Bed wetting is a common health disorder, which majority of children face during their childhood. Though it is not an extremely serious disorder, it can often be an embarrassing issue among kids. Rarely, it even tends to sometimes run in families and appears more commonly among boys, when compared to girls; experts estimate the ratio as roughly as...
Month: September 2016
Symptoms of Bed-Wetting
Bed-wetting can be described as involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which staying dry at night can be reasonably expected. Most kids are fully toilet trained by age 5, but there’s really no target date for developing complete bladder control. Between the ages of 5 and 7, bed-wetting remains a problem for some...
People who can get affected by depression and anxiety
A mental disorder can be either inherited or developed due to unwanted circumstances, and the truth is, no one, neither young nor old, are safe. Thought there is no specific category of people who can get affected by these disorders, people who are most likely to get affected by depression, anxiety, OCD and insomnia fall...
Causes of depression and anxiety
The feelings of depression and constant anxiety are neither natural nor normal. They reflect a serious mental disorder which could be a result of a number of hidden causes. They are as follows: Inherited traits Mental disorders can be inherited if they run in family and this increases your risk of suffering from the same....
Symptoms of depression and anxiety
Individuals suffering from mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and OCD face a number of similar symptoms. The main and most common symptom is the inability to carry out one’s daily functions of work, eating, sleeping and other activities effectively, as they often feel demotivated, lack energy and become disinterested in life in general....
What is Depression
A disease which causes severe disturbances in one’s feelings and behaviour, resulting in dysfunction and inability to carry out daily activities, can be termed as a mental disorder or illness. There are over 200 classified forms of mental disorders, among them, the most common disorders are namely depression, anxiety, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and insomnia....
People who can get affected with Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis takes place when you develop an allergic reaction. The allergic reactions can be triggered due to various types of allergen that includes dust, pests, pollen grains, smoke or perfume. It can occur among all age groups that includes both men and women, particularly those before the age of 30. The chances of getting...
Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis is a state of inflammation in your nose that occurs when the immunity system is loaded with too much of allergens. The most common form of allergens include dust, pollen grains, cockroaches, smoke from the cigarette, pests and perfume. Though these allergens are harmless but they can cause major irritation in your nasal...
Causes of Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis takes place when your body develops any kind of allergic reaction. These allergic reactions are triggered due to various types of allergen that include dust, pests, pollen grains, smoke or perfume. Once these allergens enter your body, they make the body release certain chemicals that make you allergic. The chances of getting affected...
What Is Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis or nasal allergy is commonly referred as hay fever. It results in a type of inflammation in your nose that occurs when the immunity system has absorbed too much of allergens. Some of the most common forms of allergens include dust, pollen grains, cockroaches, cigarette smoke, pests and perfume. Though these allergens are...
Causes of Bed-Wetting
Deep in their sleep an individual hardly realizes the awkwardness that might be caused the next morning. It’s their body’s uncontrollable response due to certain reasons. Most likely, a child wets the bed for one or more reasons, such as: Delayed growth. Children whose nervous system is still forming may not be able to know...
What is Bed-Wetting?
Bed Wetting In Children Bed-wetting, scientifically known as Nocturnal Enuresis refers to an involuntary urination specially during night time. It is a very common issue specially among kids and in some cases can continue till teen age. Simply speaking bed-wetting is urination during sleep. Every child is different and each child learns bladder control at...
Symptoms of Arthritis
Common arthritis joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild, moderate or severe. They may stay about the same for years, but may progress or get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make...
Causes of Arthritis
It is not possible to consider only one single cause for all types of Arthritis. The cause in any given case varies according to the type or form of arthritis. Below are the potential causes for arthritis: Abnormal metabolism – leading to gout and pseudogout Genetic – such as in osteoarthritis Injury – leading to...
What Is Arthritis?
Arthritis is a joint disorder which leads to the inflammation of one or more joints characterized by pain and stiffness. It causes difficulty in movement. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. The joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of...
