Have you ever woken up late in the night feeling uneasiness in your chest? Or have you felt a sour taste in your mouth after a late dinner? Or have you eaten a heavy dinner and felt the stomach bloated next morning? If you’re agreeing to all these questions, then probably you’re suffering from heartburn...
Year: 2017
13 Tips to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs
There are two types of cholesterol – good (or HDL) and bad (or LDL.) You should look to boost HDL levels, while lower LDL levels through diet and lifestyle modifications. LDL and HDL undertake the unique task of carrying vitamins and other substances through the blood. When you do not provide your body with sufficient...
Do Eggs Increase Cholesterol Levels?
How many eggs should I eat in a day? Are eggs healthy? These are some of the most frequently asked questions. The fact is that eggs are rich in nutrients and highly beneficial to health. They are packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are a source of healthy fats, including Omega-3 fatty acids. There...
23 Superfoods for Glowing Skin
What’s the best get-flawless-skin regime? No, it’s not a spa therapy or anti-acne treatment. It’s what you eat that matters! Glowing skin is a result of healthy eating, so watch what you eat. Putting your best face on may be as simple as choosing to include specific foods with powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties...
7 Natural Skincare Tips for Men
Gone are the days when men paid very little attention to their skin. Today is all about looking good and feeling good. While the internet is flooded with information on skin treatment and beauty tips for women, how often do you read about skincare tips for men? Well, not as much! However, times are changing,...
Best Time To Exercise or Work Out
Rachna was a health conscious person, well aware of the benefits of exercising. She regularly went to the gym to work out but wondered why she returned home feeling tired and irritated instead of exploding with energy. When she explained her schedule to me, I realized what the problem was. Every morning, as the alarm...
Lose Weight with Good Carbs!
Shunning carbohydrates from your diet and replacing them with high-protein diets to lose weight? Well, you are not alone! Most dieters think that all carbohydrates are bad and should be avoided when on a low-carb diet plan for weight loss. But the truth is that like fats, not all carbohydrates are the same. Sign up...
PCOS Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight with PCOS
Weight gain is a common among women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). So, if you are wondering how to lose weight with PCOS and looking for an effective PCOS diet plan, this article is just for you! How to Lose Weight with PCOS Fast Apart from abnormal weight gain, a woman with PCOS can...
Impact Of Fasting, Good Cholesterol & Diet On Your Body
Fasting is a powerful weight-loss tool, as well as an effective way to discipline one’s body. However, while regular fasting is known to be an effective method to lose weight and improve good cholesterol levels, it comes with its fair share of health risks. They include the following: Dehydration Dizziness Hypoglycaemia Low blood pressure Increased...
7 Black Tea Benefits for Weight Loss
Tea may play a greater role in weight loss than you know! Research claims that black tea may aid weight loss as it speeds up metabolism and aids the natural process of detoxification. Drinking black tea may promote weight loss and speed up your metabolism, a new study claims. Published in the European Journal of...
4 Healthy Diet Tips to Beat Weight Gain this Festive Season!
Diwali is just around the corner! And we all know what that means, food, sweets and weight gain! But don’t worry, there are some smart ways to get around it! While you load up on yummy food and mithai this Diwali, don’t lose out on your health. Here are some great healthy diet tips to...
How to Burn Away Diwali Calories in Under 30 Minutes!
Diwali is soon approaching, and we all know what that means! Yummy food, sweet mithais and delicious chakna! Samosa, chakli, bakarwadi and shankarpali are some of the common snacks which are quite popular during Diwali. But did you know that these innocent looking and delicious-tasting snacks pack quite the calorie punch! Yes, loading up on...
8 Awesome Low-Calorie Mithais for Diwali!
We all love this time of the year. Diwali is all about lights, fireworks and of course, plenty of food and sweets! However, the downside of this fun is that we tend to overindulge and end up gaining weight or aggravating health disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol and acidity. But fear not! If you’ve...
Diarrhoea in Summers
Our digestive system today is greatly challenged. Thanks to the ever-widening menu of strange foods, colours, food chemicals, processing chemicals, additives and preservatives. To add to this, we often eat irregularly, exercise very little, work till late, sleep for less hours and are constantly stressed. It’s no wonder that most of us have badly maintained digestive...
Are those Wrinkles or Just Nutritional Sins?
It is said that beauty is an inside job! Certain foods help the skin maintain its elasticity. If your skin is supple, your smiles or frowns can be rubbed off the face easily. But if your skin becomes dry, you get smile lines or frown lines imprinted on your face Wrinkles usually form when the...
