart

Stress is a normal part of our life today. Differences, disagreements, and anger – we experience all of these at some point in our life. But if severe and left unmanaged, stress can lead to a range of psychological and physical problems. Smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and a sedentary lifestyle can eventually...

by August 9, 2019August 9, 2019
5 Interesting Factors That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply

5 Interesting Factors That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply

There are various factors that can affect the breast milk supply in new mothers. While some are within her control, some are not. However, there is no need to worry. Keeping a watch on the baby’s behaviour and what you eat can increase the supply of your breast milk. Factors that affect breast milk supply...

by August 8, 2019August 9, 2019
Anjali Mukerjee bestowed with Wellness Achiever Award at CLO

Anjali Mukerjee bestowed with Wellness Achiever Award at CLO

The NeuroLeap Super Brains @CLO Summit on “Wellness for Achievers” presented by Dr. Mickey Mehta felicitated achievers who are super brains in their own way and are health & wellness practitioners helping others achieve their life goals. One of the achievers at the event was Health Total founder-director, Ms. Anjali Mukerjee. She was recognised as...

by August 8, 2019August 8, 2019
Foods to Limit While Breastfeeding

Foods to Limit While Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best milk for a new-born baby but what about the mother’s diet? Having recently gone through the process of delivering a baby, the mother’s body needs nutritious food to regain her strength and produce enough milk for her new-born baby. There are no foods that a new mother must completely avoid...

by August 7, 2019August 7, 2019
How to Fight Bad Breath

How to Fight Bad Breath

If you have stood next to someone who has bad breath, you would know it requires immediate attention. Halitosis or bad breath is used to describe noticeably unpleasant smell exhaled while breathing. Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue and the mouth’s warm, moist conditions serve as an...

by August 6, 2019August 6, 2019
Binge eating? No More!

Binge eating? No More!

For most of us, the impulse to reach out for something to eat when we are upset is as natural as breathing. All of us experience uncalled for stress that upsets our eating patterns and washes away our efforts to lose weight. An angry phone call, any festival or an argument can trigger the well-under-control...

The Problem with Fast Food

The Problem with Fast Food

When Hippocrates wrote ‘Let food be thy medicine’, he certainly wasn’t referring to fast foods.  With the burgeoning of fast-food joints in the metros, our health is in jeopardy.  Food has become a lovable enemy, which is what makes controlling it even more difficult. The Main Problem with Fast Food To put it simply, it...

by July 29, 2019July 29, 2019
Does A Cold Weather Cause A Cold?

Does A Cold Weather Cause A Cold?

Usually, a change in weather precipitates a cold. Although the cold weather does not cause a cold, the cold virus thrives better in a cold and dry climate.  There are about 200 different viruses that can cause the common cold.  These viruses are floating around us – all the time!  Each one of us is...

Eat Moderate Quantities of Food | Monsoon Queries

Eat Moderate Quantities of Food | Monsoon Queries

Moonsoon is a relief from the scorching summer sun. But with all the fun, comes a palate full of diseases that only come around only during the monsoon. We have your basic monsoon queries cleared in this week’s column. Q1. Is there a list of nutrition-related do’s and don’ts that we must follow during the...

by July 15, 2019July 15, 2019
What to Eat During Monsoons

What to Eat During Monsoons

We need to be very careful about the food we eat and the water we drink during monsoon as our digestion gets weakened and the dosha, which is most likely to go out of balance is Vaata. Vaata aggravation leads to gas formation and indigestion, which most of us unknowingly experience during monsoons. So, the...

Dark Chocolates: Health Benefits & How Much to Eat

Dark Chocolates: Health Benefits & How Much to Eat

Since centuries, chocolates have been admired and enjoyed by one and all because of its unique taste. Chocolates have regularly been eaten for pleasure, especially dark chocolates. However, studies show that the high amounts of antioxidants in the cocoa seeds, flavonoids and other kinds of polyphenols, may have a few beneficial effects on one’s health....

by July 5, 2019July 5, 2019
Why Do Women Gain Weight More Easily Than Men?

Why Do Women Gain Weight More Easily Than Men?

When it comes to losing weight, women stand at a disadvantage as compared to men. It has been observed that women accumulate fat quicker than men and lose it far more slowly. This only confirms what many women long suspected. “My husband eats so much, yet does not gain an inch!” said one of our...

by July 3, 2019July 3, 2019
Healthy Recipes for Monsoons

Healthy Recipes for Monsoons

The appetite-robbing days of summer are gone, and the monsoon weather tempts you to gorge on bhajiyas, chaats, samosas, vada pav, sweets, and ever-larger helpings at mealtimes. After all, you must make up for lost time! But temper that hearty appetite with a dose of caution – monsoon is the time when diseases, particularly related...

by July 1, 2019July 1, 2019
What Causes Fibromyalgia?