People who are affected by menstrual problems
There might not be any recognizable cause of your painful menstrual periods. However, there are certain factors which can put a woman at an increased risk for suffering from painful menstrual periods. The risk factors are as follows: Women who are have not yet attained 20 years of age. Women who have a family history...
Symptoms of PMS
PMS often includes both physical and emotional symptoms, such as: • Acne. • Swollen or tender breasts. • Feeling tired. • Trouble sleeping. • Upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. • Headache or backache. • Appetite changes or food cravings. • Joint or muscle pain. • Trouble with concentration or memory. • Tension, irritability, mood...
Causes of Menstrual Problems
The exact cause of PMS has not been fully understood. During your menstrual cycle, levels of hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone rise and fall. Hormone fluctuations are thought to be the biggest contributing factor to many of the symptoms of PMS. The varying hormone levels may affect some women more than others. Chemical changes...
Menstrual Problems
The menstrual cycle is the monthly series of fluctuations a woman’s body goes through in prepare her body for future pregnancy. Menstruation is a monthly occurrence for women in which the body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb), which is then passed through a small opening in the cervix and out through the vaginal...
People who are at risk
Menopause is unavoidable; every woman is bound to face it at a certain point of time in her life. Majority of women experience the symptoms of menopause while they are still menstruating, and are in their late 40’s or their early 50’s. This process is known as perimenopause. It generally begins around two to ten years before the actual onset...
What are the causes for Menopauses?
Menopause occurs due to a complex series of hormonal changes. Associated with the menopause is a decline in the number of functioning eggs within the ovaries. At the time of birth, most females have about 1 to 3 million eggs, which are gradually lost throughout a woman’s life. By the time of a girl’s first...
Symptoms of Menopause
Menopause is a period during which a woman’s reproductive capacity ends. Prior to the actual menopause, a woman may experience irregular periods and irregular episodes of vaginal bleeding. After menopause, symptoms can occur due to lowering of estrogen levels in the body. Not every woman will experience all the symptoms of menopause, and symptoms vary...
People who can get affected with Sinusitis
Sinusitis is an inflammation of sinus. It often arises due to tooth pain, cold, fever, fatigue or congestion in the nasal membrane. Here are certain types of people who can affected with Sinusitis: • People who are exposed to severe pollutants • People who are constantly suffering from a certain kind of allergy like cold...
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Often people are unable to comprehend whether they have sinusitis issues or not. In case you are one of them, then listed below are some of the symptoms to watch out for: When you discharge thick, discoloured substance from the back of your throat or nose. When you feel uncomfortable while breathing or experience some...
Causes of Sinusitis
Sinusitis can occur due to various reasons. It could be acute, subacute, chronic or recurrent. It usually starts with inflammation triggered by cold, allergy attack or irritant. Listed below are some of the causes that lead to sinusitis: Allergies – One of the most common causes that trigger sinusitis is an allergy. From fever to...
What is sinusitis?
Sinuses are hollow air spaces within the bones around the area of the nose. When these sinuses get blocked due to the formation of bacteria or mucus, they get inflamed and cause infection and pain. This pain refers to sinusitis. It usually starts with inflammation triggered by cold, allergy attack or irritant. One may also...
People who can get affected by hyperactivity
Hyperactivity is a prolonged behavioural disorder, which affects young, pre-school and school going children. Children are more likely to inherit the disorder through a parent or relative and boys are three times more likely to suffer from hyperactivity, compared to girls. Majority of boys suffer from an impulsive hyperactivity disorder, which is easier to spot....
Causes of hyperactivity
Our genes and lifestyles have a huge impact on our lives. Therefore, if not properly managed they can have a negative effect on our mental well-being. Here are the main causes of hyperactivity in children. Genetics A child is more likely to be born with hyperactivity, if it runs in the family. Also, boys are...
Symptoms of hyperactivity
It your child is extremely talkative, mischievous or energetic, it does not necessarily mean that they are suffering from a hyperactivity disorder. Hyperactivity is a prolonged disorder, which has 3 distinct types and each type is characterised by specific symptoms. They are as follows: Inattentive: A child suffering from inattentive hyperactivity is not overly active,...
