Weight loss diet and foods

Soya – The Wonder Bean Benefits

Soya – The Wonder Bean Benefits

Part of the pea family, soya beans are high in proteins, vitamins, minerals and insoluble fibre. It is the most widely cultivated legume across the world. Green, yellow, brown or black; soya beans come in different colours and are known for their long list of benefits. This Japanese secret to a longer life also has...

Cholesterol-Cutting Chutney

Cholesterol-Cutting Chutney

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in our blood stream. The liver is responsible for the production of 2/3rd of the cholesterol in our body, yet what you eat has a deep effect on your cholesterol level as the remaining 1/3rd is obtained from our diet. This article includes recipe of cholesterol-cutting chutney, which is easy-to-prepare, tasty...

H2O-The Zero Calorie Drink

H2O-The Zero Calorie Drink

One of the most economical and highly accessible slimming agents comes from nature in the form of fresh and pure water. This zero calorie drink is loaded with innumerable boons. Weight loss benefits of water  When consumed with high fiber foods, it makes the fiber swell giving the dieter a feeling of fullness, and stops...

8 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

8 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

Tomato is an excellent and readily available health choice. Have it as a fruit/salad, or chop it and make it a part of your vegetable recipe, or just grind it into a paste and prepare soup or gravy. This sweet and tangy little vegetable, not only has an attractive red appearance but also is loaded...

6 Simple Tips For Daily Detox

6 Simple Tips For Daily Detox

A mini detox can make a big difference in how you feel in the following weeks. Not only will you lose weight but will also reduce the extra water weight. Doing a quick cleanse will also rejuvenate your energy levels, improve your concentration and reduce our skin concerns. The thought behind this cleanse diet is to give your body a much-needed...

Powerful Health Benefits of Turmeric

Powerful Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a quintessential ingredient in every Indian kitchen. Apart from adding flavor to food, there are numerous health benefits of turmeric, including weight loss. In fact, it is the primary and commonly added spice in most Indian dishes. A pinch of this yellow-colored spice, not only enhances the taste of the food but also...

5 Foods That Reduce Belly Fat

5 Foods That Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat refers to the accumulation of fat around your midsection. It is unappealing, undesirable and could also be a sign of obesity. However, adding the right foods to your diet might help. Here are 5 foods which help to reduce belly fat. Ginger Ginger root can be an excellent weight loss aid and is...

4 Simple Ways To Detoxify Your Body With Foods, Drinks & Vegetables

4 Simple Ways To Detoxify Your Body With Foods, Drinks & Vegetables

We humans have very little control over the problems that surround us. However, we can definitely rev up our machinery to tackle these problems better. We cannot relocate to the Himalayas to get away from these toxins, but we can definitely detoxify our body. The most effective way to clean your body of all those unwanted toxins...

3 Key Elements That Make Up A Superfood

3 Key Elements That Make Up A Superfood

Not every healthy food is a superfood. Although no definition of a superfood, here are the 3 key health elements a food should possess to truly be one. Superfood is a very commonly used term today. However, what is it that something contains that makes it a superfood is an important question that you should ask....

5 Weight Loss Friendly Foods To Reduce Belly Fat

5 Weight Loss Friendly Foods To Reduce Belly Fat

Want to reduce weight without starving? Simply include these 5 weight loss friendly foods in your diet to lose belly fat fast! Best weight loss friendly foods Lemon A dash of lemon each day can keep several health problems at bay. One of the best detoxifying weight loss friendly foods, lemon provides you with vitamin...

5 Most Common Nutritional Myths

5 Most Common Nutritional Myths

In today’s world of rumours and lies, even nutrition hasn’t been spared! Here are the five most common misleading nutritional myths, many of us fall prey to. More Proteins for More Muscles You do not need an extra dose of protein to get more muscles! Each one’s body is designed according to specific needs and...

Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice For Natural Weight Loss

Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice For Natural Weight Loss

Wheatgrass can be your one-way ticket to a healthier and slimmer you! The young grass of the common wheat plant is known as wheatgrass. This is edible as well as gluten-free. This young grass can be either juiced into a “wheatgrass shot,” or milled down into a fine green powder. The powder can be either...