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Month: November 2017

19 Foods that Cause Heartburn

19 Foods that Cause Heartburn

Have you ever woken up late in the night feeling uneasiness in your chest? Or have you felt a sour taste in your mouth after a late dinner? Or have you eaten a heavy dinner and felt the stomach bloated next morning? If you’re agreeing to all these questions, then probably you’re suffering from heartburn...

13 Tips to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs

13 Tips to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs

There are two types of cholesterol – good (or HDL) and bad (or LDL.) You should look to boost HDL levels, while lower LDL levels through diet and lifestyle modifications. LDL and HDL undertake the unique task of carrying vitamins and other substances through the blood. When you do not provide your body with sufficient...

Do Eggs Increase Cholesterol Levels?

Do Eggs Increase Cholesterol Levels?

How many eggs should I eat in a day? Are eggs healthy? These are some of the most frequently asked questions. The fact is that eggs are rich in nutrients and highly beneficial to health. They are packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are a source of healthy fats, including Omega-3 fatty acids. There...

23 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

23 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

What’s the best get-flawless-skin regime? No, it’s not a spa therapy or anti-acne treatment. It’s what you eat that matters! Glowing skin is a result of healthy eating, so watch what you eat. Putting your best face on may be as simple as choosing to include specific foods with powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties...

7 Natural Skincare Tips for Men

7 Natural Skincare Tips for Men

Gone are the days when men paid very little attention to their skin. Today is all about looking good and feeling good. While the internet is flooded with information on skin treatment and beauty tips for women, how often do you read about skincare tips for men? Well, not as much! However, times are changing,...

Best Time To Exercise or Work Out

Best Time To Exercise or Work Out

Rachna was a health conscious person, well aware of the benefits of exercising. She regularly went to the gym to work out but wondered why she returned home feeling tired and irritated instead of exploding with energy. When she explained her schedule to me, I realized what the problem was. Every morning, as the alarm...

Lose Weight with Good Carbs!

Lose Weight with Good Carbs!

Shunning carbohydrates from your diet and replacing them with high-protein diets to lose weight? Well, you are not alone! Most dieters think that all carbohydrates are bad and should be avoided when on a low-carb diet plan for weight loss. But the truth is that like fats, not all carbohydrates are the same. Sign up...

PCOS Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight with PCOS

PCOS Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight with PCOS

Weight gain is a common among women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). So, if you are wondering how to lose weight with PCOS and looking for an effective PCOS diet plan, this article is just for you! How to Lose Weight with PCOS Fast Apart from abnormal weight gain, a woman with PCOS can...

Impact Of Fasting, Good Cholesterol & Diet On Your Body

Impact Of Fasting, Good Cholesterol & Diet On Your Body

Fasting is a powerful weight-loss tool, as well as an effective way to discipline one’s body. However, while regular fasting is known to be an effective method to lose weight and improve good cholesterol levels, it comes with its fair share of health risks. They include the following: Dehydration Dizziness Hypoglycaemia Low blood pressure Increased...