Hyperactive child
Hyperactivity, generally known as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), is a common medical behavioural disorder, generally found amongst school going children, which disturbs the normal functioning of the child’s brain and negatively affects their social and academic abilities. Though most young children are often difficult to handle, if you’re child’s behaviour is causing a problem...
People who can get affected with Urticaria
Children and women are more commonly affected than adult men. Urticaria is not contagious, and the risk of passing this disease to someone is almost nil.
Symptoms of Urticaria
Symptoms of Urticaria are as follows: Blanching since the area turns white when pressed hard Raised red itchy bumps Changes the shape and size of the affected area
Causes of Urticaria
The causes of Urticaria could be due to various reasons, mainly: Due to allergic reactions from drugs or medicines Due to various foods that you might be allergic to Due to extreme cold, damp or hot temperature Due to too much exposure to sun or water
What is Urticaria?
Urticaria also known as hives consists of raised red or white patches on skin. It is usually itchy, painful and causes a burning sensation. It also leads to swelling of various body parts like hands and feet, and affects nearly 20% of people in their lifetime.
People who can get affected by Ulcers
Ulcers are common among both children, as well as adults. However, there are a number of factors which can increase one’s risk of developing this painful health disorder. They are as follows: Individuals who have congestion in their digestive system. Individuals who consume strong medicines. Individuals who drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Individuals who indulge...
Symptoms of Ulcers
Ulcers are a serious health issue which display a variety of symptom as well as types. The types of ulcers are as follows: Peptic ulcers Develop in the lining of the stomach. Cause pain in the abdomen area. Gastric ulcers Develop inside the stomach. Cause a dull pain in the abdominal region. Cause indigestion, heartburn...
Causes of Ulcers
There are a number of factors which can aggravate and lead to the development of this health issues. The major causes of the formation of ulcers are as follows: Bacteria An overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori bacterium is the main reason of ulcer formation. This bacterium is an infection, caused due to the intake of cigarette...
What are Ulcers
Ulcers are painful open sores or wounds, which generally appear on inside the mouth, inside the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. Also known as peptic or gastric ulcers, can commonly be the result of an excess consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, drugs, cigarette smoke, or even stress. However,...
People who can get affected with Tonsillitis
People who come in contact with those already suffering from tonsillitis are susceptible to this infection. Also, if you are exposed to germs and innumerable bacteria and virus, then you are sure to get affected with the infection in your tonsils. Tonsillitis is common among kids but those in their teens could also be affected...
Symptoms of Tonsillitis
Just like there different type of tonsillitis, similarly the symptoms for these are also of varied nature. These symptoms include: Sore throat Fever Difficulty in swallowing Swollen jaw and neck Earaches or headaches
Causes of Tonsillitis
The main function of tonsils is to fight off all the bacteria and virus that enter our body through the mouth. However, your tonsils are susceptible to infection. These infections could be caused due to: Epstein- Barr virus could be one of the reasons for tonsillitis. It also causes mononucleosis. When you are vulnerable to...
What is Tonsillitis?
Tonsillitis refers to the infection in the tonsils. These tonsils are two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of the throat. This infection is contagious and is generally caused by certain bacteria and virus. This is common among kids specially those who are in their teens. Tonsillitis is easily diagnosed and can...
Symptoms of low immunity
Here’s how you will know that your child has low immunity: If your child suffers from cold quite often and contracts it very easily. If your child suffers from more than two cold bouts in a year. If any chronic infection is troubling your child. If your child suffers from regular feeling of fatigue. If...
Causes of low immunity
Some of the primary causes of low immunity among children include: Improper nutrient intake Irregular food habits Children who are born with immunity deficiency Children with primary immunodeficiency disorders High stress owing to education and peer pressure Improper sleeping routine Poor study-play balance
What is immunity?
Our immune system is like the defense force of the body, which protects it from external toxins, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses as well as fights back and protects us from any trouble that brews within. Immunity is the resistance power of your body that helps your body fight against numerous infections or pathogens. Do...
