Nutrition is an effective way to work your way through arthritis. Here’s a list of foods that you can eat and avoid if you have diabetes – What to eat Eat fish Include fish in your diabetes diet plan, especially steamed, poached or fish curry. Fish oils contain anti-inflammatory agents. According to a study, moderate...
Month: August 2016
What Are Bladder Infections?
Bladder Infections, also known as Cystitis or Urinary Tract Infections, plague women more often than men. In fact, 50% of women are likely to be afflicted by this disease at some point of time in their lives. This is because of the structural makeup of the female urinary tract. Bacteria swim up the urethra (a...
Walk Your Way To Good Health During Arthritis
Food helps, nutrition supports, but one thing you should always remember is that nothing works better than exercise during arthritis. Once you consume nutrient-dense foods, exercise will help your body to make optimal use of those nutritional values. The first step if you want to get back on your toes is to exercise. Moreover, if...
The Truth About Body Odour
Everybody sweats, it’s only natural, but then why do some people stink? Most people wonder why they suffer from body odour despite maintaining utmost hygiene and bathing several times a day. In reality, sweat doesn’t smell. Tight clothing and humidity slow down evaporation and the sweat mixes with the bacteria thriving on the skin resulting...
The Perfect Drink For Dieters
If people going on diet are looking for the ideal low calorie drinks, they can go in for buttermilk, jaljeera, coconut water, any of the vegetable juices such as tomato, cucumber, or spinach, and of course, pure plain water. Crash dieting can also lead to hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). This is a condition where the...
Smell Like A Fish?
Believe it or not, but some people actually stink like a fish. This could probably be because of over-consumption of non-vegetarian foods in your diet. Animal proteins are rich in choline and some people are deficient in an enzyme, which metabolizes choline, giving the person a fish-like odour. Such people should eliminate all foods containing...
Nutrients That Help During Arthritis
Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are compounds that promote joint cartilage repair and alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. You can go for Marine lipids such as cod liver oil or salmon oil since they contain Omega-3 fatty acids. They possess anti-inflammatory properties and provide substantial amounts of vitamin D (required for bone growth and vitamin A)....
7 Natural Remedies For Bladder Infections
Soothing with cherries Eating a cup of cherries every two hours will help ease the burning sensation while passing urine. Garlic, the bacteria killer Garlic is a natural antibiotic. The allium content of garlic acts as an effective antifungal and antibacterial agent. Eating 4-5 cloves of raw garlic will help combat urinary infections. Finely chop...
Are You A Victim Of Dieting Disasters?
There are several reasons that give rise to dry itchy skin, especially when they follow fad diets. Itchy skin is a warning signal for multi-nutrient deficiencies or it could be an indication of adult onset diabetes. It is also seen in hypothyroid patients, especially in winter. An iron, B-complex, or EFA deficiency could be the...
Here’s Something About Arthritis
Arthritis is a rheumatic disease that plagues most people beyond the age of fifty. Arthritis can be really difficult to live with, as the pain is so unbearable, it practically immobilizes the person. Literally speaking, arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that causes pain, stiffness, and swelling. It refers to a number of disorders...
H2O-The Zero Calorie Drink
One of the most economical and highly accessible slimming agents comes from nature in the form of fresh and pure water. This zero calorie drink is loaded with innumerable boons. Weight loss benefits of water When consumed with high fiber foods, it makes the fiber swell giving the dieter a feeling of fullness, and stops...
Does Diet Help Those With Arthritis?
There are answers for arthritis in ancient folk medicine mostly revolving around diet. New medical discoveries now prove that some foods aggravate inflammation while others alleviate it. In some cases, eliminating certain foods has known to bring about some relief. However, in most cases, arthritis may be inherited and not really connected to diet. However,...
Dieting Disasters Lead To Sagging Skin
One of the worst consequences incorrect dieting can bring about is sagging skin. Most women in their twenties and thirties have enough skin elasticity and hence, they rarely face this problem. However, post fifty, a lot of women experience sagging skin after a quick weight loss programme. This can certainly be avoided by taking vitamin,...
Alcohol And Dieting
Did you know that one regular peg or two ounces of gin, vodka, rum, or scotch contains about 150 calories? Even a four-ounce-glass of port wine is about 170 calories. Alcohol increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid and gastric juices in the stomach stimulating our appetite. It also strips the body of vital nutrients such...
5 Problems Owing To Dieting Disasters
Leg cramps A calcium deficiency along with low potassium levels may lead to leg cramps. Supplementing these minerals along with vitamin E may help us get rid of leg cramps. Insomnia Can sometimes be a result of hunger. A lot of dieters tend to eat less at dinnertime. Another likely cause of insomnia is exercising...
8 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes
Tomato is an excellent and readily available health choice. Have it as a fruit/salad, or chop it and make it a part of your vegetable recipe, or just grind it into a paste and prepare soup or gravy. This sweet and tangy little vegetable, not only has an attractive red appearance but also is loaded...
Four Great Home Remedies For Dry Lips
Dry lips are constantly chapped and sore. They keep peeling off and crack easily. Contributing factors majorly include weather, dehydration and smoking. This can lead to a painful condition if left untreated. Here are 4 simple home remedies to best treat dry lips. Sugar + honey Sugar exfoliates dead skin cells and honey will make...
6 Simple Tips For Daily Detox
A mini detox can make a big difference in how you feel in the following weeks. Not only will you lose weight but will also reduce the extra water weight. Doing a quick cleanse will also rejuvenate your energy levels, improve your concentration and reduce our skin concerns. The thought behind this cleanse diet is to give your body a much-needed...
Powerful Health Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric is a quintessential ingredient in every Indian kitchen. Apart from adding flavor to food, there are numerous health benefits of turmeric, including weight loss. In fact, it is the primary and commonly added spice in most Indian dishes. A pinch of this yellow-colored spice, not only enhances the taste of the food but also...
Weight Gain Foods for Men
Strangely, just like weight loss, people do struggle to gain a few pounds as well. It has been medically proven that being underweight too can cause severe health problems. Usually, people tend to think that following a weight gain food plan will work. However, it requires the same amount of control and willpower as one would...
Healthy Tips For Glowing Skin
Every girl dreams of having smooth, flawless skin and tries different beauty products available in the market. These products may give quick results but contain harsh chemicals that are not good for your skin. There are several natural home remedies for getting glowing skin. It is better to choose natural solutions, which Mother Nature has...
Tips To Solve Acne Problem
Every woman wishes to have clear, blemish-free skin. However, the problem of acne may cause blemishes on the skin. Every woman wants to know how to get rid of acne. However, there is no fixed treatment or method that can help one instantly get rid of the problem. If one finds out the specific cause...
Daily Detox Tips For Women To Lose Weight
Detoxification is your body’s best friend when it comes to weight loss! It will clean your system and prevent sickness. The best thing about a detox diet is that in addition to flushing toxins out your body and helping in weight loss, it will help you get that glowing skin that you’ve always dreamt of....
Tips for Dry Skin
Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin it is important to take care of it. Among all the different skin types, dry skin is probably the most difficult one to deal with. People with dry skin are more prone to developing wrinkles at an early age, and may also suffer from thyroid disorders and...
Tips To Manage Dry Hair
Dry hair is unmanageable. Most people experience the problem of dry and rough tresses, which also hampers their appearance. It is a common problem and occurs due to the frequent use of harsh shampoos, hair straightening devices, perms, blow dryers, pollution, and water containing chlorine. That said, many of these factors are unavoidable. However, there...
13 Foods That Fight Hair Loss
Hair, refers to the thin structures, that grow out of the skin, particularly in a mass on the head. Our hair is important to our appearance, and an outward expression of our personal style. However, due to unhealthy eating habits, stressful lifestyles, dirt and pollution, it often gets dull, damaged and prone to breakage, owing...
Nutrient-Dense Food For Weight Loss
Our body draws energy from the food we eat. Eating nutrient dense food supplies our body with energy to carry out daily activities, and also aids weight loss. Excess sugar gets stored in the liver in the form of glycogen for future requirements. We reap what we sow, similarly, what we put into our mouth...
What Are Varicose Veins?
