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Month: July 2018

8 Powerful & Comforting Home Remedies for Sinus Pain

8 Powerful & Comforting Home Remedies for Sinus Pain

It happens to all of us at some point or the other. And it can be truly debilitating. The swelling, congestion, pain, headache and the overall misery of a sinus attack can be terribly frustrating. But as a first step one should be able to differentiate between the symptoms of common cold and sinusitis. Acute...

7 Common Food Allergies & How to Manage Them!

7 Common Food Allergies & How to Manage Them!

Many people around the world are allergic to certain foods. The most common food allergies include shellfish, peanuts, wheat, cow’s milk and food preservations. Food allergies cannot be cured, so avoiding the allergen that is responsible for the allergy is the only way to manage it. What causes food allergies? The body’s immune system produces...

7 Common Types of Allergies

7 Common Types of Allergies

If you think allergies are only seasonal, think again. There are different types of allergies and many of us suffer from some type – though all might not be aware of it. Types of Allergies – Here’s a look at some of the common types of allergies – Food allergies Food allergies are common among...

9 Effective Home Remedies for Skin Allergies for Quick Relief

9 Effective Home Remedies for Skin Allergies for Quick Relief

You can look and feel your best and enjoy a beautiful skin everyday – provided you know how to deal with it. Beautiful skin on the outside, as you know – begins with good health from inside. Home remedies for skin allergies are safe, effective and widely recommended. Your skin is your body’s largest organ....

11 Excellent Home Remedies for Warts

11 Excellent Home Remedies for Warts

Got a stubborn and pesky wart that doesn’t seem to go? Warts can affect your appearance and spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Their colour can be the same as your skin, light or dark. In most cases, warts disappear on their own, but if they don’t you can always try...

Types of Warts

Types of Warts

Warts are small, usually painless growth on the skin caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). They are contagious and mostly appear on the hands-on fingers or near nails, on the foot or genitals. Your immune system is responsible for fending off harmful bacteria, virus and fungi. If warts keep occurring, it could be...

What are Haemorrhoids & How to Manage it?

What are Haemorrhoids & How to Manage it?

Haemorrhoids, also called piles, are dilated rectal veins that have clotted and become inflamed. Veins in the rectal or anal area become swollen and painful and at certain instances may also bleed. It may occur inside the entrance of the anus (internal haemorrhoids) or outside the entrance of the anus (external haemorrhoids). A blood clot...

Homeopathy for Hair Fall

Homeopathy for Hair Fall

There are about 1,00,000 hair follicles on an average human scalp. Spring increases the growth of hair, while autumn sees a fall in the total number. Over a period of time, the total number of hair reduces for every adult. Homeopathy for hair fall works because it treats the root cause of the condition. Homeopathy...

11 Natural Home Remedies to Manage Migraine Pain

11 Natural Home Remedies to Manage Migraine Pain

Tight deadlines, late night parties, returning home late from work, eating at irregular hours and getting few hours of sleep takes a toll on your mental and physical health. So, don’t be surprised if you experience headaches frequently. It is the worst sound effect you can experience. The intense throbbing or a dull aching pain...

7 Lifestyle Tips to Manage Psoriasis

7 Lifestyle Tips to Manage Psoriasis

Healthy lifestyle choices are crucial as they help improve psoriasis and your overall health. Maintaining healthy weight, getting proper nutrition and taking good care of your skin and scalp go a long way in managing the condition. Here are some lifestyle changes that help manage the symptoms of psoriasis. Meditation Stress, in certain cases, is...

Migraine Diet: 22 Foods to Eat & Avoid

Migraine Diet: 22 Foods to Eat & Avoid

Migraine is severe and reoccurring headache that can last for either few hours or a few days. It usually affects one side of the head and people in the age group of 15 to 55. Some people who get migraine attacks also suffer from stress and allergies. Some of the main causes of migraine include...

5 Foods to Manage Psoriasis

5 Foods to Manage Psoriasis

Those thickened patches of red, dry and scaly skin can be embarrassing. But, you can take charge of the symptoms of psoriasis by incorporating proper nutrition. Dietary changes go a long way in improving overall health and helping manage the symptoms of psoriasis. However, excessive intake of proteins, fats and alcohol can convert a light...

11 Simple Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

11 Simple Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Apart from home remedies for hair loss, certain lifestyle changes go a long way in keeping hair fall away. Here are some tips to prevent hair loss. A balanced diet Eating right not only helps maintain a healthy body weight, but also is crucial for hair health. So, pay extra attention to what you eat....

Types of Hair Loss

Types of Hair Loss

Your scalp, on an average, has approximately 1,00,000 hairs. If you’re losing around 50 to 100 strands every day, it’s natural. But, if you’re seeing an increase in hair fall, it’s time to find out what’s causing it. There are around 40 different types of hair loss. In this article, we look at the common...

11 Amazing Home Remedies for Psoriasis

11 Amazing Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Have you ever noticed white flakes around your shoulders? Or has someone commented on your dry scaly skin? It could be dandruff if it’s only a light accumulation of white flakes. But, you could also be suffering from a medical condition called psoriasis. Psoriasis home treatment is effective as it manages the skin condition for...

9 Best Natural Home Remedies for Hair fall

9 Best Natural Home Remedies for Hair fall

Is hair fall shedding your confidence? Are you unable to afford expensive hair treatments to control hair fall? Worry not! In this article, we have listed some amazing home remedies for hair fall. Hair loss is a problem that most people suffer from. It is often caused due to aging, environmental factors, genetics, infections in...

7 Effective Home Remedies for Piles

7 Effective Home Remedies for Piles

Piles are swellings that develop inside and around the anal. It is not considered as a serious health problem because usually piles disappear on its own or home remedies for piles work wonders. But, in some cases a surgery is required to remove it. Pregnant women and obese people are more vulnerable to piles; it...

How to Control BP in Pregnancy

How to Control BP in Pregnancy

There is a valid reason why pregnant women are advised rest. High blood pressure is common among pregnant women, usually after the 20 or 24 weeks, but it is not necessarily a dangerous combination. A blood pressure which is more than 140/90 mm Hg and above is considered as high blood pressure during pregnancy. So,...