What Causes Fibromyalgia?

Occasionally experiencing a few aches and pains is fairly normal for most of us. But have you ever wondered how life would be if your body continues to be tired and aching for months together? Although it may seem unbelievable, at least 3% of the general population suffer from a painful condition known as “fibromyalgia”...

Emotions and Food Cravings

Emotions and Food Cravings

Some crave for ice creams, others crave for pizza, yet others crave for salty snacks. These are physical food cravings. They may be very real and physically disturb a person. On the other hand, some people experience the food cravings only when they are emotionally disturbed as when they are anxious, depressed, stressed, sad or...

Monsoon Health Queries

Monsoon Health Queries

As the season changes, we get flooded with monsoon health queries on how to take care of health. With monsoon around the corner, here’s a list of monsoon health queries that we recently received from our followers. Q1. Is there a list of nutrition-related do’s and don’ts that we must follow during the monsoons at...

by June 20, 2019June 25, 2019
Diet For Monsoon for Office Goers

Diet For Monsoon for Office Goers

In today’s lifestyle, one finds it very difficult to take out time to cook a wholesome meal. This is especially true in the case of office goers. But monsoon is the time when our digestion gets weakened & immunity is at its lowest, making one vulnerable to monsoon ailments. In this article, we have listed...

by June 19, 2019June 19, 2019
Diet During Pregnancy

Diet During Pregnancy

There is simply no other condition that inspires women to care for themselves as well as they want to during pregnancy.  Most of their lives they look after their children husband and other members of the family but it’s only during pregnancy that they begin looking after themselves. Here I want to emphasise that eating...

Probiotics – The Bacteria You Want!

Probiotics – The Bacteria You Want!

Your gut is full of helpful bacteria, (more than 40 trillion) that helps in keeping our health in balance and defending our body from disease. But sometimes, these good intestinal bacteria go out of balance due to the wrong food choices we make and can result in indigestion, constipation, acidity, bloating and diarrhoea. Probiotics are...

Connection Between Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Connection Between Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an affluent disease which precipitates due to an urban lifestyle, little or no exercise, eating refined foods, poor stress management and excessive drinking. Your diet and type 2 diabetes go hand-in-hand. What you eat plays a major role in managing the condition. When you eat a lot of desserts, white bread,...

by June 4, 2019June 11, 2019
Don’t choke your heart

Don’t choke your heart

Angina is a serious condition that requires careful monitoring. In mild to moderate cases, prescription drugs may be necessary. Along with this nutritional therapy is recommended as it helps to improve the condition. Angina Pectoris or angina is caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart muscle which produces a pressure like pain...

Lose Weight to Lower High Blood Pressure

Lose Weight to Lower High Blood Pressure

The most effective lifestyle changes for anyone suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure is weight loss. Even if you lose a small amount of weight, it can have dramatic effects on lowering your blood pressure. Eating your way out of high blood pressure should be your number one choice of managing high blood pressure....

by May 27, 2019May 28, 2019
Stay Healthy… Keep Glowing!

Stay Healthy… Keep Glowing!

Beauty is an inside job. I firmly believe that health is the foundation of beauty. The signs of good health can be easily recognised by everyone. A glowing skin, lustrous hair, a firm body and radiant eyes are not possible unless a person is truly healthy from within. Skin The condition of your skin is...

How To Deal With Depression

How To Deal With Depression

All of us have experienced the blues from time to time.  But it’s a serious disorder if the blues don’t let go of you! Depression may look and sound like the blues, but it lasts longer and has a more profound effect on the body.  It is the most unpleasant experience a person can go...

Health Benefits of Spices

Health Benefits of Spices

Good cooks will swear by their spices right down to the last pinch. And food lovers will turn up their noses at dishes that don’t have that little bit of ‘dal chini’ or ‘garam masala’. The latest to join the spice bandwagon are food scientists and nutritionists who are acknowledging the fact that spices have...

WOW Mhahsa Award for Anjali Mukerjee in Diet & Nutrition category

WOW Mhahsa Award for Anjali Mukerjee in Diet & Nutrition category

Anjali Mukerjee, founder-director of Health Total, received WOW Mhahsa award for Excellence in Healing through Diet & Nutrition on May 8, 2019, in Mumbai. Some of the other award winners were Sandeep Soparkar, Amrita Raichand, Lara Shah, Mickey Mehta, Kavita Kapoor and Hena Bimani for their respective award categories. The WOW awards celebrate and recognise...

A Diet to Soothe Mouth Ulcers

A Diet to Soothe Mouth Ulcers

If you’ve ever had those open, shallow sores in your mouth, you know exactly what a pain this can be! However, you’re not alone as about one in five people get recurrent mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers are small painful sores that occur inside the mouth. You might get them on the inside of your lips,...