Most women are likely to develop small and ropy varicose veins at some point in their lives. This often makes them self-conscious about how their legs look, to an extent that they force themselves to spend their entire summer clad in long pants and stockings. It is not easy for them to bare their legs...
Spice It Up For A Glowing Skin
We all have to pay the price of living rushed and interesting lives. Your body gets diseased and your skin gets wrinkled if you don’t take care of it. Beautiful skin is an inside job. Have you ever seen an unhealthy person with a radiant glow? Your skin may appreciate some creams, gels and lotions....
Causes Of Skin Wrinkles
It is said that beauty is an inside job! Certain foods help the skin maintain its elasticity. If your skin is supple, your smiles or frowns can be rubbed off the face easily. However, if your skin becomes dry, you get smile lines or frown lines imprinted on your face. When skin loses elasticity: Wrinkles...
Superfoods For Weight Loss Post Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important phases of every women’s life. You would have taken very good care to ensure that you get the right food with right nutrients while you were pregnant. You would have put on a lot of weight during your pregnancy. After your child’s delivery, it is time for you...
Skin Problems
Your skin can react to infections anywhere in your body. It can also react to the environmental toxins outside the body. It is vulnerable to many diseases. Internal factors such as an infection or external factors such as pollution, allergies etc, could cause skin disorders, which not only feel uncomfortable, but if left untreated, could...
Treatment Of PCOS
Suffering from PCOS? Whether you are suffering from PCOS or know someone who is suffering from this, then this article could be of great benefit to you. PCOD brings along a lot of health inconvenience for women and this leads to experimenting a lot of treatments on their health. The usually resort to those treatments...
Insulin And PCOD – What’s The Link?
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the beta cells, which are cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas. The insulin produced is released into the bloodstream and travels throughout the body. Insulin is an important hormone that has many actions within the body. Insulin also is important in regulating the cells of the...
5 Foods That Reduce Belly Fat
Belly fat refers to the accumulation of fat around your midsection. It is unappealing, undesirable and could also be a sign of obesity. However, adding the right foods to your diet might help. Here are 5 foods which help to reduce belly fat. Ginger Ginger root can be an excellent weight loss aid and is...
5 Tips For Healthy Hair
Healthy and beautiful hair is something every woman wants. But sadly excess pollution, unhealthy diets, and our hectic lifestyles leave our hair dull, damaged, and lifeless. But beautiful hair is not out of your reach. Try our easy home remedies and fall in love with your hair all over again! Fancy Fenugreek Fenugreek works effectively to...
Sugar and Diabetes
Really, how can something that tastes so good, be so bad for our body? The idea that the consumption of sugar can have serious consequences on our body is simply indigestible, isn’t it? The bitter truth about sugar is that our human body was never designed to handle the atrocities of sugar. Sugar strains the organs...
Managing Type 2 Diabetes
The most common cause of type 2 diabetes is eating too much of the wrong kind of carbohydrates. This is a path to self-destruction, eventually leading to high blood pressure, high triglyceride, and low HDL (good cholesterol). Other reasons include a genetic predisposition to the disease, stress, and a decrease in physical activity. Effective tips...
Best Nutrients to Manage High Blood Pressure
When it comes to natural home remedies for high blood pressure, there are many options available, including ones related to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors. There are also several supplements that safely and effectively lower blood pressure naturally. Here are some of them that we highly recommend. Potassium Potassium has high blood pressure lowering...
Importance of a Diabetes Diet Plan
Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diabetes diet plan. For most people, a diabetes diet simply translates into eating a variety of low cal but nutrient dense foods in moderate amounts and adhering to regular mealtimes. The Right Food Plan The right diabetes meal plan...
Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally
As the first step, stop whipping your body with stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. Along with managing stress and losing weight, one needs to follow dietary corrections comprising foods that help keep your blood pressure in check. Manage High Blood Pressure Eat more fruits and vegetables Fruits concentrated with potassium, vitamin C, sodium,...
Diabetic Diet & Foods. Do’s and Don’ts
Diabetes mellitus is an acute metabolic disorder wherein the body is unable to convert sugars, starches, and other foods into usable energy. Most of the foods you eat are normally converted into a kind of sugar called glucose during the process of digestion. The bloodstream then transports this glucose throughout the body. The hormone, insulin, then converts glucose...
Excess Weight And Diabetes
Owing to our unhealthy lifestyles, we tend to eat food more for its entertainment value rather than its nutrient value. In fact, the distance between food on the table and natural food is increasing by the minute. We need to keep in mind that food devoid of fiber tends to create more hunger, forcing us...
Weight Loss Through Coconut Water
Coconut trees are truly nature’s gift. It is a wonder tree where each part of it is useful for the mankind. The fresh coconut water and the flesh inside the coconut gives a full feeling in your stomach and is a healthy drink to consume whenever you lack energy. There are several advantages, it does not...
Tips to diabetics who consume alcohol
Alcohol is everywhere – at family gatherings, festivals, social outings, business dinners, and of course parties. You may choose to indulge or abstain as per your choice but if you are a diabetic, you need to understand the effects of drinking alcohol on diabetes and its complications, before making a choice. So, if you are...
Effects of Smoking and Caffeine on Diabetes
If you are a diabetic, you know that your body is unable to control blood sugar. So what do you do? You need to stay away from high glycemic index (simple carbohydrates) foods. Research has shown that smoking cigarette and consuming tobacco doubles the damage in diabetics by causing hardening of the arteries. Read more...
High Blood Pressure and Lifestyle
In ancient times, in the primitive cultures, high blood pressure was unknown. We have brought about this health issue upon ourselves owing to modern lifestyle. Modernization has given us refined foods such as sugar, maida, refined oils, eating out frequently, inactivity, stress, overeating, smoking, excess alcohol intake, irregular eating and sleeping patterns. All this leads...
High BP – the Silent Killer
The blood circulating in the blood vessels exerts a force on the wall of the vessel. If your arteries are narrow and rigid, there will be more pressure exerted on them by the pumping action of the heart. When the pressure is too high, it negatively impacts your health. High blood pressure can have symptoms...
Diabetes in children
The irony is that ‘late-onset diabetes’ or type 2 diabetes is occurring to children at 13 who are simply eating too much junk food. This can shorten life span but the most important thing that you must know is that it is totally preventable. The best time to act is now. It is interesting to...
Why Is Belly Fat Dangerous?
If you have heard that belly fat is dangerous because it could lead to numerous health issues, you are absolutely right. The presence of excess belly fat is the biggest indication that you have visceral fat. Visceral fat is extremely dangerous and can affect your health even before you know it. Therefore, the best way...
Alcohol Consumption Guidelines For Diabetics
Here are a few important alcohol consumption guidelines that could be very useful for diabetics: Drinks low in sugar Select drinks that are lower in total alcohol and sugar content. If you use mixers in your drinks, choose ones that are sugar free, such as diet soft drinks, club soda, lime juice, or plain water....
What Is Visceral Fat?
Biochemists refer to FAT as lipid and it is solid at room temperature. However, oil is liquid at room temperature. All fats and oil are made up of fatty acids. It is the individual fatty acids that make all the difference to our health. This makes a good case for understanding good and bad fats....
6 Best Ways To Manage Acne
Severe cases of acne may require medical supervision, but in mild cases, over-the-counter pimple creams work. However, what works best is a little bit of awareness and slight modifications to your lifestyle and diet. Watch your diet What you eat reflects on your skin. There is no conclusive study to prove it. But diet influences hormones, which...
Vitamin E To Boost Immunity
The key defender against free radical attacks, vitamin E revs up the infection-fighting ability and body’s protective mechanisms against infection attacks. It prevents premature aging and clogging of arteries thereby arresting the progression of heart disease and stroke. Foods high in vitamin E are as follows: Almonds Peanuts Vegetable oils Cashew nuts However, it’s preferable...
Vitamins E & Vegetables For Managing Cholesterol
To manage or lower the levels of cholesterol in your body, it is important to eat Vitamin-E rich foods. You can add almonds, dried apricots, cooked spinach, hazelnut, broccoli, pistachios, red bell peppers, green olives, and avocados in your cholesterol diet. Foods for Managing Cholesterol Garlic It is also well-known for managing cholesterol. So, you can add...