People affected by PCOD
As per recent stats, PCOD affects around 5-10% of the age 18-45. Here are some of the people who are at high risk of getting PCOD: If PCOD runs in your family, which means either your mother or sister has this health condition, it makes you vulnerable to PCOD. If you are generally overweight, you...
Symptoms of PCOD
Symptoms of PCOD typically start soon after a woman begins to menstruate. The type and severity of symptoms varies from person to person. The most common symptom of PCOD is irregular menstrual periods. The severity of PCOD symptoms appears to be largely determined by factors such as obesity. Since PCOD is marked by a decrease...
Causes of PCOD
Excess insulin: Insulin is the hormone produced in the pancreas that allows cells to use sugar (glucose) — your body’s primary energy supply. If you have insulin resistance, your ability to use insulin effectively is impaired and your pancreas has to secrete more insulin to make glucose available to cells. Excess insulin might also affect...
What is PCOD?
PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) is one of the commonest causes of infertility. It can cause problems with a women’s menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance. Patients have multiple small cysts in their ovaries that occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual cycle are disrupted. PCOD is associated with irregular menstrual cycle, abnormal...
People who can get affected with Thyroid
It is seen that more than men, women are at a greater risk to get affected with Thyroid. Women generally after pregnancy or menopause are like to suffer from thyroid.
Symptoms of Thyroid
Here are a few symptoms of Thyroid that you may experience: Fatigue Constipation Dry skin Weight gain Elevated blood cholesterol level
Causes of Thyroid
Listed below are some of the main causes of Thyroid: Deficiency of iodine Inappropriate THS Levels Stress Certain medication
What is Thyroid?
Thyroid is a small gland at the base of the neck that produces thyroid hormones. These hormones control all the activities in your body. It regulates the protein synthesis, energy rate and your body’s response to other hormones. There are generally two types of thyroid: Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
People who can be affected by Asthma
It’s a known fact that Asthma affects people of all ages. However, more often than not you get it during your childhood. Here’s a list of all the people who are at the risk of getting Asthma: Children who experience constant sound of wheezing while breathing or have respiratory infections are at highest possible risk...
Symptoms of Asthma
Here are some common symptoms of Asthma: Coughing: One of the major symptoms of Asthma, coughing often worsens during the nights or early in the morning and makes it very difficult for you to sleep. Wheezing: Another common symptom of is wheezing, which is a whistling sound that you hear while breathing. Tightness in the...
Causes of Asthma
Following factors can cause Asthma: One of the major causes of Asthma is the inherited tendency of a person to develop various allergies. This tendency is often referred to as atopy. If your parents suffer from Asthma. If you developed a few types of respiratory infections during your childhood. If you were in contact with...
What is Asthma?
Asthma refers to a chronic long-term lung disease that leads to inflammation and narrowing of the airways. A person suffering from Asthma goes through regular wheezing (just like whistling sound when one breathes), tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing occurs often during nights or early in the morning. One must...
People who can be affected by Allergic Bronchitis
Allergic Bronchitis can happen to people of all ages, you could be suffering from Allergic Bronchitis: If you have been coughing a lot in the past few days You see blood traces when you cough You get regular bouts of fever You find the mucus too greenish when you spit You have been suffering from...
Symptoms of Allergic Bronchitis
Here are some common symptoms of Allergic Bronchitis: Regular Coughing Regular sound of wheezing Feeling of fatigue or tiredness Feeling of chest pain or discomfort in that area You have a sore throat See a swelling in your lips Experiencing headaches Excess production of mucus
Causes of Allergic Bronchitis
Following are common factors that can cause Allergic Bronchitis: Smoke coming out from the use of tobacco products Environmental pollution Presence of various allergens that include pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, or food substances Various chemicals present in different products we use Allergies to certain medicines or medicinal ingredients we use Physical exercise can be...
What is Allergic Bronchitis?