Failing Memory?

Failing Memory?

Are you among those who tend to forget their specs, leave behind their wallets, fail to recall names or forget to pass on telephone messages? Take another instance, you open the refrigerator and stare blankly inside. Just what was it that you wanted? You may wonder what is it- plain absentmindedness, a bout of amnesia,...

How to resolve constipation

How to resolve constipation

Most people think they are constipated but are actually not. The frequency of motions may differ from person to person. Most people pass motion every day whereas it may be normal for some to pass motion every other day or 3-4 times a week. Therefore, constipation may be described as changes in the frequency of...

Diabetic-friendly Easy Breakfast Ideas

Diabetic-friendly Easy Breakfast Ideas

More and more people are developing diabetes today and only half the people with diabetes have their blood sugar in control. This is unfortunate because eating right can easily control your blood sugar levels and help you lead an active and healthy life. A diabetes-friendly breakfast is a good way to start your mornings and...

by April 4, 2019April 10, 2019
Health Tips To Help You Control Diabetes

Health Tips To Help You Control Diabetes

When it comes to diabetes, one of the best ways to manage it is by eating right and doing moderate exercise. Listed below are some health tips for diabetics, which when incorporated in daily life will go a long way in managing the condition. Health Tips for Diabetics Increase fibre in your diet. You can...

by April 4, 2019May 8, 2019
Best Foods For a Diabetic

Best Foods For a Diabetic

Diabetes used to affect the middle-aged, but now with childhood obesity on the rise, more and more children are getting diabetic. The 21st century has brought in a new era of nutritional science demonstrating the amazing power of nutrition in relation to human health. It can be used as a powerful tool to manage most...

by April 4, 2019April 8, 2019
Need for supplementation

Need for supplementation

A person who doesn’t require vitamins is a rare find.  Our food production methods (over farming, use of pesticides) coupled with the burgeoning of the fast food industry and poor cooking methods (over cooking, deep-frying) play a key role in depriving our bodies of important nutrients.  When nutrient deficiencies interact with high levels of stress...

Ways of Dealing with Anxiety

Ways of Dealing with Anxiety

Anxiety is a very common emotion experienced by most of us in response to being confronted with an unpleasant and potentially harmful trigger, typically characterized by feelings of fear, anger, sadness, and panic. Anxiety is in fact, a protective mechanism designed to prevent ourselves from engaging in potentially harmful behaviours and to cope with a...

Can Dietary Habits Cause Headache?

Can Dietary Habits Cause Headache?

About 70% of headache sufferers are women. Many people endure headaches consistently, never dreaming that there are certain foods that cause a headache. Of course, if you have a frequent headache, a lot depends upon your genetic predisposition and family history. Foods that Cause a Headache Sometimes weather changes, strong odours, perfumes, bright lights and...

Management of menopausal complaints, mild hypertension, acidity, low immunity, borderline cholesterol, obesity using the ‘Integrated Approach’ in a patient with history of ovarian cancer.

Journal: Journal of Indian Dietetic Association Author: Anjali Mukerjee ABSTRACT : A 43-year-old female was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the year 2000, following which a hysterectomy was performed in the year 2010. After the surgery, the patient received six cycles of conventional chemotherapy treatment in 2010. She presented at the Health Total centre in January 2017....

Integrated Approach in the Management of Acid Reflux, Hypertension and Obesity

Journal: International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org) Author: Anjali Mukerjee ABSTRACT:  Acid reflux and acidity are common gastrointestinal disorders having great impact on a patient’s quality of life. The drugs usually prescribed to provide promising results often mask unresolved physiological problems and cause further complications. The subject of this study is a 49-year-old female who...

Management of GERD, Obesity and PCOS Leading to Successful Conception Using the ‘Integrated Approach’

Jounal: International Journal of Scientific Research Biological Sciences Author: Anjali Mukerjee   Abstract- The purpose of this case study was to determine the effect of an Integrated Approach that included patient-specific nutritional therapy, Ayurveda and lifestyle modifications, on body weight and symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a clinical condition common among women,...

Management of Hyperlipidemia, Obesity and Digestive Complaints Using the Integrated Approach

Journal: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations Author: Anjali Mukerjee Abstract: Childhood obesity not only increases the risk of obesity in adulthood, but is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes later in life. The subject of this case study was a 28-year old obese male who presented with a history of childhood obesity and...

Supplements that boost Immunity!

Supplements that boost Immunity!

I cannot effectively express the humility, wonder, strength, beauty and harmony that exist in nature.  The human body is a marvel of nature and is highly capable of looking after itself.  All you have to do is enhance your body’s natural immune system and make it as strong as it possibly can be.  You should...