Lifestyle And Immunity
How you treat your body defines how healthy you are. Lack of rest, exercise and sleep compromise immune function and increase your susceptibility to ailments. Exercise Light to moderate exercises strengthens your body and keeps the illnesses away. Adequate sleep and rest are equally important. One must try and get at least eight hours of...
5 Ways To Get A Glowing Skin
Does looking at that gorgeous woman in a commercial advertisement make you wish for a similar glowing skin? Of course, you would be wishing for that, but either due to hectic routine, improper sleep or unhealthy diet, your desire for getting a healthy skin has taken a back seat. Leave your worries behind and try these 5...
17 Ways To Prevent Getting Varicose Veins
Arrest the causative factors before you allow varicose veins to make your legs their home. Some of these steps can prevent their appearance: If you are overweight, try to lose the weight. Sitting or standing in the same position increases susceptibility to varicose veins. So, move around at regular intervals to improve blood circulation. Practice...
How Fiber Curbs Cholesterol
One of the easiest ways to fight cholesterol is to increase the intake of soluble fibre. This can be found in abundance in plant foods, especially fresh, raw and unpeeled fruits and vegetables. Soggy, overcooked vegetables lose a lot of their fibre value. Fibrous foods Researchers consider pectin (found in apples) to be the best-known form of soluble fibre. Hence, apples...
9 Tips To Treat Skin Rashes
The summer heat can cause many annoying skin problems, such as dry skin, boils etc. So here are 9 simple tips to treat skin rashes: Coconut oil Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and helps soothe rash and treats inflamed skin. Water Drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water every day...
4 Home Remedies For Oily Skin
When the sebaceous glands in the skin produce excess sebum, it results in the accumulation of oil, thus making the skin oily. Oily skin can lead to other skin issues such as acne, skin irritation and blackheads. Try these easy home remedies to get rid of your oily skin permanently. Egg white + lime juice Lime juice...
Get Strong from Within
One of the most important applications of good nutrition is that it keeps our immune system strong. Genetically all of us are born with a certain level of vitality or bio-energy. However, certain lifestyle and diet factors could lead our immunity to diminish, making us prone to sickness and ill health. However, one can enhance immunity naturally...
9 Tips To Prevent Premature Wrinkles
Sip up a vegetable juice Drink a glass of vegetable juice like carrot (1) + cucumber (1) + beetroot (1) or fruit juice like orange (1) + sweet lime (2) juice every day. These juices provide your body with antioxidants such as vitamin C & A and bioflavonoids, which help the body to fight against...
Subcutaneous, Good and Bad Fat
Subcutaneous fat is the fatty or adipose tissue present immediately under the layers of the skin. Subcutaneous means “under the skin.” It includes not only fatty tissues but also blood vessels, which provide the skin with oxygen, and nerves. Subcutaneous fat acts like a shock absorber, serving to cushion our skin against any trauma, and also stores energy, which the body utilizes during times of...
Homocysteine Diet
Homocysteine is an amino acid and breakdown product of protein metabolism that, when present in high concentrations, has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Have your vitamin B Vitamin B is very good to douse your homocysteine levels. Taking those three vitamins is the first step. You need to take...
8 Best Ways To Fight Those Ugly Varicose Veins
To prevent and maintain varicose veins, you need to strengthen the walls of your veins. Since nothing can beat proper diet & exercise, below are some natural measures that can be easily employed. Simply try and follow the below-given points to get amazing results. Try to lose weight Many people have experienced a dramatic improvement...
Fish & Chickpeas For Cholesterol
High cholesterol and diet go hand in hand. If you consume a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables, and low in junk food, your cholesterol levels should be under control. However, if you consume a diet high in junk food and low on healthy foods, you may soon fall victim to high cholesterol. Junk...
7 Common Culprits that Cause Acne
The exact cause of acne is not known, but androgens, oily skin, and heredity do play a big role in the development of acne. Here are a few common culprits that can cause acne: Heredity If both parents have a history of acne, their offspring might develop a tendency as well. Menstrual cycles Women experience...
4 Best Spices To Include In Your Diet To Improve Skin
Turmeric Using turmeric is a natural and inexpensive way to look after your skin. We know that it is applied on the arms and face of a bride before her marriage to make her skin soft and supple. Besides this, turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices in any Indian cuisine. It is...
6 Ways to Beat Warts
Take vitamin supplements One of the most important nutrients to build the immune system is vitamin A. Taking vitamin A in supplemental form as well as natural form (carrot juice) helps by building up immune function. Moreover, one can get rid of most of the warts effectively. Cooked turnip greens and mustard greens, spinach, fresh...
Fiber It Up For Cholesterol
Dietary fibre refers to the indigestible part of plant-based foods. These parts contain substances such as cellulose, pectin and lignin, which are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes. Types of Dietary Fibre Fibre is essential for aiding digestion, lowering high cholesterol levels and managing weight. Also, similar to cholesterol, which is found in the body...
What are Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) are pivotal for the normal growth and development of our body. However, the fact is that makes them crucial is that the human body does not manufacture them. Thus, the only way to acquire them is through Health Total diet. The Essential Fatty Acids Two major classifications of EFA include Omega-6...
When Your Body Is Screaming For Attention
Does your stomach feel bloated all the time? Do you suffer from acidity and digestion? After a late night, especially after drinking alcohol, do you wake up the next morning with a headache? Do you also suffer from major sugar cravings, a low immunity? Your tongue remains coated and you feel irritable all the time. You come back from...
Olive Oil Health Benefits – Cholesterol-Friendly Olive
Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance which is produced naturally by the human liver. Cholesterol is found in two types, mainly HDL (high-density lipoproteins) or good cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoproteins) or bad cholesterol. The primary functions of cholesterol include the production bile, hormones and vitamin D, which is required for the healthy functioning of the body. Thus,...
3 Main Culprits of Eczema
Here are three most common culprits that cause eczema: It’s in the genes Eczema is an allergic condition passed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, as soon as signs of eczema occur, scan your diet for the offender that triggers the allergy. People suffering from eczema might also have experienced bouts of asthma or hay...
Cholesterol and Diet: What’s the Connection?
High cholesterol and diet go hand in hand. If you consume a healthy diet, high in fruits and vegetables and low in junk food, your cholesterol levels should be under control. However, if you consume a diet high in junk food and low on healthy food items, you may soon fall victim to high cholesterol....
10 Tips For Glowing Skin And Good Health
We have all entered this world with a flawless complexion. Glowing skin is the hallmark of beauty. This article provides natural tips for getting a glowing skin. As we grow older our skin is bound to age but time is not your skins greatest enemy. Sun exposure, smoking, poor diet, environmental toxins, excess alcohol consumption,...
Diet Tips For PCOD
PCOD usually accompanies a lot of other health disorders. Most of the people suffering from PCOS tend to develop cysts in their ovaries and cause hormonal imbalance. It is usually androgens, the male hormones that increase in number and create a problem in women’s menstrual cycles. The normal ovulation cycle also gets disturbed and ovulation gets...
Preserve Your Immunity
As you cross the age of 40, your immune functions start declining. If you are leading the life of regular Mumbaikar-rushing out to work in the morning, travelling the length of Mumbai; irregular meal timings, too many meals out, partying and eating restaurant meals, drinking and leading a sedentary life style-this information should be of...
Blood Clots And Our Heart
One of the single greatest determinants of whether you will suffer a heart attack or a stroke is the way your blood clots. The viscosity of the blood, its stickiness and its tendency to form clots are important factors that can be averted to save you from a cardiovascular tragedy. Healing power of food At...
What Is Acidosis?
This is a condition when the body chemistry becomes overly acidic. The pH values of saliva may go down to 6.0 and below. This can be easily tested by using a litmus paper. Testing for Acidosis Test your saliva on an empty stomach preferably on waking up. You can also test saliva one hour after...
Soluble Fiber for Cholesterol
Dietary fiber refers to the roughage or indigestible portion of food derived from plants. Dietary fiber can be broken down into two main components, namely insoluble fiber, and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber, also known as bulking fiber is the one which does not dissolve in water. Instead, it absorbs water as it moves through the...
