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Month: April 2018

Amazing Benefits of Jeera Water for Weight Loss

Amazing Benefits of Jeera Water for Weight Loss

Jeera or cumin seeds is one of the most extensively used condiments or spice in Indian recipes. Because of its strong aroma, just a small amount of jeera is used while preparing food. Apart from its taste-enhancement feature, jeera also has great medicinal properties. Find out the benefits of jeera water for weight loss. Benefits of...

9 Foods to Avoid With PCOS

9 Foods to Avoid With PCOS

A healthy and nutritious diet is crucial for any woman with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) as it can bring about a great deal of change in her health. There are some foods that can worsen the symptoms of PCOS, while some foods can ease them. 9 Foods to Avoid with PCOS Here’s a list of...