Tips for eating out

Tips for eating out

You can eat out and eat healthy too. With a little planning and preparation, you can easily develop a strategy for eating out without blowing your diet. Suggestions for Eating in Specific Types of Restaurants There is a myriad of healthy snacks and meal options available and they are just as affordable and delicious as...

I feel younger, energetic & lighter

I tried the 10-day detox box, from Health Total, and the experience was worth recording. Having tried detoxing a few times on my own, I had some experience of what the same can be like. An average day for me involves travelling in the heavy Mumbai traffic, working hard, and of course, partying hard. This...

What happens when you drink!

What happens when you drink!

Alcohol is the most popular recreational drug in the world. The pleasures of drinking alcohol are undeniable. When you start drinking you feel more relaxed, more confident and sociable. But we also know that drinking too much alcohol is bad for us. The short term effects can be hangover, tiredness but in the long run,...

Varicose Vein

Varicose Vein

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from the body upwards to the heart. Inside your veins are tiny one-way valves that open to let the blood through and then close to prevent it flowing backwards. Sometimes, the valves of the veins can lose their elasticity due to prolonged high pressures in the veins, causing...

Inability to conceive

Inability to conceive

While reasons for infertility among men and women vary. Nevertheless, eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight benefits several body functions; prime amongst these is the ability to conceive. Modifying a diet is a lot cheaper than getting involved with artificial methods of insemination. This is not to say that these procedures can...

Common Skin Allergies

Common Skin Allergies

Skin allergies that are common like urticaria are characterised by raised red skin rashes or bumps that appear in varying shapes and sizes. One distinct trait of urticaria is their tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places, often in a matter of hours. Some...

Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Calcium-rich Foods for Your Child

Whether you are a student or have a desk job or dance the night away, it is the calcium-rich foods that give your body its basic shape and structure. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. The rest is found in the blood where it performs important tasks...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Nutritional Tips to Boost Your Child’s Brain During Exam

Academic success, today, is considered as the sure shot ticket to a good job, settled life and a secured future. With all the emphasis on academic excellence, children are definitely feeling the pressure for doing well in their exams. So, the heat is on for both students as well as their parents, who need to...

by February 13, 2019February 13, 2019
The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

The Exam Diet: What to Eat to Boost Memory

In the olden days when writing was still not discovered, a person’s ability to retain what he or she heard made that person invaluable. Surnames like Tripathi come from that ability to retain at one go. Or at three goes as in the case of a Tri-pathi. This article is about the exam diet for...

by February 12, 2019February 12, 2019


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is on the rise. More and more young girls are being diagnosed with multiple small cysts in the ovaries – a common cause of infertility. It has not been clearly understood as to what causes PCOS. But when there is no ovulation for many cycles, multiple cysts develop on the ovaries....

Tips for Staying Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes

Tips for Staying Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes

What would happen if your body reacts to junk food, just the way your hand reacts when it touches something hot? Among the advantages, you would be assured of remaining free of type 2 diabetes. In this article, we are sharing some tips for type 2 diabetics – one of the common type of diabetes....

by January 31, 2019March 13, 2019
Foods to Beat Flu

Foods to Beat Flu

There is no doubt that healthy eating habits are an inexpensive health insurance policy, which increases immunity and health to fight various illness and infections. However, there still would be some conditions, which would keep striking us, once in a while, regardless of how well we plan our meal options. Common cold and flu are...

Nutrition for Schoolchildren

Nutrition for Schoolchildren

Anjali Mukerjee answers queries on nutrition for schoolchildren from parents. Read on to find out what are the best eating options for your school-going child and if you haven’t included them yet, now is the time to change their eating habits. Q1) Adults need to eat 4-5 meals a day, is it the same for...

A Custom-made Diet

A Custom-made Diet

It is often confusing to know what to eat and what not to eat in this everchanging field of Health and Nutrition. Today we are bombarded by an avalanche of information from Newspapers, Magazines, Televisions, Facebook, Internet etc. For instance, some experts say eat peanuts, they are low in glycemic index. Others say don’t eat...

What is Detoxing and Who Needs to Detoxify

What is Detoxing and Who Needs to Detoxify

Everyone today wants to cleanse or detox to lead a healthy life. The reason is that the world we live is advancing in technology and it is systematically interfering with our health. Environmental pollutants such as smog, toxins, pesticides, food additives, and cigarette smoke enter our bodies and make the oxygen molecule unstable, creating a...

Diet for Good Sleep Routine

Diet for Good Sleep Routine

We rarely think that correcting our eating habits can have an impact on our quality of sleep. We repair our bodies when we sleep. It’s important to know that the right diet for sleep gives us the energy to not only complete our tasks on time but also strengthens our immune system. Moreover, diet for...