7 Things A Woman Who Suffers From PCOD Should Know
PCOS has become a common issue among women and the cases have just been increasing regularly. Most of the times, women suffering from PCOD tend to take their health and the issue very lightly. They fail to take into consideration how PCOD can affect them. To help you get a better understanding, our health experts have pointed...
Heartburn – Say No To Oily Foods
Oily foods should be avoided since fried stuff triggers heartburn. Any high-fat milkshakes, cheese generously spread on bread, fried rice and biryanis should be avoided as well. Such foods delay gastric emptying as a result of which they stay longer in the stomach than low-fat foods. This results in them flowing up into the esophagus, which causes heartburn. Raw onions...
Boost Your Immunity The Natural Way
Do you ever wonder as to why you are the first one to be affected by the slightest change in weather or food binge at the local chaat stall and most of your friends seem to be doing fine? Our immunity is not only a result of good genetics, but a lot depends on stress,...
6 Top Reasons Leading to Varicose Veins
Heredity Heredity is one of the main risk factors for developing varicose veins, responsible for 80% of varicose vein disease. In fact, the risk of developing varicose veins doubles if both parents have the condition. Obesity Excess weight places undue pressure on your legs. This weakens the walls of your veins, causing them to lose...
Restoring pH Levels
Acidity is catabolic (breaks down) in nature. It is for this reason that it brings about chronic fatigue, low immunity, irritability, and mood swings. Therefore, it is important to restore the pH levels in the body as continuing to have an acidic state would precipitate disease sooner or later. The human body has self-healing powers. All...
Risks of Ignoring Cholesterol
High cholesterol generally does not have any particular symptoms. In most cases, the occurrence of emergency events such as a heart attack or stroke might be the only true symptom of high cholesterol, which might have accumulated over time. High cholesterol leads to the formation of plaque in our arteries and that is typically when...
5 Simple Lifestyle Modification Tips For PCOD
An eating plan for PCOD should focus on regaining hormonal balance, while also helping with weight loss. Keeping this in mind, we at Health Total work on your health disorder through a personalised food plan, various essential herbs and vitamins. The treatment first determines the root cause of the problem, checking the medical and genetic background and lifestyle. The treatment is absolutely natural...
What To Eat If You Are Diabetic
What to Eat If you wish to keep blood sugar levels under control then incorporate more fiber, whole grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, and a variety of fruits, and vegetables into your diet. You can also take a tablespoon of isabgol to increase your fiber intake. Eat sprouts every day. They are rich in protein, calcium, and nutrients...
Importance Of Diet For Acid-Alkali Balance
Apart from stress levels, exercise and other aspects of lifestyle, your diet can profoundly influence this delicate acid-alkali balance. What to Eat, What to Avoid! Acidosis can be prevented by increasing intake of alkaline based foods. Some foods leave an acidic residue thus increasing the acidity of the blood. Here is a list of foods which lead to increased...
5 Simple Home Remedies for PCOS/PCOD
PCOS is a common health problem among women, which mostly occurs due to hormonal imbalances. Women with PCOS experience irregular periods and complications during pregnancy. While many turn to conventional medicine to manage PCOS symptoms, the best solution lies in simple, yet effective simple home remedies for PCOD. Indian Home Remedies for PCOS/PCOD Here are some simple Indian...
Don’t Let Your Heart Burn
If your stomach is on fire and this spreads up to your throat, you can put it down to what you have eaten. Yes, there are people who are naturally prone to heartburn but in most cases, it is not so. There is no deciding age and it is not limited to old age alone. Understanding Acidity Most...
Boost Immunity With Mushrooms
The popularity of mushrooms has soared in recent times. From gourmet cuisines to home cooked meals, mushrooms are a much-revered food group. They are highly valued by Chinese for its medicinal properties. According to Chinese medicine, mushrooms contribute to increased immunity and promote conversion of cancer cells to normal cells. This is because they contain...
5 Simple Tips To Maintain Healthy Lifestyle During PCOD
PCOD is one of the leading reasons for obesity, infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. Though women across the globe suffer from this disorder, treatment for each woman might vary. At Health Total, we design a treatment based on a woman’s specifications. These specifications refer to her body type, genetic functions, medical background and taste preference. Our...
What Is Perimenopause?
Perimenopause or pre-menopause is a relatively new term coined in the last twenty years by the medical community to describe symptoms caused by normal hormonal fluctuations that occur as a woman moves closer to her menopause. These symptoms can be broad-ranging and diffuse and differ for every woman, causing a lot of confusion and anxiety....
Menopause Complications
After menopause, your risk of certain medical conditions increases. Examples include: Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease When your estrogen levels decline, your risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women as well as in men. So, it’s important to get regular exercise, eat a healthy diet and...
4 Vitamins That Help You Fight PCOD
PCOD/PCOS is a health disorder characterised by hormonal imbalance and unreasonable weight gain. Women who get diagnosed with this disorder have insulin resistance, that leads to a lack of ovulation and their inability to get pregnant. In such cases, it is important to keep a track of your lifestyle, as well as include essential nutrients and...
How to Increase HDL Cholesterol
Despite the contrary belief that cholesterol is always the villain, our body needs it to function properly and carry out a number of important functions. Cholesterol is present naturally in the body in two types, namely LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and HDL (high-density lipoproteins). It is an essential fat which provides stability to every cell in...
pH Factor – The Key To Good Health
The balance of acid and alkaline states in the body is an essential factor in the maintenance of good health. The pH factor indicates the acidity and alkalinity of the body. The acid-alkaline state is crucial to determine disease states and plays a vital role in body chemistry. It is this balance that affects whether or not we are...
Diabetic Food List: What to Eat & Avoid
If you’re already following a healthy and nutritious diet plan, congratulations! You’re on your way to leading a fitter and longer life. But if you have any health problems, such as diabetes, you must watch out for what you eat because diet plays an important role in managing your sugar levels. In this article, we...
Menopause And Weight Gain
If you are in the process of going through menopause, you might have been noticing a few extra pounds around your waist lately. Well, there is no need to worry because you are definitely not alone. One the most noticeable symptoms of menopause seems to be weight gain and a change in the overall shape...
Inflammation And Menopause
Changing levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have a role to play in age-related inflammation. We still don’t understand all the connections, but it appears that a decrease in estrogen corresponds with a rise in the cytokines interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. This changes the rate at which new bone is formed, a leading indicator of osteoporosis....
Why Is Chronic Inflammation On The Rise?
Many experts now see inflammation as arising from an immune system response that’s out of control. When you catch a cold or sprain your ankle, your immune system switches into gear. Infection or injury trigger a chain of events called the inflammatory cascade. The familiar signs of normal inflammation — heat, pain, redness, and swelling...
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
A good digestive system enables good health. If we enjoy good digestion, the food we eat is absorbed and carried to its destination. However, at times, the food simply passes through the intestines without being digested, which make us feel uneasy and bloated. Many people are weighed down with annoying conditions such as nausea, bloating,...
Acidity And Related Health Disorders
Acidity refers to a condition in your stomach where the contents of gastric acid increase rapidly. It mainly happens due to excess consumption of junk food, insufficient sleep or inactive lifestyle. Apart from headaches, vomiting, and nausea, here’s a list of five major health disorders that take place due to acidity. Peptic Ulcer It refers...
4 Top Foods To Include In Your Diet During PCOD
Foods are an essential part of our life. They can either better your health or lead you towards dangerous health disorders. Health Total understands the importance of a healthy diet and therefore works to give you a complete solution for various disorders. Here are top four foods advised by our health experts that are a must for...
Vitamin C For Stress
There is more concentration of Vitamin C in the brain tissue than in any other tissue in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant. During stress, more of it is used up. Therefore, those under stress should consume anywhere between 500 to 1000 mg daily. Vitamin C They are rich in antioxidants and are an...
Stress And Digestion
Suffering is disease and contentment is good health. This only points out the profound connection between our body and mind. Health is a biological equilibrium that exists within our bodies. A person with a disturbed mind and soul cannot possess a healthy body. Health is a reflection of physical, mental, spiritual, and economic well-being. Stress...