What is Homocysteine?
If we thought that elevated levels of cholesterol were the only major risk factor in a heart disease, latest scientific research has yet another surprise in store for us. New research suggests that every person who has suffered a heart attack does not necessarily have high cholesterol. In recent years, homocysteine has started gaining prominence as a...
India’s Most Promising & Valuable Nutrition & Wellness Company 2014
The awards that Health Total has received from various quarters in the last few years just goes on to show our commitment towards a healthier India…
HT Summit 2013 on ‘Trimming the World’
Anjali Mukerjee while speaking on the subject of ‘Building A Better India’ said that “The goal is to stay healthy…
Anjali Mukerjee with Karishma at Godrej Nature Basket
‘You are what you eat’ was the theme of the session where Anjali Mukerjee shared some insights about the secrets of health foods
Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Transformation Story
Motherhood brings with it many unexplainable joys but it also causes unavoidable weight gain. Yes, post-pregnancy weight loss can be a very difficult to deal with. And this was something Kareena, one of our weight loss transformation clients, figured out the hard way! Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss – My Story “My name is Kareena, I am...
Is It Hard To Lose Weight?
If you are overweight, you must have been told over and over again how easy it is to lose weight – just pop a pill, follow a diet plan, or buy a treadmill, and all your excess weight will disappear. But if you’re struggling to lose weight despite doing everything possible, you must have figured...
Best Foods for Fat Loss
Establishing a foundation of “good nutrition” must be your focus when your goal is fat loss. By good nutrition, we mean consuming more of fresh vegetables, protein, essential fatty acids, and drinking lots of water. In short, you have to overhaul bad habits and replace them with healthier options to shrink your waistline. Water is...
Balanced Diet Chart For Weight Loss
Is your bulky body affecting your appearance? If yes, then you need to pay more attention towards your diet plan. A majority of us love to indulge in food full of fats and calories. But how many of us have ever given a thought to its side effects? Well, it is high time you start...
My Weight Loss Success Story
Aishwarya is a 25-year-old ambitious young woman and one of our best weight loss success story clients. Read on to find out how we helped solve her weight crisis. My Weight Loss Success Story Everyone wants to look amazing on their wedding day. But what do you do when you have a weight crisis just a month...
Lose Weight Fast And Never Get It Back
Tired of carrying around those extra kilos? Here are some easy ways for how to lose weight fast. Eliminate unnecessary carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water. Lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning is one of the best ways to lose weight. Eat more of vegetables. Always eat enough, so that you feel satisfied,...
DNP Cause Weight Loss, But Is It Dangerous?
2,4-Dinitrophenol also referred to as DNP, is an active compound that essentially disrupts normal cellular respiration. The other name for DNP is Dinitro, Nitrophen, Dinosan, and Dnoc. It reduces the efficiency of the metabolic process. This forces the body to break down larger-than-usual amounts of fat and carbohydrates to meet its energy needs. This process...
Low-Fat Diet Plan For an Indian
If you have been trying to lose weight but haven’t achieved it yet, blame your diet for it. We Indians are used to spice and flavor in our foods and find it difficult to give up on rice and rotis. But did you know that you can lose weight on a desi diet too? However,...
Lose Weight Naturally In Six Months
Six months is a good enough time to see some significant changes in your weight. You can lose anywhere between 7 and 27 kg if you follow a proper diet and regular exercise. But remember that your body takes a time to adapt to any change. Pushing it to lose weight in a few days will make...
6 Ways To Eat Healthy On a Tight Budget!
Today we live in an era where knowledge, awareness, and consciousness about healthy food and fitness is truly vast. However, when it comes to consuming healthy food, sadly not all of us can afford to do so. The Problem with Healthy Food Healthy food can be defined as natural food which is believed to have health-giving benefits....
Jaggery Benefits for Weight Loss: A Healthy Substitute For Sugar
Jaggery is a brown colour, sweet-tasting substance, which is made from sugarcane. It contains sucrose, a natural sweetening compound, which makes it an excellent substitute for sugar. It helps in easy digestion of food due to the presence of high nutrient content. So, eating jaggery benefits you overall, especially when it comes to weight loss!...
Diet or Exercise: What Is More Important For Weight Loss?
There is no doubt that both diet and exercise are important to good health, but do they carry equal weight when it comes to losing weight? Our take: all exercises won’t help you lose weight if your nutrition is not up to the mark. The reason dieting is much more effective than sweating it out...
