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Month: October 2018

Anjali Mukerjee Speaks with Shekhar Suman in Carry on Shekhar

Ms. Anjali Mukerjee speaks with celebrity host Shekhar Suman on Carry on Shekhar about the shallow goal of modern Indians towards getting thin. She stresses upon the fact that one has to move away from shortcuts to achieve health results. She further suggests that instead of medicines and crash diets for weight loss, one should...

Health Benefits of Kokum Juice

While we go crazy with supplements from all over the world, the secret to youth and vitality lies in our backyard. Kokum is undoubtedly one of the healthiest souring agents throughout India. In Goa and Konkan regions, people use ravish Kokum as the digestive Solekadhi, in Maharashtra it’s Kokum amti / dal and in the...