Managing IBS Through Diet
We can begin by eliminating milk and milk products from our diet. Usually, people with IBS are found to be deficient in lactose, the enzyme that digests the sugar present in milk. Undigested lactose in the body gets fermented by the bacteria present in the gut, which causes bloating, pain, and cramps. We can gradually...
Lifestyle Changes and Digestion
Many digestive problems such as indigestion and acidity can be prevented with lifestyle changes. Poor eating habits such as eating too quickly or skipping meals can result in digestive discomfort. We must be sure to eat food slowly while chewing thoroughly. Eating several small meals throughout the day would help lessen any symptoms of digestive...
Kitchen Spices For Gastric Problems
If you have weak digestion, you need to watch the types of food you eat and also take liver tonics to detoxify your liver. Fennel seeds (saunf) is an excellent natural treatment for flatulence. It absorbs excess gas and reduces the feeling of pressure thus, prevents belching or passing of gas. Similarly, black pepper and...
Why Is Indigestion A Concern?
There are many things today that challenge our digestive system. Mouth-watering delicacies dangling in attractive menus of top restaurants are more than enough to drag us towards them. However, food, edible colors, food chemicals, processing chemicals, additives, and preservatives served by these restaurants coupled with little or no exercise, working late, being sleepless, and facing...
Improve Digestion Naturally
The Sanskrit word Pachan (digestion) is the main requirement for enjoying good health. There are various factors influencing our digestion, the primary factor being the quality of foods and others being lifestyle and stress level. With the advent of ready to eat foods, highly processed and refined high fat foods, fatty snacking options digestion problem...
Foods That Cause Inflammation
Foods have a role to play in the causing inflammation. Thus, it becomes very important to know the foods that cause inflammation. Know your foods Right from a bottle of unhealthy vegetable oil to most polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as: Safflower oil Sunflower oil Corn oil Peanut oil Soy oil All of them are high...
Good Stress Busting Options
Green tea is particularly rich in polyphenols. These are active agents against cancer, heart disease. They protect the body against stress. It would be worthwhile to switch to drinking green tea instead of regular black tea as black tea loses some of its antioxidant properties due to fermentation. Chamomile Tea is herbal tea that helps...
Causes Of Inflammation
The seeds of chronic inflammation (and a lot of other health issues) start with the gut. Two-thirds of the body’s defenses reside in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract — yet it is often the last place traditional practitioners look. Intestinal bloating, frequent bouts of diarrhea or constipation, gas and pain, heartburn and acid reflux are early...
Common Causes of Flatulence
Following are some of the most common causes of flatulence: Wipe-out of good bacteria Excessive flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive problems can happen due to lack of good bacteria in the guts. This could be due to years of taking anti biotic, eating excessive amount of sugar and refined flour, eating cakes and pastries,...
Flatulence: Causes & How to Reduce It
The person, who does it, is too ashamed to admit, whereas other people around him are totally disgusted and wonder who has done it. It is that embarrassing feeling that no one would want to be put through especially in public. Usually, the symptoms of flatulence are painless, but sometimes it causes stomach cramps. Understanding...
Typical Type 2 Diabetes Diet
Remember that Type 2 Diabetes is a nutrition-related problem and can lead to the development of several other health problems including heart disease. Therefore, controlling your diet could prove to be your best bet against diabetes. So get started to on a diabetic diet, based on your health goals, taste and lifestyle! To effectively manage your...
Manage Stress To Control High Blood Pressure
While some people may require medication to keep their blood pressure under control most of them can control it with proper diet intake, weight loss, vitamin supplements, and stress management. Eating your way out of high blood pressure should be your number one choice for managing it. To keep heart attacks and strokes at bay,...
4 Simple Ways To Detoxify Your Body With Foods, Drinks & Vegetables
We humans have very little control over the problems that surround us. However, we can definitely rev up our machinery to tackle these problems better. We cannot relocate to the Himalayas to get away from these toxins, but we can definitely detoxify our body. The most effective way to clean your body of all those unwanted toxins...
5 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure
Struggling with high blood pressure? Not anymore. Here are 5 best ways to control your high blood pressure and enjoy a healthy life. Lose weight Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for high blood pressure. Weight gain has serious implications and one of them is the rapid rise in your blood pressure. Bring down...
3 Top Supplements That Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure could be life threatening. There are various factors that could help you lower your blood pressure. These include eating a healthy diet, proper physical activities, a control in your sodium intake and maintaining a proper weight. Listed below are 3 top supplements that can help you lower your blood pressure level: Potassium Introduce potassium...
5 Tips To Stay Slim During A Festival
Festivals are loaded with joy and fun. However, they have a tendency of disturbing your diet schedules. Don’t have to worry. Here are few tips to enjoy the festivities without gaining much weight. Low fat, low sugar products Make use of ingredients such as low-fat milk, low sugar products, and other dairy products to make sweets and...
Is Your Blood Sugar Under Control If You’re Vegetarian?
Think you’re safe from high blood pressure levels, just because you gorge on veggies instead of meat? Well, the bitter truth is, no one is ever safe! Not Necessary The major reason is that vegetarians tend to consume a lot more carbohydrates than the non-vegetarians. However, we must also note that non-vegetarians get a limited share...
8 Rules To Follow If You’re Genetically Prone To Diabetes
If you are at the risk of inheriting diabetes, here are 8 simple rules that you should follow if you wish to ward off the deadly disease. Avoid High GI Foods Avoid maida, sugar, fruit juices, white rice, pasta, noodles, and chocolates. The foods contain GI (glycemic index) that can increase your sugar levels and make...
9 Ways To Beat The Hot Flashes Naturally During Menopause
It is a sudden intense hot feeling in your body – you would know it if you had one. Hot flashes can be very uncomfortable, leaving you soaked in sweat and uneasy. Hot flashes are caused by hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause and menopause. Vitamin supplement Taking Vitamin E supplements (up to 800 I.U.) reduces the severity...
8 Simple Ways To Manage Menopause
It may be difficult, but it is important to learn to accept weight gain during menopause is inevitable. During menopause, weight gain is regulated by your body and helps prepare you against osteoporosis and other illnesses. Instead of hating your new body, try to be more accepting of yourself. Focus on being healthy and active, not trying to...
8 Steps To Help Reduce or Prevent Effects of Menopause
Fortunately, many of the signs and symptoms associated with menopause are temporary. Take the following steps to help reduce or prevent their effects. Cool hot flashes Dress in layers and always carry a bottle of cool water with you wherever you go. Try to pinpoint what triggers your hot flashes. For many women, triggers may include hot...
7 Lifestyle Choices To Reduce Hot Flushes During Menopause
Here are 7 lifestyle choices that help reduce or prevent hot flushes that women experience during menopause: Dressing matters Dress in layers, so that you can remove clothes as needed. Wear natural fabrics such as cotton. Less stress helps Reduce stress with the help of relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga. Keep ice water...
5 Treatment Aspects For Menopausal Symptoms
Menopause cannot be stopped. After a certain age, every woman will achieve it. So, it’s better to treat the symptoms related to menopause so that you can have a relaxed lifestyle. Fatigue Why fatigue happens: Sporadic sleep is one of the most common problems we see during perimenopause and menopause. Hormonal balance depends on sufficient rest and optimal...
4 Simple Home Remedies For Menopause
Here are 4 effective home remedies that can help prevent the effects of menopause symptoms: Soy for hot flashes & night sweats Soy has isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). Some studies have observed that soy may be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms. However, other studies have found no benefit. Only food forms of soy such as tofu...
3 Fat-Free Recipes For Fun-Filled Festive Eating
There are instances when your sweet tooth craves for a treat but your brain warns of calorie overload, try these delectable low-cal sweets and desserts. These recipes will not hinder your weight loss routine. They allow you to enjoy special occasions by satisfying your sweet tooth! You can make these sugar-free recipes and add both sweetness and health to your...
6 Ways To Relieve Joint Pain Naturally
Life is too short to have regrets. Don’t let joint pain stop you from doing the things you love. Here are 6 safe ways to get relief from joint pain. Our joints keep us running. However, due to unhealthy lifestyles, injuries, or old age, you may experience pain, stiffness or inflammation in them. This pain,...