Allergic bronchitis is a condition where a person suffers from severe allergies, which lead to a bronchial immune system reaction. Bronchitis generally occurs when there is an inflammation of the windpipe and airways that happens within the lungs. Allergic bronchitis will often attack you owing to seasonal allergies. Therefore, it is often a short-term condition.
People who can get affected with Warts
Warts can affect people at any age, but they are very common among young people and children. It can even appear during old age, but there are generally harmless and non-contagious.
Symptoms of Warts
In case you feel you are being approached by warts, check out for these symptoms: The surface of your skin gets rough Black pinpoints which are small blood vessels. Flesh coloured grainy bumps
Causes of Warts
A virus called human papillomavirus is mainly the reason behind warts. The various reasons that can lead to warts are: If the water in the swimming pool is contaminated When your wet or damaged skin comes in contact with a rough surface, your skin might get affected with verrucas When you come directly in contact...
What are Warts?
Warts are usually painless skin growth caused by a virus called human papillomavirus. While certain warts are itchy, there are some serious ones that can lead to cancer. Warts are of four types namely: Common warts- usually appear on hands and are quite common among children Plantar warts- found on the feet and can cause...
People who can get affected by Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a serious skin disorder which affects millions of men, women and even children of all ages and ethnicities worldwide. However, there are a few factors which can put one at a higher risk of developing this skin disorder. They are as follows: Individuals who have a blood relative who has vitiligo. Individuals who...
Who often suffers from Vitiligo
Vitiligo can start at any age, but most often appears before age 20. The disorder affects all races and both sexes equally, however, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.
Causes of Vitiligo
The cause is not known. Vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease. These diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In vitiligo, the immune system may destroy the melanocytes in the skin. It is also possible that one or more genes may make a person more likely to get...
Symptoms of Vitiligo
Normally, the color of hair, skin and eyes is determined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning. Vitiligo signs include: Skin discoloration Premature whitening of the hair, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard (usually before age 35) Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth...
What Is Vitiligo?
It is a condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause. It causes the loss of skin color in blotches. The extent and rate of color loss from vitiligo is unpredictable. It can affect the skin on any part of your body. It...
People who may suffer from Psoriasis
There is no specific category of people who can develop psoriasis, as anyone can develop this skin disorder at any point on their life. However, there are a few factors which can make one more prone and susceptible to this skin disorder, compared to others. There are as follows: Adults are more likely to develop...
Psoriasis Symptoms
It is not necessary for every individual who suffers from psoriasis, to experience the same kind of symptoms, as they can vary from person to person. However, there are a number of common symptoms which can be noticed if an individual is suffering from psoriasis. They are as follows. Raised, red inflamed skin usually on...
Psoriasis Causes
We are yet to know the exact cause of psoriasis. However, it’s believed that your immune system and genes may majorly contribute to the development of this skin disorder, as the condition can be inherited. The factors which can trigger and cause for psoriasis include: Genetics It is highly probable for an individual to develop...
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a serious skin condition that produces plaques of thickened scaling skin. It is an extremely unpredictable, irritating and persistent skin disease, which can resurface at times. However, the good news is that it is noncontagious in nature. Psoriasis causes skin cells to multiply ten times faster than normal, therefore when the underlying skin...
People who can get affected by Lichen planus
Lichen planus is a serious skin disorder which can affect anyone, irrespective of age or gender. About 1 in 5,000 people develop lichen planus. However, there are certain factors which put one at a higher risk of developing this disease. They are as follows: Most cases occur in people over the age of 45, therefore...
People who suffer from Lichen planus
About 1 in 5,000 people develop lichen planus. It occurs equally in men and women. Most cases occur in people over the age of 45. However, it can occur at any age. It is not an inherited disease. It is not an infection and the rash cannot be caught or passed on to others.
Symptoms of Lichen Planus
Lichen planus can affect several parts of one’s body, including the ears, wrists, back, genitals, vaginal area, scalp and even the mouth. Therefore, the signs and symptoms of this skin disorder may vary depending upon the areas of the body which are affected. However, typical noticeable signs and symptoms of lichen planus include the following:...