Lose Weight Without Hitting Gym
Keen to know how to lose weight, but no time to hit the gym? Don’t worry. A gym membership is not the only way to get in shape and lose weight. You can burn body fat in other ways too. We have listed a few ways here: Brisk walk at office or home Do this...
Amazing Benefits of Fasting Once A Week For Weight Loss
Fasting is the act of voluntarily abstaining from food and drinks for a predetermined period. While this can have adverse effects on your health, fasting once in a while has a positive impact on your health. It reduces your calorie intake, which is why intermittent fasting on a regular basis will aid weight loss. This...
Superficial Health Benefits of Weight Loss
A lean body is a beautiful body. That’s one superficial reason to set a weight-loss goal for yourself. But there are many more meaningful reasons to achieve a healthy weight. You’ll feel better and have more energy to do any tasks, you’ll lower your chances of having high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart ailments, bad...
Jogging Can Aid Weight Loss
Any exercise is good for our health, but when we are talking about losing weight, nothing beats jogging. I think it is the most efficient ways to shed extra weight, but it can’t be your only strategy. Combine it with dietary changes and you can expect better results. A jogging routine is flexible and can...
Swim For Weight Loss And Rediscover The New You!
Swimming is a great form of exercise, as it uses all the major muscle groups, develops muscle strength and endurance, and finally improves posture and flexibility. It is especially beneficial for pregnant women, who find high-impact exercises uncomfortable. Swimming also puts a little stress on your body. Benefits of Swimming It burns calories, so you...
Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: What Matters Most?
Ever wondered why you are struggling to achieve your fitness goal despite regularly hitting the gym? While there could be various reasons, the most common one is the lack of clarity. Many of us join the gym to lose body fat but end up losing weight. Not all of us are clear about the difference...
How Diet Can Help Delay Menopause
What is Menopause? Menopause refers to the ceasing of a woman’s menstruation cycle and marks the end of her reproductive period. This is a natural process which every woman undergoes during a particular point in her life and usually, takes place between the age period of 40 – 50. However, in some cases, some women...
Eat Green Beans And Lose Weight
As a kid, green beans might not have been your favorite vegetable. Maybe because they look quite boring, no? But, if you’re aiming to lose some weight, it is time you add them to your diet. If you know how to incorporate this vegetable into your weight loss plan, you can you enjoy this low-calorie...
Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice associated not just with the physical well-being of the body but also with the overall health. Yoga, unlike other workouts, aims at cleansing and rejuvenating the body from outside as well as within. And in doing so, it does help take off those extra kilos. With more and more...
Walking For Weight Loss
When you think of weight loss, the first thought that comes to your mind is hitting the gym. Only a few of us would consider walking as an exercise to shed those extra kilos. Believe it or not, if you walk every day for one hour you can lose some major weight. This apart, it...
Best Possible Ways To Lose Weight
If you are aiming to shed a few kilos, the “calories in, calories out” can be one effective way. Combine your diet with lots of exercises, and within a short time, your body will plunder its fat stores in search of energy. You will lose weight—maybe even a lot of weight, depending on how much...
Tips To Lose Weight Quickly
From exercising to ditching junk food and sugar, these simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight quickly. Don’t Skip Your Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so never skip it if you want to lose weight. The best are ones that will fill you up and stave off cravings later...
Khar Gymkhana Honours Anjali Mukerjee With “Living Legend” Award
Anjali Mukerjee, India’s leading nutritionist, spoke at the Khar Gymkhana event on July 9, 2017. There, the gymkhana trustees honored her with “Living Legend” award. Anjali Mukerjee, a pioneer in the field of nutrition, and founder-director of Health Total has a vast experience of more than three decades. Hence, it does not come as a...
Lifestyle Changes Can Wean Off Metformin Dosage
Metformin is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control diabetes. It helps in treating high blood sugar due to type 2 diabetes. Metformin helps to restore your body’s response to the insulin you produce naturally. It also decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and...
Connection Between Insulin Resistance And Losing Weight
Weight loss for women above 40 is not so simple to understand because our bodies’ internal functions are influenced by each other. When one set of controls changes — like hormone status — it alters other functions connected to that system. Specific changes to your body — and lifestyle patterns — after 40 will act as...
Diabetes and Weight Loss: Things You Must Know
Diabetic patients are always told to watch out for their weight – from their family, friends and even health experts. The reason is a close relationship between type 2 diabetes and obesity. Losing weight can not only help you prevent from developing diabetes, but it will also help you manage your condition. Being overweight can also...