6 Ways To Ease Joint Pain At Home
Joint pain is characterised by inflammation and a feeling of pain in joints such as the knees, elbows and back. This happens because these joints are frequently subject to daily strain which causes them get swollen and cause us undesirable pain. While joint pain is not a very serious problem in the beginning, in many cases, if left...
6 Natural Remedies For Managing Joint Pain Symptoms
Here are a few easy remedies that you can use at home to symptoms of manage joint pain: Ginger Tea Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and had ½ teaspoon each ground ginger and ground turmeric. Reduce to a simmer and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste and drink twice a...
5 Ways To Keep Gout At Bay
Here are some effective ways in which you can manage gout and keep it at bay: The water therapy The first and the most primary advice comes from Hippocrates- ‘Drink more water’. Yes, water plays a significant role as it dilutes the urine, which helps in expelling the uric acid crystals and preventing their formation...
5 Tips To Avoid Knee Pain
Knee pain is something that is never welcomed with a smiling face. However, do we really take proper measures to avoid this pain? Here are some quick tips to help you stay away from the woes. A Warm Bath On days when your legs feel too tired, just give yourself a warm bath. You could also...
5 Simple Home Remedies For Joint Pain
This connection provides support and helps the body in movement. Often due to various reasons, you might experience a pain in these joints. The reasons for this joint pain could be anything. Listed down are home remedies for joint pain- Powerful Calcium Calcium is an essential element to cure a joint pain. Try and increase...
4 Ways Weight Loss Relieves You From Knee Pain
Those of you who are overweight and cannot walk due to knee joint pain, the best way to overcome it, is to lose weight. The obvious reason is that extra weight puts chronic stress on your knee joints, causing further wear and tear of the knee joints. However, as you age, the effect of wear...
4 Simple Home Remedies For Back Pain
Back pain can be managed effectively through the following home remedies: Ginger Cut thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in a pan of boiling water. Simmer and boil it on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and strain it. Add honey and then drink...
7 Raw Vegetable Juices That Detoxify Your Body
Raw vegetable juices as well as fruit juices when taken daily ensure that the body gets its daily quota of building material. Most people suffer from low energy levels and drag themselves through the day without feeling alive and active. You will get an ample supply of antioxidants and bioflavonoids that will help boost immunity, delay...
5 Signs of Obesity
Obesity is a condition in which a person’s body contains excess fat. A person is considered obese if his/her weighs 20% or more than the ideal body weight. Listed below are the 5 major signs of obesity that can pose a significant threat to your life. Weight Gain If you find yourself on the verge of gaining excess fat...
5 Simple Home Remedies For Managing Diabetes
Once diagnosed with diabetes, many foods will turn into your mortal enemies. However, here are 5 diabetes-friendly foods you definitely don’t need to fear about while consuming them! Diabetes is one of the fastest growing lifestyle disorders that has become a major concern for the entire world, especially India, which is called the diabetes capital of...
5 Effects Of Diabetes On Your Body
Diabetes doesn’t only affect blood sugar levels, it can also adversely affect other parts of the body, damage vital organs and cause havoc in the system. Diabetes is diagnosed when your blood sugar levels are high. Since the same blood flows throughout your entire body, it’s likely to affect other parts of the body as well....
5 Main Causes Leading To Obesity
When the amount of fat or sugar intake does not get used or converted into energy, it leads to an increase in weight or obesity. The area around your abdomen or belly area is the first body part to get affected. If you are wondering about the different reasons for obesity, here are the five major...
Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy
Apart from making you one happy mommy, pregnancy is also going to make you plumpy! While every mum can swear that it is not a cake walk to lose weight rapidly after you have just delivered a baby, mothers who have had a C-section find it all the more challenging. Given the many do’s and don’ts suggested...
5 Things Pregnancy Does To Your Body
The joy of pregnancy for a woman is beyond expression. However, it is not just the joy that pregnancy gives a woman that is important, there are other key factors that you need to know. You need to pay attention to the health and body concerns that pregnancy brings into your life. Here are 5...
5 Reasons To Detoxify Your Body For Improved Energy Levels
What Is Detoxification? Detoxification means removing harmful or potentially damaging substances from our bodies, diet and our overall lifestyle. Detoxification is a process which is naturally done inside your body to flush out all the unwanted toxins out of your system. It is an essential function of the body, wherein it needs to be perpetually...
5 Simple Tips To Reduce Flatulence
Flatulence or farting can be an embarrassment for all. It tends to affect our personal, social and work life. The reasons could be gas formation, intolerance to lactose, smoking and so forth. 5 Simple Ways To Get Rid of Flatulence Refrain from using food products such as milk, beans and cabbage, which do not suit...
5 Healthy Reasons To Avoid Diet Sodas
Today, diet sodas seemed to have scored a permanent place on our grocery list. However, your favourite soda may be causing more harm than good to your body. Healthy juices and soups have been replaced by this sugary syrup. Its consumption has just been increasing with every passing day. However, your diet soda is only...
3 Key Elements That Make Up A Superfood
Not every healthy food is a superfood. Although no definition of a superfood, here are the 3 key health elements a food should possess to truly be one. Superfood is a very commonly used term today. However, what is it that something contains that makes it a superfood is an important question that you should ask....
If You Smoke, Follow These Tips To Keep Diabetes Away
Every time you puff on a cigarette, you’re increasing your chances of getting diabetes. Follow these 7 tips, to help lower your risk of getting diabetes. Quit Smoking The foremost thing a person is required to do to stay from diabetes is to quit smoking. The success rate for such a bold move is much higher...
Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C for Fighting Cold
Cough, wheeze, sniff and sneeze. No matter what the season, the common cold is a ubiquitous disease, plaguing the sinuses of millions! In trains, at work, on travel or at home, the common cold virus is constantly floating around. Ready to pounce upon anyone coming by. Did you know that there are around 200 varieties...
7 Ways Spinach Helps Manage Diabetes And BP
Spinach is an extremely rich in iron, vitamins and minerals; and are every diabetics superhero when it comes to managing blood sugar and BP levels. Diabetes Management Infused with antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, spinach prevents oxidative stress-induced changes in diabetic patients. It is also known to increase insulin sensitivity and lower glucose levels. Cancer Prevention Green vegetables...
16 Ways To Energise Your Body
We need energy to work, walk, talk, eat and carry out our daily activities. But low energy levels can leave us feeling lethargic and weak. So don’t let your low energy stop you from doing the things you want. Here are 16 effective ways to energise and rejuvenate your body. Detoxify your Liver If you...
7 Foods For Better Diabetes Management
Nature is a natural and safe solution to all our health ailments. Ensure you include these foods into your diet, they’ll help you manage diabetes better. Bitter Gourd (karela) If you wish to keep blood sugar levels under control, drink a cup full of fresh bitter gourd (karela) juice first thing in the morning. Karela...
10 Foods To Fight Flu & Build Stronger Immune System
A change in weather indicates the start of cold and flu season, so nutrition plays a vital role in strengthening your immune system. Nutrition may not be able to eliminate the chances of contracting the flu, but there are foods to fight the flu and lessen the duration and severity of its symptoms. Eat Healthy...
5 Things Every Diabetic Person Should Know
If you suffer from diabetes or even high blood sugar, here are 5 proven ways to treat this health disorder. Goodness of Exercise Every diabetic patient should be aware of the benefits of exercise. No matter how tedious your day is, don’t forget to indulge in some physical activities. Monitor Your Blood Sugar It is very important for...
3 Ways Methi Seeds Help Manage Diabetes
Methi seeds possess some of the most useful and unbelievable medicinal qualities. Include them in your daily diet to help manage diabetes better. Here are 3 reasons why methi seeds are an ideal food for diabetics. Rich in Fibre Methi has been used since ancient times for managing diabetes. It is rich in fibre and clinical tests show that...
5 Ways Spinach Helps You Boost Your Immunity
Did you know why Popeye binged on spinach? Here are 5 amazing health benefits of eating spinach. Highly nutritious, spinach not only helps boost your immunity but also helps you become healthier. Rich in protein Spinach being rich in protein helps you build and repair body tissues. It is also quite effective in weight loss and speeds...