Causes for Lichen Planus
The exact cause of lichen planus is unknown. However, the condition isn’t infectious neither does it run in the family. Therefore, it can neither be inherited nor can it be passed on to other people. The exact causes which cause this skin disorder are unknown, however there are a number of other factors which can...
What is Lichen Planus?
Lichen planus is a chronic, recurrent and itchy rash which has no apparent cure. It is caused due to inflammation in the skin and mucous membranes. It is characterised by small, flat topped polygonal lumps or bumps, which mainly grow together to form rough scaly plaques on the skin. These can appear on any part...
People who can get affected with Dermatitis
It is seen that people who get affected with Dermatitis have the tendency to develop other allergic conditions also like hay fever and asthma. It is quite common among children but people living in dry areas can also be affected by this disease.
Symptoms of Dermatitis
Symptoms associated with allergic contact dermatitis include: Dry, scaly, flaky skin Skin that appears darkened or thick Skin that burns with or without sores Extreme itching Sun sensitivity
Causes of Dermatitis
You can be affected with Dermatitis due to various reasons. Listed below are few causes that can lead to Dermatitis: Reaction of any kind of jewellery, perfume or chemicals in skincare products Reaction of a toxic material like bleaching powder, battery acid, cleaners etc. Reaction of sunlight on your skin specially when you apply sunscreen.
What is Dermatitis?
Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an inflammation on skin that involves itchy rash or red and dry skin. Skin affected by dermatitis develops rashes caused by jewellery or soaps that makes you feel uncomfortable. It’s not contagious and can result into blisters or painful cracks if not treated properly. There are three types of...
People who can get affected with Acne
Acne usually occurs when your lifestyle is not well managed. People who are on heavy dosage of medicines, constipated or suffering from PCOD could also get affected with acne.
Symptoms of Acne
The symptoms of Acne are most visible on areas with the most oil glands. These areas include chest, back, neck and face. Here are a few symptoms that could lead to Acne: Pus filled pimples Blackheads and whiteheads Raised nodules
Causes of Acne
The cause of acne is tough to comprehend. However, stress is one of the major factors that could make you prone to acne. Listed below are the various causes that could result into acne: When there is an increased production of hormones, your skin is forced to produce extra oil. This tends to make your...
What is Acne?
Acne, medically known as acne vulgaris, is a skin issue where the tiny hair follicles get blocked by the oily secretion released from the oil glands. There are different types of acne like blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or deep bumps. The common age of an acne occurrence is 13 years, and it might get worse for...
People who get affected with Trichotillomania
Trichotillosis is a body-focused repetitive behaviour that can result into hair loss from any part of the body. This is more common among in females as compared to men. This particular disorder creates a strong desire in an individual to pull out their hair irrespective of their body parts. it is a chronic disease that...
Symptoms of Trichotillomania
Trichotillomania is a disorder which creates a sudden urge to pull out your hair from various parts of body which includes scalp and eyebrows. It leads to a kind of anxiety followed by a sense of satisfaction once you pull out the hair. This disorder could arise due to various reasons. These reasons could vary...
Causes of Trichotillomania
Trichotillosis is a body-focused repetitive behaviour that can result into hair loss from any part of the body. This is found more commonly in females as compared to men. This particular disorder creates a strong desire in an individual to pull out their hair irrespective of their body parts. it is a chronic disease that...
What is Trichotillomania?
Trichotillomania also known as trichotillosis refers to an impulsive-control disorder where an individual feels an uncontrollably strong urge to pull their hair either from their scalp, eyebrows or other body parts. It can be witnessed among infants but the peak age at which it generally starts is from the age of 9-13 years. It is...
People affected by dandruff
Dandruff refers to dry, white flakes of skin that you brush off your collar or shoulders. It is nothing but the shedding of dead skin cells from your scalp. Although it is harmless in nature, dandruff can be embarrassing and irritatingly itchy. It usually starts during young adulthood and continues through middle age. This doesn’t...