LCHF Diet, The Diet That Reverses Diabetes
If you are a diabetes type 2 patients or know someone who has diabetes, you must have surely heard of the LCHF diet (Low Carb High Fat) diet. This is a well-known diet, known for its ability to help reverse diabetes. Doctors claim carbohydrates are the main culprits behind high blood glucose levels and elevated blood...
Vegetarian Diet Chart For Weight Loss
A well-balanced vegetarian diet chart works for everyone — whether it is the children, the elderly, pregnant women, athletes or patients. The reason? A vegetarian diet has nutrients, minerals, proteins, vitamins and iron that the body requires for proper functioning. The Indian Vegetarian Diet Chart The Indian diet chart comprises fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy...
Effects of Turmeric and Curcumin on Health
Used in most Indian curries, turmeric has almost no calories (1 tablespoon = 24 calories) and zero cholesterol. This spice is used for nearly every health condition – right from smallpox to a sprained ankle, digestion, arthritis, immunity and even in cancer treatment. The reason for its health effects is the compound called curcumin. Just as oranges are rich...
Is Acidity The Main Reason For Your Chronic Cough?
Acidity is a condition that occurs when acid from the stomach moves upward into the food pipe. The acid causes irritation which leads to heartburn. However, some people may experience acidity without heartburn symptoms as well. These can include belching, difficulty in swallowing food, and chronic cough. In the article, we focus on the connection between...
Probiotics: 5 Quick Benefits To Enrich Your Health
If you were told that bacteria can be beneficial for your health, you would probably not believe it. However, the right bacteria in the right place have several health benefits. This is where probiotics come into place. They are live microorganisms that help treat certain health problems including indigestion, allergies, tooth decay, liver diseases, and...
Benefits of Alternate-Day Fasting
The idea of fasting has been around for centuries. Whether you are cautious of what you eat by counting your daily calories or you practice alternate-day fasting, either approach can be effective if you want to shed some kilos, a new obesity study suggests. What is Alternate-Day Fasting? Alternate-day fasting requires you to alternate between...
Obesity: An Open Invitation to Chronic Diseases
Obesity is often associated with an increased risk of more than 20 chronic illness and health conditions that can have a devastating effect on a person’s health. It is a risk factor for a variety of chronic diseases including diabetics, high cholesterol, hypertension, heart and related ailments, some cancers, and arthritis. According to a study...
Good & Worst Fruits for Diabetics
Diabetes is a chronic disorder which occurs when the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin or when the cells of the body become resistant to insulin. In either case, the blood sugar cannot get into the cells for storage, which eventually leads to serious complications. There are some diabetes foods that have been shown to produce positive effects on...
8 Delicious Diabetic Superfoods
If you suffer from diabetes, you surely know by now that you need to refrain from foods which are high in sugar. But the bitter truth is, simply refraining from sugar is not going to help you treat your diabetes. While many foods claim to be diabetic-friendly, not all are backed by sufficient research. That...
Foods for diabetics with Type 2 diabetes
If you are a diabetes type 2 patient, surely your doctor has often stressed upon the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. However, in the world of processed foods, and ‘false’ health foods, it becomes difficult to define a healthy diet. Well, that’s where the Diabetes Type 2 Food Pyramid comes into the picture! The Diabetes Type...
Heartburn Vs Acidity
Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or the upper portion of the stomach and could be triggered either due to overeating, indulging in certain foods and beverages, and even exercise. Acidity issues arise when there is an excess production of gastric acid due to triggers such as acidic foods, alcohol, dehydration, and stress....
Silent Reflux Or LPR: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
What is Silent Reflux? Silent reflux is a condition in which the stomach acid causes throat discomfort. Also known as Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), silent reflux is similar to acidity, wherein there is reflux action, meaning backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. This causes irritation in the throat. It is called silent because people who...
I Have Diabetes, Now What?
A few years ago it was not uncommon for an individual to be diagnosed with the sinister type 2 diabetes at the age of 50 or above. However, today there are a number of individuals being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the ripe age of thirty and even twenty! The extent to which this...
Does Acidity Cause Ulcers?
Ulcers are a disease caused by a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This bacteria produces certain substances that weaken the mucous lining causing a burning sensation in the stomach. Acidity, on the other hand, occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), located between the esophagus and the stomach, weakens and causes a burning sensation....