5 Health Issues Related To Obesity
Obesity has now become one of the most common concerns for mankind. If not controlled at the right time, it may lead to a lot of other health issues which might pose a threat to your life. Diabetes It is often seen that people who are obese get affected by Type-II Diabetes. Obesity causes a person...
4 Ways To Fight Weight Gain While You Age
Although age brings you experience and wisdom, it also has the tendency to bring excess weight, health disorders, and a lot more into your life. Out of all these health disorders, weight gain could be a major concern for your health. This is simply because excess weight makes you vulnerable to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk...
5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Immunity
Are you one of those who will get affected with the slightest of weather change? Here are some of the best ways to boost your immunity, especially if a cough, cold, and flu are frequent visitors: Go Garlic Garlic is known to have antimicrobial elements and works great as an immunity booster. Include it in your...
3 Things That Indicate Your Liver Needs A Wash
The liver plays a crucial role in keeping the body and the bloodstream free of all toxins besides performing a host of other important functions. It supplies glucose to the blood whenever one has low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. It stores glucose in the form of glycogen, vitamins A, D, and B, and minerals such as...
4 Amazing Herbs That Help Fight Cold
With amazing medicinal qualities, herbs are one of the best ways to fight a bout of cold. Here are 4 amazing herbs that help you fight a cold: Ginger Well known for its medicinal properties, Ginger is a hot favourite when it comes to curing a cold and coughs. It works like an expectorant and controls mucous...
9 Foods That Help You Keep BP At Bay
Along with managing stress and losing weight, one has to follow a nutritious diet. There are a number of foods that help keep your blood pressure in check and there are some that raise it. Let’s take a look! Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Studies show that switching to a vegetarian diet has a magical effect on blood...
5 Types of People More Prone To High Blood Pressure Due To Stress
From among all the other factors, stress seems to be a prime culprit in precipitating high blood pressure. Although stress is universal, individual responses to stress are different. If you fall into the following categories you are more prone to develop hypertension. Workaholic If you are a highly work-oriented person who tends to operate under enormous pressure,...
3 Amazing Benefits Of Chicken Soup For Fighting A Cold
Hot chicken soup is one of the best ways to fighting a cold. Here are 3 amazing benefits of chicken soup in fighting your cold away. This is a twelfth-century remedy, which was often recommended by eminent physicians. Moreover, chicken soup has been one of the most popular home remedies globally for fighting cold and...
Acidic Foods To Avoid To Control Acidity
Acidity has become quite a common problem faced by many of us. It is further aggravated by certain foods. Almost everyone seems to be affected with this health disorder that mainly arises due to lifestyle mismanagement. Here is a list of acidic foods that may also trigger acidity. Coffee If you are someone who consumes coffee...
Top 5 Signs That Indicate Acidity
Certain signs of acidity can be extremely tedious to bear. When the gastric glands of the stomach produce extra acid than the usual amount, it leads to acid reflux. Here are some signs that could point towards the fact that you could be suffering from acidity. Burning throat This is the first and one of the...
4 Things To Know About Testing Your pH Levels
Your blood pH level plays a vital role in your overall health. In case your blood pH level is acidic, your cells cannot function properly. When the pH of the body fluids (blood, saliva and urine) goes down, acidosis sets in. An acidic pH promotes disease states in the body. Simple saliva and urine test In order to check your pH levels, one...
Home Remedies for Heartburn
Heartburn is very common and unpleasant inconvenience faced by most of us. It is triggered when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. It can make you feel as though someone has lit a small bonfire in your chest, and it’s burning its way up to your neck. Home Remedies for Heartburn Here are 14 home remedies for heartburn: Water...
5 Weight Loss Friendly Foods To Reduce Belly Fat
Want to reduce weight without starving? Simply include these 5 weight loss friendly foods in your diet to lose belly fat fast! Best weight loss friendly foods Lemon A dash of lemon each day can keep several health problems at bay. One of the best detoxifying weight loss friendly foods, lemon provides you with vitamin...
5 Most Common Nutritional Myths
In today’s world of rumours and lies, even nutrition hasn’t been spared! Here are the five most common misleading nutritional myths, many of us fall prey to. More Proteins for More Muscles You do not need an extra dose of protein to get more muscles! Each one’s body is designed according to specific needs and...
Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice For Natural Weight Loss
Wheatgrass can be your one-way ticket to a healthier and slimmer you! The young grass of the common wheat plant is known as wheatgrass. This is edible as well as gluten-free. This young grass can be either juiced into a “wheatgrass shot,” or milled down into a fine green powder. The powder can be either...
Best Tips To Manage Constipation Naturally
Constipation can be very inconvenient and quite a hindrance to our daily routine. However, there are a number of yummy foods that can give you quick relief from that annoying constipation. Here’s what you should do if you suffer from constipation. Coconut water Coconut water is a good home remedy for treating constipation. Regular consumption of coconut...
5 Reasons To Eat Munaqqa To Control Constipation
Constipation is a common problem these days. This is mainly because of improper diet and lack of fiber in food. In case you are faced with persistent constipation issue try Munakka as a simple home remedy. Here are some of Munakka benefits: Highly Alkaline in Nature Commonly known as ‘Munaqqa’ in India, black raisins are...
4 Ways Spinach Helps Manage Your Acidity
Apart from being loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, this leafy green also provides you with dietary fiber which aids digestion and treats acidity. So here’s how spinach helps manage and treat acidity problems: Spinach is alkaline Alkaline in nature and rich in chlorophyll, magnesium, carotenoids and fibre, raw spinach juice helps preserve the alkaline levels in our...
4 Ways Flaxseeds Help In Weight Loss
A great source of Omega 3 and fibre, flaxseeds play an important role in helping you lose weight. Here are 4 ways flaxseeds can help you shed those extra kilos. Boost Metabolism The most important component of flaxseeds is the lignan that helps you speed up your metabolism, which helps burn excess belly fat. It...
3 Ways Rosemary Helps Detoxify Your Liver
The liver is the washing machine of our body, a detoxifier that cleanses our body, helping us get rid of dangerous toxins. Liver detox can help to improve its functioning. Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is derived from the Latin words ‘ros’ (dew) and ‘marinus’ (sea), meaning ‘dew of the sea’. A powerful herb...
15 Cool Cucumber Benefits for Skin, Hair & Overall Health
Cucumbers are widely used in spas for skincare because they are antioxidant rich, provide soothing effect against skin allergies and rashes, prevent constipation and cleanse toxins and waste from the body. So, cucumbers can do more than just helping you get rid of dark circles! Cucumis sativus, commonly known as a cucumber, is a culinary...
5 Amazing Health Benefits of Almonds
Apart from boosting your memory, almond can provide us with many more benefits. Here are 5 perfectly healthy reasons to add more almonds to your diet. Brain Game Rich in two vital brain nutrients, riboflavin, and L- carnitine, they boost the activities in your brain. It helps you remember things and also improves intellect. Weight Loss...
5 Top Weight Loss Tips For Men
If crazy diets, protein shakes and intense gym workouts aren’t your thing, then you should definitely try out these 5 easy and effective weight loss tips. The idea of diet If you feel diet is something that is beyond your goal, then avoid going on one. Rather than going on a diet, plan on eating healthy,...
11 Ways Of Driving Away Depression With The Right Diet
Foods have a major influence on almost every part of our body, including the brain. Therefore, load up your body with the right foods to drive away depression. Nutrient-deprived junk food is one of the major causes of depression. If you are clinically diagnosed as suffering from depression, you need to see a physician. Along...
Pros and Cons Of a Crash Diet
Before going on that crash diet, you should be aware of what it could do to your body. Read on to know more about the pros and cons of crash dieting. We all love faster results, especially if its got to do with weight loss. We think crash dieting is one of the ways through...
5 Habits Of Super Healthy People
You don’t need magical powers to stay fit. All you need is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Simply follow these 5 healthy habits for a super healthy you! If you think that people who stay fit possess some magical powers, you are wrong. It is simply their way of living and there are many other...