Symptoms of dandruff
Research has shown that dandruff is a very common scalp disorder that affects a large chunk of population who have achieved the age of puberty, of any gender, and ethnicity. The main problem is that your skin cells grow and die too quickly. Symptoms of dandruff are very easy to spot for most teens and...
Causes of dandruff
Dandruff can occur due to many causes. Here are some of the most common causes: Dry skin:Dry skin is one of the biggest and most common causes of dandruff formation. Seborrheic dermatitis: This could be another major cause for dandruff formation. Not cleaning:Scrubbing your often enough or not cleaning it all Shampooing your hair much...
What is Dandruff
Dandruff refers to dry, white flakes of skin that you brush off your collar or shoulders. It is nothing but the shedding of shedding of dead skin cells from your scalp. Although it is harmless in nature, dandruff can be embarrassing and irritatingly itchy. Research has shown that dandruff is a very common scalp disorder...
People who can get affected with Alopecia
Alopecia is an auto immune hair disorder, which causes unpredictable patchy hair loss, and can be triggered at any given time, by a number of factors. Our approach helps strengthen your immunity system, and effectively treat this disorder by preventing further loss of hair and improving your natural hair growth. People who can get affected...
Symptoms of Alopecia
Alopecia cannot be regarded as a serious medical disorder. However, it does make a difference to a person’s confidence and personality. Most of the times, it is also referred as spot baldness, and usually begins when clumps of hair fall out resulting into totally smooth, bald patch. A person can get affected with Alopecia due...
Causes of Alopecia
Alopecia also known as spot baldness usually begins when a bunch of hair strands start falling out thereby resulting into smooth, hairless patch. Alopecia cannot be cured but it can be treated. It is a highly unpredictable disease where the hair follicles become small and does not grow hair above the skin surface. It usually...
What is Alopecia?
Alopecia refers to a type of hair loss where your hair follicles are attacked by the body’s immune system. Also known as spot baldness, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that frequently begins with one or more circular patches on the scalp. It is an unpredictable illness where the hair follicles become small and does...
People affected with Female-pattern baldness
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females that is characterized by a reduction in hair growth over the frontal scalps and crown. Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. It is commonly seen in women who are ageing. The...
Symptoms of female-pattern baldness
It is important to understand that female-pattern baldness is not a medical disorder. However, it might affect the self-esteem of the person and cause hesitation since the hair loss would be a permanent issue. There is no specific prevention for female-pattern baldness, but it is important to consult your primary medical advisor or dermatologist. Female...
Causes of female-pattern baldness
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females that is characterized by a reduction in hair growth over the frontal scalps and crown. Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. Female hair loss is one of the most common disorders...
What is Female-pattern baldness?
Female pattern baldness refers to the thinning of hair due to reduction in the volume of hair or immense hair shedding. It generally occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia, or during post menopause when the level of hormones keeps fluctuating. When a person suffers from female-pattern baldness, the hair follicles shrink down over a period...
People affected by male pattern baldness
There are a number of factors, other than gender, which can lead to, as well as increase one’s risk of suffering from male pattern baldness. They are as follows: When you’re in your teens You could be more vulnerable to male pattern baldness while you are still in your teens. However, it is more common...
Symptoms of male pattern baldness
There are always a few warning signs that appear, before any the onset of any disorder or disease The same goes for male pattern baldness as well. So look out for these warning symptoms, they could help you recognise and treat the disorder as early as possible. It’s your hairline The typical pattern of male...
Causes of male pattern baldness
The factors which can lead to male pattern baldness are as follows: Genetics Genes can be one of the major causes of male pattern baldness. Moreover, studies have shown that male pattern baldness is linked to male sex hormones referred to as androgens. These androgens perform various functions, which include regulating hair growth. Weakening of...
What is male pattern baldness?
Also referred to as male pattern hair loss (MPHL) or androgenic alopecia, one of the most common causes of hair loss, MPHL impacts up to 70% men and around 40% women at some point of time in their life. Men experience progressive hair loss at their temples and vertex, whereas women typically tend to see...