Factors Contributing To Excess Stomach Acid
Having excess stomach acid is difficult to deal with. In fact, if proper treatment is not taken it can lead to serious health disorders that can affect your daily activities. This article focuses on the causes of the excess production of stomach acid and home remedies to reduce excess acid the stomach. What is Stomach...
Top 5 Foods For A Great Honeymoon – Aphrodisiac Foods
A very important phase in most young people’s lives is their Honeymoon and how it goes is a period of anxiety for both partners. Wanting this time to go smoothly and successfully has spelled tension to all family members involved and age old remedies are often pandered to help the young couple. References to this...
Soya – The Wonder Bean Benefits
Part of the pea family, soya beans are high in proteins, vitamins, minerals and insoluble fibre. It is the most widely cultivated legume across the world. Green, yellow, brown or black; soya beans come in different colours and are known for their long list of benefits. This Japanese secret to a longer life also has...
Health Benefits of Green Tea by Anjali Mukerjee
Green tea is a great beverage which aids weight loss and helps improve overall health. But what makes green tea so different from black tea or your regular chai? Well, both green and black tea are both produced from the same plant. However, the difference arises in how they are processed after being plucked. Green...
10 signs that point towards thyroid
Thyroid gland produces hormones that control all the activities in your body. It regulates the protein synthesis, energy rate and your body’s response to other hormones. There are several signs that point towards thyroid disorder but don’t be careless and ignore them. If ignored, your thyroid might get severe and might pose a threat to your...
Connection between hyperthyroidism and weight loss
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland gets overactive and produces extra thyroid hormone. It occurs when the thyroid gland produces excess T3, T4 or both. Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of your neck and releases hormones that regulate: Body temperature Control your metabolism Heart rate Body weight...
Connection between hypothyroidism and weight gain
There is a complex relation between thyroid and body weight. Usually, when there is less production of thyroid hormones it leads to hypothyroid. Hypothyroid is associated with weight gain, poor memory and so forth. Maintaining a balanced weight can be difficult especially when you are struggling with hypothyroidism. Due to low T3, the metabolism of...
Heal your thyroid with Homeopathy and Nutrition
Thyroid produces several hormones that are responsible for the weight gain and loss in our body, and a lot of other health issues. Therefore, a treatment for thyroid must focus on treating the symptoms of thyroid at the base level and curing it completely to give you relief for a lifetime. The foremost treatment of...
Thyroid, a health concern for all
Thyroid has become a common health concern for people across the globe. It affects your health and can make a huge difference to your lifestyle. It makes you feel bloated, your skin looks dull and your diet goes for a toss. If you are wondering about the signs that will tell you about thyroid, then...
What winter does to your skin?
Winter is all about spreading warmth, however, this season could be really tough on your skin. Though it’s a wonderland outside during winters, but your skin reveals something else. This season brings along a lot of dryness, itchiness and can make you look dull. The harsh weather, chilly winds and ultra-violet rays strip the glow...
How to protect your skin during winter?
Comes winter and your skin gets all dry, flaky sans any glow. This can make you look very dull, itchy and unattractive. However, with proper skincare routine, you can retain the glow of your skin and look gorgeous all the time. To help you out, our health experts bring you a few ways to keep...
Homeopathy – Healing with Nutrition
Homeopathy is a natural form of medicinal treatment that is used to treat both acute and chronic ailments. When combined with nutrition, homeopathy forms a potent combination that not only heals you from within but also takes you towards healthy well-being. The role of homeopathic medicine is to view the symptom of an ailment and...
Get the glow back of your skin with homeopathy and nutrition
We often envy those with glowing skin, don’t we? At times, we even wonder what goes behind that radiant skin that lends those gorgeous girls their beauty. While some are born with it, few could thank their lineage or it’s just the lifestyle they lead that could be responsible for their healthy skin. The desire...
Curing skin problems with homeopathy
During winter when your skin becomes dry and itchy, almost every treatment you try fails to give you the desired result. However, with homeopathy, you can reform your skin and get the glow back forever. Homeopathy is a natural form of medicinal treatment that is used to treat both acute and chronic ailments. When combined...
Winter could trigger your respiratory issues
Winter is just around the corner, so don’t let this beautiful season trigger your health issues. With the temperature dropping each day, it gets important to be aware of the preventive measure. Our experts feel these are some of the tips that could help to prevent you from suffering severe respiratory issues during winter: The...
What makes breathing difficult?