5 Weight Loss And Health Benefits Of Coconut Water
Forget energy drinks and protein shakes, switch to coconut water instead. It will provide you with the energy and nutrients you need, minus the calories! Weight loss It is a perfect replacement for artificially sweetened energy drinks. The fat content in this magical drink is low and suppresses your appetite thereby making you feel full...
8 Effective Ways To Reduce Sugar Consumption
Sugar is a natural, sweet substance derived from plant extracts of sugarcane and beets. A vital part of a balanced diet and important source of energy, it is a chief flavouring agent in savory dishes and desserts. However, if consumed in excess it could lead to serious health issues, such as high blood sugar, high blood...
5 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water
What’s the best weight loss drink for you? It’s safe, natural, and pure, it’s water! You can drink liters of it without worrying about the calories. Here are the numerous health and beauty benefits you can derive by simply increasing your water intake. Clear Skin Drinking warm water helps flush out toxins and keeps you well hydrated....
5 Ways Chia Seeds Help You Lose Weight
They’re not called a ‘superfood’ just like that! These little seeds pack a powerful and healthy punch and most importantly, also help you get rid of those extra kilos. Chia seeds are a very good source of magnesium and dietary fibre that makes it one of the most famous superfoods for weight loss. It is high...
5 Home Remedies That Help You Lose Weight Naturally
Don’t go out of your way to lose weight, when you can achieve it from the comfort of your own kitchen! Here are 5 home remedies for natural weight loss. Ginger & Green Tea We all know the benefits of green tea. But, did you know ginger can also help you speed up the process of...
5 Green Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Waiting for a reason to load up on green vegetables? Here are five awesome green veggies that help to reduce belly fat to give you that flat tummy. 5 Foods That Burn Belly Fat! We know the numerous benefits of green vegetables, but not many of us know that green vegetables can also help in weight...
5 Simple Home Remedies For Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fatty waxy substance which is present naturally in our body. It is secreted by the liver and performs important functions such as producing hormones, vitamin D, bile, etc. Cholesterol is present in two types, namely HDL (high-density lipoproteins) or good cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoproteins) or bad cholesterol. While both these types are required...
5 Reasons To Eat Fish For Managing Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver and is naturally present in the human body. There are two types of cholesterol, namely LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). A balance in the levels of HDL and LDL are essential for maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol in the body. However, several factors may contribute...
4 Reasons For Making Olives Your Heart’s Best Friend
Olives are one of the best options that you can choose for a healthy heart. Here are four reasons that make olives your heart’s best friend: Improves Lipid Profile Olive oil improves your lipid profile. The monounsaturated fats (MUFA) in olive oil change cholesterol levels favourably. Boosts HDL Levels Unlike other oils, it boosts HDL (good cholesterol)...
3 Ways Stress Directly Impacts Your Cholesterol Levels
The next time you feel stressed, note that you are risking an increase in cholesterol levels. Here are three ways in which stress impacts cholesterol- Stress, anger, and negative emotions impact your heart. Well, your heart truly is a delicate organ. It leaps with joy when you are happy and it feels heavy as a stone when...
3 Top Benefits Of Oat Bran For Great Heart Health
Oat bran has many good things to offer. Here are three amazing benefits of adding oat bran to your diet for a healthy heart and balanced cholesterol. High-fibre Diet It is high in fibre and reduces the insulin requirement in diabetics. It also brings down blood cholesterol levels. Better Fibre Source than Whole Oats Oat bran is a more concentrated source...
3 Simple Ways To Destress To Control Cholesterol Levels
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of threat or danger. There could be many factors which could cause stress such as family, work, relationships, illness and study. When you get stressed a hormone called ‘cortisol’ is released in the body. Prolonged periods of continuous stress could lead to the build-up or...
Are Chickpeas Good To Manage Cholesterol?
As per research conducted by Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) chickpeas are high in cholesterol-friendly proteins, phytosterols and soluble fibre, which make them an excellent cholesterol-lowering food. Here are 5 ways in which eating chickpeas can help lower high cholesterol levels. Maintains healthy blood sugar level Improves digestion Reduces blood pressure Protects against heart disease Aids weight loss...
5 Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss
Weight loss is more than just dieting and working out. It is about having a balanced lifestyle with more focus towards healing yourself internally. In case you are one of those who often have trouble losing weight, then it’s time to understand some other aspects of a difficult weight loss. Regularly indulging in lip-smacking junk...
5 Supplements That Help Women In Weight Loss
Weight loss is a major concern among women. While on weight loss, women tend to ignore essential supplements that could also help them in weight loss. Popping a simple weight loss pill may not be the only solution to losing weight, however, there are certain nutritional supplements which promote weight loss. How Does Weight Loss Pill...
5 Stress-Free Methods For Quick Weight Loss
Everyone wants easy and fast results. When you plan for weight loss, the idea itself of rigorous workouts and staying away from carbs drills stress into you. But, now you can leave your worries behind. Try these 5 stress-free ways for quick weight loss: Control your salt intake Salt contains high amounts of sodium which causes...
5 Simple Guidelines For A Slimmer Waistline
It’s not about a thin waistline or fitting into your jeans, healthy weight loss needs a plan. Also, achieving your dream goal of getting a thin waist takes time, patience and commitment, but it is very much possible! If you are really looking for weight loss, plan it in a smarter way. Here are a few...
Top 3 Healthy Snacks for Working Women
Busy working women often struggle to find snacks that are low in calorie and easy-to-carry. By the way, eating healthy snacks is especially important if you want to lose weight. So, instead of snacking on those unhealthy sugary biscuits or fried chips, try these healthy and tasty snacks for working women. They’ll not only fill...
5 Smart Weight Loss Tips For Women
Weight loss doesn’t always have to mean painful gym workouts or crash dieting. Here are five lifestyle tips that will help you lose weight the smart way. The most suitable way of losing weight is to follow a good diet and indulge into some physical activities. If you are looking for quick weight loss tips to make...
5 One-Spoonful Of Weight Loss Foods
Are you one those who feel that for a perfect weight loss a meal with fish or chicken is sufficient? In case you feel that having salads and brown rice are all that are needed to shed kilos then you are seriously missing out on some amazing Indian spices which help weight loss. Just one tablespoon...
3 Lazy Ways for Weight Loss For Women
Women have very busy schedules. They have to take care of their kids, household chores, their husband and their office work as well. With such a tight schedule, women often find it difficult to focus on their health. Ignorance towards health leads them to unwanted health problems such as weight gain and other weight-related disorders. Yes,...
13 Amazing Home Remedies for Acidity
Did you know that any imbalance in the digestive acids inside the stomach can lead to acidity or heartburn? Poor food choices, smoking, consuming excessive alcohol and caffeine, irregular meal times, eating large meals or spicy food and obesity are some of the main causes of acidity. Heartburn is also a common complaint of people living a stressed, a...
7 Helpful Tips Quit Smoking Manage Diabetes
Diabetes and smoking have a very close link. Here are 7 simple and effective ways to quit smoking, which will help you manage diabetes much better while becoming healthier. Juice it up Drink plenty of fluids such as fruit and vegetable juices or warm water throughout the day to help cleanse the body while providing antioxidants...
11 Tips To Strengthen Your Heart Health
Human heart is always busy working to protect us. Hence, ensuring its optimal functioning is of utmost importance. Here are 11 simple tips to strengthen your heart health. Whole Grain Cereals are Vital Include whole grain cereals such as whole wheat, brown rice, jowar, bajra, and nachni in your diet, since they are good for your heart. Drink a Glass of...
6 Tips To Improve Digestion
Take Magnesium Supplements Every cell in the body requires adequate magnesium to function. Inadequate magnesium will hamper digestion and cause acidity. Drink raw coriander, tomato or carrot juice to improve magnesium intake and aid digestion. Chew your Food Well Most of us eat food while watching TV, working on the laptop, or in while hurry. Therefore,...
Wrinkles Age Lines Or Nutritional Sins
Wrinkles Age lines or Nutritional Sins It is said that beauty is an inside job! Certain foods help the skin maintain its elasticity. If your skin is supple, your smiles or frowns can be rubbed off the face easily. But if your skin becomes dry, you get smile lines or frown lines imprinted on your...