A frequent disorder now, respiratory issues are on a rapid increase. These issues make breathing difficult and could result in severe health concerns. Respiratory disorder arises when there is a problem with your lungs. These problems could arise due to excess pollution, allergens, seasonal changes, lifestyle mismanagement and so forth. In order, to cure your...
Homeopathy can help you breathe!
Respiratory issues are one of the most common health disorder that have been a concern for one and all across the globe. The number of cases has been increasing with more and more people falling prey to this serious health concern. Respiratory disorder includes allergies, bronchitis, rhinitis and asthma. These issues tend to get aggravated...
Holistic healing with Homeopathy and Nutrition
Homeopathy is a kind of treatment that assures you of absolutely no side-effects and treats the disorder from its roots. When combined with nutrition, homeopathy works to curb the symptoms of your health disorder and also supplying you with a proper amount of nutrition at the same time. Homeopathy has been proved to work efficiently...
Breathe free with Homeopathy and Nutrition
Homeopathy and Nutrition together form a very potent combination that not only heals you from within but also takes you towards healthy well-being. At Health Total, our team of experts first understand your health requirements followed by a customised nutritional plan and mild lifestyle modifications. Since poor nutrition is a big hindrance to good health,...
Treat hair problems with homeopathy and nutrition
Your hair is a reflection of your health that covers your health status over the last 6-18 months. With causes of hair loss ranging from genetic issues, hormonal imbalance, stress, chemical exposure, vitamin deficiency to unplanned weight loss, each and every minute detail of the person’s health history is taken into consideration before his or...
You can make your PCOD worse
People often get clueless as to what causes PCOD since this problem is known to stem both from both genetic or environmental and lifestyle-related issues. Those who suffer from PCOD are usually more likely to inherit it because either her mother or sister has been diagnosed or suffered with it already in their life. The...
Treat PCOD with Homeopathy and Nutrition
A homeopathic approach to PCOD is always prescribed to women on the basis of their symptoms which includes determining their behaviour, mood and also their mental and physical status. The treatment also keeps in mind the entire medical history of the person, because it is a known fact that in many cases women are very...
PCOD, the new epidemic
Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) has become quite a common occurrence in today’s world. Statistics suggest that one in every ten women is likely to get diagnosed with PCOD. The scary thing is that most of the times, many women are not even aware that they have PCOD. PCOD is a serious health disorder, which should...
Homeopathy, a healthy answer to PCOD
Homeopathic treatment for PCOD (polycystic ovarian disorder) is extremely safe since it is natural and does not cause any undesirable side-effects. Also, before getting the person on medication for PCOD, both the physical and mental spheres of the person are thoroughly determined, to understand what would be the best approach and treatment, based on an...
Treat Infertility with Homeopathy and Nutrition
The homeopathic approach towards infertility deals with physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualises a person. They work at the root level of a health problem without causing any side-effect and giving you a solution for the lifetime. This treatment first determines the core issue of a disorder, works on them minutely and eradicates it...
Infertility, a rising issue among women
Infertility is a medical condition in living beings especially females that refers to their inability to conceive and produce a baby. Though scientists once worried about the problem of population explosion, but the increasing number of infertility cases has seen a rapid growth in recent times. Cases of infertility are mostly common in women, however,...
Fighting mind and body with Infertility
Infertility has been on a rapid increase and both men and women undergoing this issue experience a lot of body and mental difficulties. This health problem brings along a lot of problems, not just health wise but emotionally also. This issue being prevalent in women makes them really weak as a person also since they...
Causes of Infertility
The inability to get pregnant or conceive a baby is often regarded as infertility. The main symptom of infertility is not being able to get pregnant. Other symptoms might include irregular or no menstrual periods, PCOD and hormonal issues. The issue can affect both men and women, but it is women who get diagnosed...
The key relation between your hair and health
Your hair can determine how healthy you are! Yes, the innumerable hours that you spend in a salon does make your hair look gorgeous, however, the very next day your hair has a different story to say. You might wash your hair on a regular basis, get them trimmed regularly, use the best products for...
Is your hair fall normal?
Is your hair more visible on the floor than on your scalp? Does your shower drain often gets clogged with clumps of hair? Watch out! Though it is normal to lose 80-100 strands of hair each day, but there are cases where people lose almost double the amount of hair each day. A major portion...
How homeopathy works to reduce hair fall?
Hair fall refers to loss of hair usually more than normal or average. This problem is found in both men and women, and factors like age, genetics, illness or medications could be responsible for this issue. Also, excess use of chemicals and harsh treatments on hair could be a reason for hair fall too. Traditional...